As being a collector with heavily desired in collecting screen authentic replicas, I tried to be very careful before I place the order to Wested. Unfortunately, without notice that many details has been changed and some of them become standard to Wested Indy Jackets through these years, my LC jacket does not match to the screen jackets in few details. And here are some of my finding after compared to movie clips and promotion photos.
Comparing the pocket size with my old Wested LC Jacket bought in 1998, the new one is about 2 cm (3/4inch) longer than the old one. It is now 21cm (8 1/4 inches) Long x 17cm (6 3/4 inches) Wide, and the earlier version is 19cm (7.5inches) Long x 17cm (6 7/8 inches) Wide. I am not sure which one is close to the original jacket.
And there are three more things that are not correctly placed or patterned as on the original jacket. After checked the clips from the LC movie. It is clear to see that there is no leather facing connected to the zipper from the inside of the original jacket, but it does have on my new LC jacket. According to Peter’s answer, due to many requests from members here, the leather facing inside of the jacket is now a standard feature.
By examine the picture of the original LC jacket, we can tell that the bottom of the pocket should be around 2 or 2.5 inches above the bottom of the jacket. And the placement of the pocket on my new LC Jacket is incorrect. There is only 1.5 inches gap in between the bottom of the jacket and the bottom of the pocket which is a pretty obviously difference between the new LC Jacket and the original one. And this also became standard feature by requesting.
The last thing is the top of storm flap which is still made the same way as Raiders jacket, which means that the top of storm flap is very close to the edge of the collar. Somehow the photo provided by another fan here shows clearly that it does have around 1cm (3/8 inch) gap (I would call this gap "neck" area) between the top of storm flap and collar.
I am actually seeking the opinion for the pocket placement and pocket size here in order to fix these small details. Does any one have any ideas? Thank you so much for your attention and time.
Best regards,
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