Looking through my "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" book, I happen to flip to the on set photo of Indy's closet (it's in the KotCS of the book, pg 280) and I happened to notice the weapon belt hanging off the wall. What I wanna know is how the heck is the holster flat against the wall and what is that strap to the right of the holster?
I don't have a picture handy to post, but I do have my Making of book to look at.
I think you could get a holster to lay flat against the wall like that if you twisted the gun belt the right way. That's what it looks like to me in the picture. Not the most natural way to hang up a belt/holster since you'd have to fiddle with it quite a bit, but it does look prettier for pictures.
I wish I could post a picture of it Bink, but I don't have a scanner
Jeff, the strap in question is on the belt itself. However, that MK VII strap looks to be wrapped around the hanger bar, yet another "unnatural" way to display the gear.
EDIT: That's the best that I could do with my crappy camera-phone
Thanks, Michael for posting a better pic. Do you guys see the "other" strap on the right side of the holster?? What's that all about?? The whip holder is on the left to the holster. I try to do the same with my belt, but the holster just tilts forward. I was just trying to get ideas on displaying my gear when I stumbled across this picture.
Jeff, could you imagine trying to get your MKVII packed with it hanging like that
Absolutely correct, makes no sense to hang your MKVII that way.
As to the gun belt, now I really see to what you are referring (after two false starts). The small loop of leather tightly around the belt with what looks like two rivets. Looks to me to be the belt keeper, slid down next to the holster.
Look more closely. The MKVII is wrapped around the bar. It looks like the strap is over the bar and the bag is fed through the strap. Not a convenient way to hand your bag, especially if there's any gear in it.
Ok now I see it- Sorry, I was going off of the pic you posted. I was too lazy to go look in MY book, but now that I have, I see what you're talking about and you're right- it is a very strange way to hang the bag.