Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Wear My Fedora LOWER or HIGHER?

Poll ended at Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:30 pm

Wear the hat a bit LOWER... like you HAVE been.
Wearing that hat a bit HIGHER looks better.
Total votes: 47

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Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hi everyone,
I'd love to get some feedback on this matter, so I guess I'll make this the first Poll I've ever started.

As many of you know, BendingOak sent me my Penman Distressed Rabbit a couple of weeks ago and - no surprise - I love it.
Since getting it I've been wearing it so that the brim is just a tiny bit above the tips of my ears (the one's my mother gave me)...this is the way I usually wear a fedora.

This weekend, my wife was taking a few shots of me (wearing my Penman, naturally) and she asked me if I could try wearing it with it sitting a little higher on my head (still a perfectly comfortable fit... just a little bit higher on the noggin). When I did it two things happened: #1: It felt strange to me and #2: my wife said she thought it looked even better on me now.

Now, I remember back when I first put on a REAL fedora (I'm guessing we ALL do)... for many, the crown feels like it's a FOOT tall at first. After a while and more wear, of course, it starts to feel more normal and pretty soon it feels like the most natural thing... just a hat... not like a Top Hat at all.
For some reason, just nudging my hat up that little bit suddenly made me feel like it looked... I dunno, ODD somehow... It felt "off"... Maybe TOO high up on my head.

So, my wife started taking a few photos of me (to make her point) with the hat on higher & lower, with my head turned this way & that.
When I mentioned to her that I'd probably post a few photos here for my fellow COW Members to offer me their generous and wise opinions, she suggested we also take some photos of my "hatless" head so that opinions could also be offered with the foreknowledge of "how much head you're trying to fit in that hat".

We did exactly that and so now I come to you ("hat in hand" so to speak) to ask your opinion as to what YOU think looks better on my type of head and with my sort of face.

Also, here's a few things that came from this whole thing that probably bear mentioning:
- Because of the number of photos - and angles - involved, I was finally forced to figure out how to join photos together to make a single photo from multiples (which was a neat little trick I'd always been envious of...) So, THAT was good.
- Also, be forewarned: In asking for your opinion (and wanting to give you enough information to make an informed one) I'm afraid I've created a page that's probably got a LOT more of MY - often "sour" lookin' - puss on it than many of you might have been bankin' on! ... Sorry 'bout that (Oh, and any percieved "scowl" is for YOU, Dalexs!) ;)
- And apologies that I couldn't do a better job of organizing some of those shots... I'm aware that the tops of each head could probably be better lined up (again, I'm still REALLY new to the whole photo-editing thing) AND that some heads are tipped down - or up - a bit more - or less - in photos that should be more similar (that's just poor planning ahead)... STILL, you get the idea.

From left to right the photos go like this:
Left: Head with NO hat
Middle: Head with hat worn just above the ears (the way I've been wearing it up until these photos were taken)
Right: Head with hat worn a little bit higher than I have been (Is THIS the way I should be wearing my hat from now on?)

Please let me know your thoughts.
I know some of you might also want to say "What's the big deal? Wear it this way sometimes and THAT way the rest of the time." ...I know that's good common sense.
I guess I'm just asking "What do you think is a better "look" for me?

Ironically, since laying out these photos like this, I think I DO like the way the hat looks in the pictures on the RIGHT side better (but then... I thought I was doin' okay BEFORE... so now I don't know WHAT to think!) :roll:
I guess all I DO know is that I'd like your opinion... and comments if you'd like to share 'em.

Facing forward. MIDDLE: Hat is Lower / RIGHT: Hat is Higher

LINK: Facing forward but less grumpy, more smirky. MIDDLE: Hat is Lower / RIGHT: Hat is Higher
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... ge2abc.jpg

Facing forward (but LOOKING UP a bit). MIDDLE: Hat is Lower / RIGHT: Hat is Higher

Turned to MY Right. MIDDLE: Hat is Lower / RIGHT: Hat is Higher

Turned to MY Left. MIDDLE: Hat is Lower / RIGHT: Hat is Higher

3/4 Turned to MY Right. MIDDLE: Hat is Lower / RIGHT: Hat is Higher

3/4 Turned to MY Leftt. MIDDLE: Hat is Lower / RIGHT: Hat is Higher
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Tundrarider wrote:
Mitch LaRue wrote:High everyone,
Was this a pun or a Freudian slip? :-k
HaHA! I love it!
That's GREAT! Michael I didn't even notice that before :shock:
...you may be right, though.
Maybe subconsciously I was trying to load the deck from the start... but I assure you my intentions were never false, my friend. I really was asking for opinions from hat-wearin' afficionados like yourself who frequent this forum.
But I've gotta admit, ever since I've started really LOOKING at these photos, I've suddenly feel like I'm realizing that I've been wearing this hat pull down a bit too snug.
Maybe I've been doing this with ALL my hats! :oops:
You're right about that "line-of-sight" thing, too... I think it might have gone unnoticed by me and been helped along by the fact that I'm taller than most of my friends and (local) family, so I never really had to look "up" all that much when talking to people (although, if I DID, I guess it would've helped my posture given that I would've had to lift my head up high enough to get a clear look at whoever I was talking to). ;)
Anyway, thanks for your input Michael... I always look forward to your feedback, opinions and reactions to the stuff that goes on around here. Your one of my "favorite friends I haven't actually MET, yet".
But Michael, when you wrote "I'm glad you asked because I felt this about your hat since I saw the first pic of it; I just didn't want to say anything even remotely negative about it."
Please my friend, don't ever hesitate to speak up and say your piece... not with ME, anyway. I won't be offended... not if it's comin' from a buddy. Whether it's a suggestion or constructive criticism, coming from you it'll be well met.
Besides, my skins an inch thick and has it's share of scars... so don't sweat it. ;)
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by DR Ulloa »

I say do whichever you feel most comfortablte with. If you want what I think looks best, though, I'd say the way the tilts back on the photos on the right side look best. That's how I wear my hats; lower in the back and higher in the front. I think that kick back on the hat gives it a bit more style and let's ya see when the street lights change...

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Snapbrim76 »

I've often wondered this about my own hats. I have spent literally hours using 2 mirrors to get every angle possible. And my conclusion has many reasons behind it.


For a start, the side view you will start to taper the hat as your head pushes back and forth on the felt. Secondly the shape of the Indy hat seems to have lines that follow naturally into a beautiful back-lean when the hats is sitting higher. Plus i think the way the brim shades your eyes naturally doesn't look like you're trying to look mysterious. Pulled down it can give that impression.

I don't want to drag on as usual but it looks SO much better higher - everything about it looks more natural. It looks beautiful now, like a fedora should ;)

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by MustangLoverMex »

Hello my friend... I'll go with the higher option, your facial type allows that.
Beautiful Hat! Congrats for make such great hats Penman!

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by matt black »

Hi Mitch. I think wearing it higher makes it fit the shape of your face better. Great looking hat by the way. :TOH:
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I think either way looks good, but I think you look more like... well... you, with the hat a little higher. What I mean is, the lower hat shots seem to change your features more, and look less like Hat Mitch than the when the hat is slightly higher.

My verdict is therefore split as follows...

When you're just being Mitch, man about town in a hat; wear it higher.
When your doing the 'ol "trying to look like Indiana Jones" thing at a summit or something; wear it lower. (More mysterious and scowly.)
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by WhipDude »

I think you should wear it as you please because it's you who's wearing it. But, I do think it looks more "open" with the hat sitting higher. It compliments your features and allows us to see your face more. For some reason, it also makes the hat look better as well. When the hat is sitting lower, it almost seems 'grumpy,' you could say. Or though as if you are trying to shield your whole face from rain, wind, and or natural weather elements.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Indyzane »

Higher for sure. Doesn't look right lower maybe it's just me. When it's higher looks more S.A. I think. Nice hat, John does amazing work.

Indyzane :TOH:
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by thedurdens »

Hey, Mitch! Hat (and pics) great as always! :D My vote is going to have to be higher although I agree with Dave and say wear it how it feels comfortable to you. 'Course it is a Penman so you could probably wear it sideways and backwards and it will still look good. (How's that for a kiss up?) :lol:

Wear it in good health,
Frank :TOH:
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

I hope you don't mind me jumping in with my opinion. I think the SOC hat has to be worn higher or tipped back. The brim break is soften or flatten. If you take a look at the SOC scenes in the movie you will see Ford wearing that way. There is a reason. The brim was flatten out and makes the brim drop more than in any other part of the movie. I did a bit of flattening of Mitch's hat you see in this thread. This is another reason to consider when trying to get the SOC hat.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by fedoraiders »

I like your post Mitch! Absolutly Higher on the all pictures on the right case. Also, for the good looking, put the hat for always see the eyebrows. Never pull his hat too down, neither behind nor ahead.

There is another important detail to have a look Raiders. Maybe it's a stupid detail but for me, this detail is very very important for a great look same as Raiders. Especially when viewed from side.

I would like to know if I can put 3 photos to this post Mitch for show this détail.

It's not a detail on the hat.

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Please Jason, go ahead and post whatever you'd like to make your point.
I'm eager to hear more, my friend!
And that goes for anyone visiting this thread who'd like to make a point or use pictures to do so... please make yourself at home.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Hey Mitch,
Great post. This is actually covered in Michaelson Chapter 5 'Hat Posture: What It Says About a Man'. :D . Your post makes a great point that I was trying to make to Caber in his post about the hat he got from me. Your middle shots (hat lower) are examples of the exterior temple hat. Indy wears his hat lower in a more "serious look". Other times, he wears it higher on the forehead.
Hear are two examples:


These factor play into the look of the hat as much as anything else. Your middle shots are "Serious, straight forward, focused." Your third picture says "confident, relaxed, confortable"

I remember an old James Garner western movie (probably Maverick) where he was discussing the various ways of how to wear your hat and what that tells everyone about you.

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

fedoraiders wrote:It's not a detail on the hat.
Uh oh... I just re-read your comment and noticed THAT part.
Your comment isn't going to be about my NOSE, is it Jason?
Because THAT'S the only one I've GOT!
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Dangerman009 »

I think higher looks better. You could be Vic Armstrong's stunt double.

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Michaelson »

Michaelson wrote: Personally I think they look great on you in ALL the photos. :M: :tup:

Regards! Michaelson
Note to self: 'Never pay another compliment to Mitch LaRue. He ignores them.'

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

Michaelson wrote:
Michaelson wrote: Personally I think they look great on you in ALL the photos. :M: :tup:

Regards! Michaelson
Note to self: 'Never pay another compliment to Mitch LaRue. He ignores them.'

Check. :? Bridge is now completely burned and post removed.


Welcome to my world.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Uh oh.
What just happened here guys?
I got home from work earlier tonight, checked my e-mail, saw there were some comments made in this thread and jumped in to read a few...
I saw that BendingOak and fedoraiders had both made comments and that fedoraiders had asked if he could "put 3 photos to this post Mitch for show this détail".
At about that time my wife called me for the second time to come to supper.
I quickly wrote a response urging Jason to elaborate on whatever he was talking about and then went to eat with the intention of coming back to thank John for taking some time to weigh in on this thread with his thought and opinions.
When I came back about an hour later to begin responding I quickly noticed that Michaelson had written something as well and began to write my responses - beginning with my little joke for fedoraiders (the NOSE thing)...
Just as I was writing "Because THAT'S the only one I've GOT!" and was adding the "Winky" Smiley icon, LIFE - as it's often been known to do - threw us a little emergency in my household (nothing TOO serious, everyone's got all their fingers & toes) but enough to occupy the next hour and a half or so...
After that, life returned to normal and about a half hour ago we got my son put to bed and I came into my office to return to finishishing up with my comments...

I can never tell in these Forums when someone's being tongue-in cheek or not (I always need the "Winky" to help me understand)...

So, on the off chance I've accidentally "dissed" anyone or seemed like I was ingnoring a kind remark... my sincerest apologies.
I think I've got a record that will show that I'm in the habit of saying my thanks.

thedurdens, LLS, Michaelson, Dangerman009... thanks for the kinds words (even - in Michaelson's case - if they lived only briefly... I'll still take 'em whenever I can get 'em.)
Oak, I was hoping you'd offer up some opinion, observation and instruction... so, of course I was thrilled to see that you HAD... thanks as always.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Clutters »

Higher - makes you look more honest ;)
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Snapbrim76 »

Local Land Surveyor wrote:Hey Mitch,
Great post. This is actually covered in Michaelson Chapter 5 'Hat Posture: What It Says About a Man'. :D . Your post makes a great point that I was trying to make to Caber in his post about the hat he got from me. Your middle shots (hat lower) are examples of the exterior temple hat. Indy wears his hat lower in a more "serious look". Other times, he wears it higher on the forehead.
Hear are two examples:


These factor play into the look of the hat as much as anything else. Your middle shots are "Serious, straight forward, focused." Your third picture says "confident, relaxed, confortable"

I remember an old James Garner western movie (probably Maverick) where he was discussing the various ways of how to wear your hat and what that tells everyone about you.

Even in the photo of the hat pulled down it's still not pulled down as much as your mug shots.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

think on the SOC hat you have little choice in the matter. With how the brim has to be it falls to low to wear it pulled straight
or lower. I think what started this thread thar Mitch notice how the brim and brim breack is and I didn't do the full Monty on this one.
This is one of the things that needs to be consider when one buys or distress one.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Snapbrim76 wrote:Even in the photo (LLS's) of the hat pulled down it's still not pulled down as much as your mug shots.
LLS makes a fine point, but I noticed the same thing, Snap... that photo of HF on the Raven Bar set has the hat pushed maybe even further up than in ANY of my photos (I always refer to that look as "tipped up" or "pushed back" ).
Like THIS:
I still agree with what David said... but perhaps my photos don't illustrate it as well as they could.
When my wife and I first started taking these photos - and I knew that the aim in doing so would be to draw contrast between the higher & lower look - I suppose it's also possible that perhaps, without meaning to, I pulled the hat on even MORE snug than usual without really realizing it.
Y'know, maybe I shoulda SKIPPED the "here's my naked noggin" shots and instead had:
- The Middle shots that you see above on the Left
- The shots that you see above on the Right in the Middle
- and a bunch of "hat tipped up / pushed back" shots on the Right

Maybe next time...
BendingOak wrote:think on the SOC hat you have little choice in the matter. With how the brim has to be it falls too low to wear it pulled straight or lower. I think what started this thread was that Mitch notice how the brim and brim break is and I didn't do the full Monty on this one.
This is one of the things that needs to be consider when one buys or distress one.
You're right John that this hat DOES seem to "demand" to be worn a certain way... a certain Streets of Cairo - lookin' way ... but what's the harm in that?
That IS the look I wanted in this hat.
You've given me a hat that offers me the BEST of BOTH worlds, Oak... and it's a pretty ideal situation for MY tastes:
Instantly having all the uniqueness and character you'd have in the look of a well-worn hat that's seen many an adventure BUT with all the durability, sturdiness and craftsmanship that you'd expect from a NEW Penman Hat!
I'm thrilled! And now you've afforded me the time to "beat it up" for REAL on my OWN schedule. ;)

THANK YOU, as always.

...And John, I hope you like the way those words sound.
Get used to them, because they're not only what I'm writing for your "Satisfied Customer" Comments... but because later today I'm gonna say it again when I post a few MORE (and different) shots of your hat in the "The 'Streets Of Cairo' Hat Display Page".
I hope you like 'em.
All the Best,
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

Thanks Mitch,

I just want to make sure that everyone knows that when you try and get these details of the SOC. Just because we like the look doesn't mean it will sit , look or act like a new hat. It was very hard for me to put that hat in a box for shipping.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

BendingOak wrote: It was very hard for me to put that hat in a box for shipping.
I know for you it MUST have been, my friend... but I'm sure glad you DID.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

Mitch LaRue wrote:
BendingOak wrote: It was very hard for me to put that hat in a box for shipping.
I know for you it MUST have been, my friend... but I'm sure glad you DID.

I'm not sure if everyone would be happy wit a beat up dusty hat.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by fedoraiders »

Sorry Mitch, i have a probleme with the forum operation. Yesterday, i made a post in the others caractere section and this post as disappears. When i send the message, the message disappears.

I hope that your read this message.

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

You're coming in loud & clear in THIS thread, my friend!
Hopefully that was just a temporary problem for you.
Good to have you here, as always.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

BendingOak wrote:I'm not sure if everyone would be happy wit a beat up dusty hat.
Ohhh... I dunno, Oak... I bet there's a few...
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by COW Admin »

Mitch LaRue wrote:You're coming in loud & clear in THIS thread, my friend!
Hopefully that was just a temporary problem for you.
Good to have you here, as always.
fedoraiders wrote:Sorry Mitch, i have a probleme with the forum operation. Yesterday, i made a post in the others caractere section and this post as disappears. When i send the message, the message disappears.

I hope that your read this message.


Its our understanding that your post Jason was being dealt with via PM. That said, the staff is growing tired of the public bellyaching regarding rules and/or post handling. Time to lay off guys.

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

COW Admin,
I'm asking this question seriously and respectfully:
Are you addressing me?
I have no idea of exactly what you're talking about... Is this addressed to Jason?
I don't know what this is doing here in this thread about the height of my Penman... I think you're saying that a PM was sent to Jason... but I don't see where this thread engaged in "public bellyaching regarding rules and/or post handling". Perhaps that occured in a PM first? I don't understand.
Earlier in this thread, Michaelson seems to have written something that he then deleted... is it about THAT?
Because that left me just as confused as THIS does.
I think I've really MISSED something here, guys.
If I've somehow managed to MIFF someone... then wow, I'm sorry... mostly for not having a clue WHAT we're talking about here.
Can I - again, respectfully - ask that we return to the subject at hand?
fedoraiders: I think the COW Admin wants a word with you... please check your Personal Messages.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

I think I might know what happen and please correct me if I'm wrong. I know sometimes when you hit the submit button after typing you reply. If someone else is posting at the same time my post won't be posted but if I take the time to read above it will tell that your posted didn't get submitted and you need to re-submit. could this be happening here?
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

:-k Sounds quite possible, John.
I know I'm pretty guilty of trying to "speed-read" through posts sometimes in an effort to catch up with a large number of comments in a thread (and GOD KNOWS I'm guilty of writing a post that can take anywhere from - in the least - several minutes TO - at worst - a half hour - to write...)It's easily possible / likely that there have been times I've missed posts without ever meaning to.
And of course it's also likely that there's lots of different conversations that begin as PMs and then "spill-over" into threads... as well as comments that are posted and THEN deleted.
I guess I'm just not a fan of not even knowing when I might be in the middle of a "dust-up".
Please someone let me know if I'm feudin' with ya!
I know Texan Scott is chasin' me with a NOOSE! ;) What else we got?
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Michaelson »

COW Admin wrote: Its our understanding that your post Jason was being dealt with via PM. That said, the staff is growing tired of the public bellyaching regarding rules and/or post handling. Time to lay off guys.

COW Admin
The way I read it, Mitch, it's addressed directly at Jason with a note to others not to continue to add to the confusion.

..and no, it has nothing to do with what I deleted.

Best step away and continue your ongoing fedora discussion unless you WANT to be in the line of fire. The administration is in a combined foul mood today.

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Michaelson wrote:Best step away and continue your ongoing fedora discussion unless you WANT to be in the line of fire. The administration is in a combined foul mood today.
Duly noted...and sorry to hear it.
Thanks for clearing that up, Michaelson.
I was just trying to be a good sport about the fracas I thought I was in the middle of.
I'll move along.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by BendingOak »

How about that hat Mithc? Have you picked one yet? High or low?
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

EXCELLENT Question, Oak... Thank you for asking!
Yeah, I've gotta say... I realize that this hat is versatile enough that I can wear this it pretty much however I'd like, whichever way the situation permits or in keeping with whatever mood strikes me at the time...

But I think I'm now inclined to wear THIS particular hat HIGHER more than I'll wear it lower.

Or, more specifically: "Hey, I guess that DOES look pretty good up that high! Thanks for the outpouring of approval, everyone!"

Despite the fact that when I first posted those photos I still kinda' thought maaaybe the photos of the hat height on "the right" showed a hat that looked TOO high, I've now got to admit that I've done a complete 180 on this matter and now feel like it's not such a noticeable - or distracting - look for me.
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by fedoraiders »

COW Admin wrote:
Mitch LaRue wrote:You're coming in loud & clear in THIS thread, my friend!
Hopefully that was just a temporary problem for you.
Good to have you here, as always.
fedoraiders wrote:Sorry Mitch, i have a probleme with the forum operation. Yesterday, i made a post in the others caractere section and this post as disappears. When i send the message, the message disappears.

I hope that your read this message.


Its our understanding that your post Jason was being dealt with via PM. That said, the staff is growing tired of the public bellyaching regarding rules and/or post handling. Time to lay off guys.

COW Admin
I understand and it's maybe my error, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for your patience with me.

Now, we continue to talk about a hat. The detail that i talk yesterday is the length of hair. It's maybe a stupid detail but for me, it's a very important detail for a great look same as Raiders. I send a picture tomorow for that your understand.


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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I think I know what you're going to say here, Jason... the thickness of my hair the back, right?
I realize I probably would be able to manage a better overall Raiders "look" if I'd just let it grow a bit.
But I've just always worn it pretty "tapered" in back...
Maybe if I let it grow out - and thicken up - a bit I'll have an easier time getting mistaken for a time-travelling Harrison Ford!
Yeah, sure...
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by gwyddion »

I just realized I have not yet said anything about your beautiful hat Mitch :oops: Congrats on getting this unique hat from John (well, unique for now at least ;) )

I do agree with the rest here and your wife that (at least for this hat) it looks better when you wear it higher. I also believe this is due to the SoC brim (like most do, so nothing new here) when worn low it obscures more of your face, making you look a little more "grim" as opposed to the more "open" look of wearing it higher.

Thanks to Marc's handiwork my Henry has that same feature, and I must say that pulling it down will prove to be handy when the sun is low in the sky ;)

Wear it in good health Mitch!

Regards, Geert
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

gwyddion wrote:I do agree with the rest here and your wife that (at least for this hat) it looks better when you wear it higher. I also believe this is due to the SoC brim (like most do, so nothing new here)...
My friend...
You may not think you're saying anything very original here (you DO have plenty of company with your opinion on this matter, after all ;) )... but your perspective on this subject is ALWAYS very significant - and valued - by me.
So, THANKS for chiming in on this issue!
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Re: Wear My Penman: Higher or Lower? (Or: Too Much of My Mug!)

Post by Michaelson »

Since a decision has been made, there's really no reason for this one to rattle on, so time to ring down the curtain.

Regards! Michaelson