1970's Morgan Whips

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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1970's Morgan Whips

Post by louiefoxx »

Here's a picture I saw on the David Morgan Blog(http://www.davidmorgan.biz):

The caption says it was probably taken in the 1970's, so the bullwhip hanging behind David would be pretty close to what was used in the first Indy Movie (I'm guessing).

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Re: 1970's Morgan Whips

Post by Canasta »

Thanks for posting that Louie.
That's a great pic.


Re: 1970's Morgan Whips

Post by whipwarrior »

Awesome pic. David Morgan is THE MAN! :whip:
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Re: 1970's Morgan Whips

Post by Marhala »

Hi Louie. Not meaning to contradict you, I may be wrong, but is the whip you are talking about the second one coiled from left to right? (4 signal whips or dog quirts, one blacksnake whip fully coiled, and then the whip in question). The next coiled whip seems to me to be another blacksnake, as there is no turks-head between the tag and the fall in that precise section of the thong. Besides, that part seems to curve a little to the right, meaning it is flexible too at that point. Another detail is that the wristloop seems pretty narrow to me. Morgan's blacksnakes used to have (at least some) a four plait wristloop. If you're talking about the lowest and darkest whip, then, maybe chances are that one may be a bullwhip, but since the image ends before we can see any handle, I'm not sure. And I say "chances are", because it is coiled differently from the two previous whips, which I think are blacksnakes. This last one seems to be hung in a way to let the handle hang free from the hook.

Just a thought, and all the best,


P.S. Is Will around? Perhaps he could give some additional insight on this image.
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Re: 1970's Morgan Whips

Post by louiefoxx »

I'm talking about the middle coiled one, I think the fall is tied over the knot so you can't see it. I think that if the middle whip was another snakewhip it'd be coiled the same way.

I've seen him coil up an tie off my snake whips and my bullwhips and he does them differently. Snakes are tied by the heel knot and bulls are tied near the transition knot.

I've talked to Will a little bit about this picture, but mostly the location of the shop, this shop was about 1/2 a mile from where my mom grew up and where I lived when I was a kid.

It's fun playing dectective!

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Re: 1970's Morgan Whips

Post by Marhala »

Great! Very interesting insight.

All the best,

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Re: 1970's Morgan Whips

Post by Will_Morgan »

I just quizzed David and Dorothy, 'it was a long time ago' was the answer i got when trying to get a closer date. I have a slightly higher resolution view of the picture here and I am pretty sure the hang tag says 'braided calfskin' which means it was likely during the kangaroo embargo but I'm going to leave it to you guys to parse the image further... I've seen such amazing things done here with dark pixelated screen grabs. ;)
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Re: 1970's Morgan Whips

Post by Marhala »

Thanks a lot for your comments, Will! Wow... braided calfskin... I had only heard about David using calfskin, but it is interesting that you mention the tag with the description. Wonder how many of those whips are still around... :-k

All the best,

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