The Garrison RAIDER: NOW (FINALLY!) with Actual REVIEW!

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The Garrison RAIDER: NOW (FINALLY!) with Actual REVIEW!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hi David,
I'm pressed for time (I'll explain why in a moment) but I just wanted to take a moment and tell you that YES, I did get my beautiful Garrison Raider on Tuesday of this week (June 23rd) ... and I just love it!
I apologize that this has been my first opportunity to say this to you (the timing hasn't been great for me for the simple fact that work has been VERY busy for me leading up to my 2 weeks vacation - which begin tomorrow!)
I really wish I could tell you that I thought I'd be able to find the time before I leave town to not only have some photos taken but to ALSO write up something in the way of a review praising this hat, but I'm flying out West on Sunday to visit family and tomorrow will largely be a pre-trip packing/preparation day...
Even if I can find the time to get the photos taken, I doubt I'll have time to upload them and write up some accolades for your hat that do it justice!
This IS something that I'll be doing once I return, however...(and the hat IS going with me for the trip, so I'm sure there'll be plenty of photos of me wearing it while on vacation.)
In the meantime, I'm also posting this note to you here in the Fedora Forum so as to make my promise to you publicly that these photos - and positive comments - ARE on the way once I get back!
This is a GREAT hat, folks... and I look forward to showing it off here in this thread.
In the meantime, I urge you other Garrison Owners to please feel free to use this space to post any photos of your own Garrison that you'd like to show off...
I'll be back - and join you - in 2 weeks!
All the Best,
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by TheExit148 »

Cool Mitch, looking forward to your pics. Yours are always the best :TOH: The Garrison Raiders is a really nice hat! Enjoy your vacation, since I'm sure you've earned it! Have a safe trip and see you and your great hat in 2 weeks! ENJOY! :tup:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks, man!
I'm needin' this one!
Gotta get away from work and get up to some "no good"! And there's no point in doin' that without a hat on your head!
(You're right, by the way... this smiley does look like a "thumbs up" and a Cold One!)
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hi everyone!
I'm back from vacation and desperately trying to find enough hours in the day to do the many, many things I'd like to catch up on... like sleeping and checking in with you fine folks.
(Guess I shouldn't have devoted all of my vacation time to so much "Rest & Relaxation!)
As I promised in my first post in this thread, I'll actually be writing a review of David Garrison's Raiders Fedora here in this thread in a few days, but first (and in keeping with the old adage that "pictures can sometimes say more than words") I wanted to post a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of photos of this great hat.
They'll be going up in this space tomorrow and although I'll be doing my best to offer up a lot of different angles and lighting please keep in mind that these were done on vacation and, as usual, didn't really involve much prep work.
Also, because of the variety I tried to incorporate into the selection, some of the photos will be posted separately in the Scrapbook Section with titles like "Vacation Visit to 'Writing-On-Stone" National Park" or "Vacation Visit to The Tyrell Museum - Alberta, Canada" (Truth is, I don't know exactly WHAT I'll call them yet... I'll leave that until tomorrow.) But I'll definitely mention it when I post my other stuff here.
Rest assured, though... the Garrison Raiders is the one hat I took with me on vacation. David had the excellent luck in timing of getting my hat to me a few days before I left to travel, so it seemed like a great opportunity to put his hat through a few paces.
I want to say: A lot of you have been very kind in the past when I've offered up photos here at Club Obi Wan for opinion and possible criticism.
I thank you sincerely for that.
I realize that the amount of material I intend to post links to here might make some of you think I've overstayed my welcome. I don't want you to think I'm doing that treating the Scrapbook like it's "my own, personal photo album"... I simply wanted to offer up a lot of reference for folks here who are interested in getting a great hat.
As to the subject of someone thinking I'm posting too much stuff: I hope that's not the case and I do hope to get feedback from as many of you as possible.
Please let me know what you think.
In the meantime, I hope the photos (mostly) speak for themselves...
(I say "mostly" cuz I may still write a few things here & there.)
Seeya tomorrow!
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by TheExit148 »

Welcome back Mitch! Looking forward to your hat pictures/review, and your updates on your trip. Hope your vacation went well, and everything is doing well for you. Love reading your posts, they are always full of energy and lots of useful information :TOH:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by DR Ulloa »

You overstayed your welcome a long time ago. Just a bit after I did. I think they've just gotten accustomed to you and me by now. :lol:

I cannot wait to see the pictures and read your review...oh, and welcome back!

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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Okay, Photo Time.
As I mentioned above, less words this time... I'll let the photos of this hat speak for themselves and write up a few notes and a little Review later this week - maybe on the weekend. But Bottom Line: Really GREAT Hat!
Thank you, David!

Since most of these are links here a few photos to give you a little idea of what kinda shots these are (as I said before, we tried to offer up a lot of different angles and lighting but again, please keep in mind that these were done on vacation and didn't really do much prep work for these... they ARE all exterior shots with natural lighting, though.)

I also want to mention again that (hopefully) later today I WILL be posting some more Vacation Shots in the Scrapbook Section. They'll be titled "Vacation Visit to 'Writing-On-Stone" National Park" and "Vacation Visit to The Tyrell Museum - Alberta, Canada" ... I think there's a few pretty good shots in there that show of the hat in some more natural settings (as well as a number of indoor/artificial lighting settings.) I'll get those up as soon as I'm able (assuming they don't throw me outta here for hogging the stage for the afternoon.)

Anyway, I hope you like these. Let me know.
(And yeah, this was actually MY idea of "less words this time".)







As some of you might know, I originally had a number (we won't say what number) of links to photos here that I've since removed.
But I am now adding two that weren't there before.

Yesterday, a friend of mine e-mailed me a few photos he took while I was visiting him last week (and donning my new Garrison Raider) and I wanted to include them because
the FIRST one has a different (and grittier) "look" to the photo (that seems to have been produced by his camera) that shows an interesting variation on the texture of LLS's fedora... ... ds_2-1.jpg

...and this second one (and LAST, I promise) is one he "played around" with... I couldn't resist showing off the hat in this different style as well. ... _01a-1.jpg

Thanks go out to my buddy David for sending along these interesting shots.

I hope to have a worthwhile Review of this very, very nice hat written by the end of this weekend... Sorry to make you wait.
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Mitch, are you sure you didn't mean to post all those links in the scrapbook section? That's an awful lot of pics just for the sake of showing off one hat. I'd hate for it to detract from conversation on the hat. ;)
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Texan Scott »

...I dont think Mitch has taken many photos of the hat at all!?? :P ;) ha!
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by TheExit148 »

Wow Mitch, those are some nice photos, of a nice hat! Looks great on you; the fedora really suits you. I think this is going to be the best indepth review/pictures right now on COW available for the Garrison Raider. Nice work! Thank you :TOH:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Ranger36 »

That's one beautiful hat! :clap: :clap:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Mitch, are you sure you didn't mean to post all those links in the scrapbook section? That's an awful lot of pics just for the sake of showing off one hat. I'd hate for it to detract from conversation on the hat. ;)
Hmmm... you may have a point there bink.
Do you really think it should be moved to the Scrapbook Section?
I was kinda thinking specifically that because a Review of the Garrison Raiders was going to be added to this thread, that the number of different angles and so on of the same hat was somewhat... well, more forgivable.
BUT if you really think that's where it should go then please say so...
I just want to be sure and show off a LOT of shots of this hat (there aren't THAT many around, after all)... and as much as I enjoy the Scrapbook Section I know that some Members here don't go there all that often.
I guess I just didn't want this thread to get tucked to "out of the way"... I'd rather have as many Members as possible get a better look at David's fine hat.
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Pitfall Harry »

WOW! I really like that hat. :clap: :clap: The color and everything reminds me a lot of my AB Rabbit when it was brand new. Although, I think your brim is a bit wider than mine. :-k

Man, I've got to get some extra money together and order one of these. No offense to the folks who like Beaver felt but there's just something about the rabbit felt that makes it look more like an Indy hat to me. :whip:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Well, Mitch, I guess when I looked at how you listed your "few photos" :lol: (hat with jacket, hat without jacket, hat with different kinds of shirts, hat with a powder blue tuxedo ;) etc.,) it just read to me, like it was almost as if you were showing off all your gear more than your hat, especially since there are a LOT of repeat angles as far as the hat is concerned. ;) After looking through the pics, I can see that you are trying to show off the hat, but WOW them's a lotta images! At any rate, nice hat. :TOH:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Well, you can't say I wasn't being honest up front.
I wanted to not only show the hat in different lighting, but also how well it "matches up" with other familiar Indy Gear (as many of us do exactly that with our fedora's... I figured that would be helpful) - I actually wish more of us would do that sort of thing... I hope I'm not alone in that.
Plus, I did say in advance that I would "post a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of photos featuring this great hat."
If people think it's just TOO many shots I guess I could delete some links... but after all, no one's holding a gun on anyone and telling them they have to peek. Look or don't, right?

Awww... who am I kidding?
But the truth is: you saw right through my ruse, bink... It's that "casual shirt" I was trying to show off.
...Annnd, how did you know about my powder blue tux?
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

I wish you had taken more shots of the hat instead of the shirt and jacket. I didn't make those things. :cry: :shock: :lol: :lol: ;)
Great photos. I see you put a more relaxed front pinch in the front and left the back center bash up high. Has the characteristics of the exterior temple hat. You gave it that "boxy" look. It is amazing how the hat looks straight sided all aroud. And this from a block that has taper on the front and back. :tup: In fact, your hat came off the exact same block as both my hats posted in the Cairo Bazaar. ... re1077.jpg
This picture is my favorite. It has the essence of the publicity still of Indy standing near the falls. I hope the hat fit well. It appears to set right on you. I am looking forward to your commentary.

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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by kiltie »

Okay, okay, okay...
Mitch, there is no way, judging from your posts, that you're not a super nice guy. I've spent to last fifteen minutes or so laughing myself to tears over the "casual shirt" set, though. I desperately want to start a thread where people can make up a story to go with those pics. I started off mine imagining you were in an asylum, out for your daily walk...hearing something ( nothing, really ), looking around for the source of the sound... finding it was what you initially thought to be your worst enemy but turns out it's your best friend, both of whom are Harrison Ford. But Ford's outfit keeps changing back and forth between Rick Deckard and Indiana Jones ( except for a brief moment where he cycles through Linus Laraby, and the guy from 6 Days and 7 Nights several times in rapid succession ). All of the voices are the stunted, half grunting type you hear in old kung fu movies, with a hint of a Scandanavian accent. Of course no one is really there anyway, and your doctor is watching you through a one way mirror while you sit in your padded cell - straight jacket and fedora.
Sincerely, it's a great hat and it looks really good on you. Most importantly, it's clear that you're happy with it ( happy in a way that may startle some... ). It's for certain that no one can come back and ask for another picture to be taken from a different angle. You are a ham, sir, and with so many people so absurdly image conscious these days, it's good to have a few of those. Well done and again, NICE HAT!
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Montana Hannah »

Congratulations! That hat is a beauty! It's that brim swoop - it just has "it"! The first pic looks very Raven Bar to me.

Now can we see you "drinkin' with a monkey" in it? ;)
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

kiltie, you have a very creative and... ummm... unique sense of humor!
Glad you got a kick out of the casual shirt (or "Hawaii" shirt, as I call it) photos.
What can I tell you?
I was on vacation...
my wife picked it out...
I love her...
...and I thought it would be a good opportunity (and self-mocking one, to boot!) to show that if you choose to, you can wear a good fedora with pretty much anything.

(Also, I figured that if LLS ever decided to add a "Satisfied Customer" Photo Section to his webpage, he'd have some choice so it wasn't ONLY a page full of guys decked out in Indy Gear (even if it means I'd be risking being known as "Indianaloha"!)
Y'know, to be honest, I figured I'd take a little heat for 2 things in this thread: The sheer volume of photos and that shirt... but reading the words "asylum" REALLY made me smile!
Oh yeah... and also: "You are a ham, sir" may be one of my all time favorite "compliments"!
Thanks for chiming in, man.
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Montana Hannah wrote:Now can we see you "drinkin' with a monkey" in it? ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Montana, you've got me laughin' for 3 reasons:
#1 is that it's been too long since I've heard someone else use the phrase "drinkin' with a monkey"... thank you for remembering that!
#2 is that Pitfall Harry did such an outstanding job on his "drinkin' with a monkey" photo a month or so back that there's probably no need for any of us to ever try and mimic it (although, now that I think of it, they DO say that imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery, don't they? ... Maybe I should re-think doing a photo like that...) :-k I'll get back to you on that one.
#3 (and my biggest laugh) is that after the onslaught of pictures above - and elsewhere in the Scrapbook Section - YOU may be the ONLY person who's actually asking about when I can post some MORE photos!
Thanks for your indulgence, my friend!
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Michaelson »

Mitch LaRue wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote:Mitch, are you sure you didn't mean to post all those links in the scrapbook section? That's an awful lot of pics just for the sake of showing off one hat. I'd hate for it to detract from conversation on the hat. ;)
Hmmm... you may have a point there bink.
Do you really think it should be moved to the Scrapbook Section?
I was kinda thinking specifically that because a Review of the Garrison Raiders was going to be added to this thread, that the number of different angles and so on of the same hat was somewhat... well, more forgivable.
BUT if you really think that's where it should go then please say so...
To back bink, if any more photos or links are posted, then yes, this will be moved to the scrapbook section.

54 photos of someone in gear (at last count) is not a review. It's become just another scrapbook thread.... =;

A WRITTEN review is what is missing. 6 photos would have been fine, with a link to a notebook/scrapbook location offsite with all your other photos would be much more in line as a review.


Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Pitfall Harry »

I'm just wondering why people keep derailing this thread with discussions on the number of pics Mitch posted? Yeah, he took quite a few and they all look good to me. The man is obviously quite happy with the hat. :lol:

Mitch, my suggestion would be to hurry up with the review before the thread gets sidetracked any further. I'd hate to see the hat get lost in the shuffle because from my point of view it looks really really good. LLS seems to have done a fantastic job on it. I'm sure other people out there are waiting to hear what you have to say about it before they jump into buying one themselves. ;) :)
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Sigh... Such a lot of hoopla...
Bink, Michaelson, thank you as always for your advice and guidance.
I mean that.
I'll be honest, there have been times when I felt like some of your comments have smacked of a little of smarminess but that may just be me thinking that the both of you - and some of the other Mods as well - feel a bit frustrated addressing the same issues time after time.
So, maybe that's just my perception and not the way it's intended.

I sincerely didn't mean for this little dust-up to stem from my enthusiasm about this hat.
I was coming from a place of thinking that I'd go through the trouble of putting the links in the thread and if a person didn't want to click on them, well...they didn't have to.
"After all," I thought, "it's not a thread called 'Post Your Garrison Photos HERE' but a thread where I'll probably be the sole contributor of photos"... I guess I thought that made it okay to post lots (and lots) of shots of different angles & lighting and even show it alongside different kinds of clothing.
(I figured I'd take a few jabs just for THAT alone, but I thought the effort would be worth it and moreover, that Garrison's hard work deserved it.)
Michaelson wrote:54 photos of someone in gear (at last count) is not a review. It's become just another scrapbook thread.... =;
A WRITTEN review is what is missing. 6 photos would have been fine, with a link to a notebook/scrapbook location offsite with all your other photos would be much more in line as a review.
Michaelson, I know there's no Review here, but for me the operative word is YET.
I WILL be writing a Review for this hat and I had already been completely upfront about the fact that there'd be a delay.
I wasn't just blowing around hot air. I said that I'd do it and I meant it... but I also knew that my own personal schedule would make it impossible to do so before the end of this week (though I still intended to have it completed on the weekend.)
I sincerely thought that posting these photos would give the many folks who were curious about this hat something to look at and inspect until I COULD follow up with something written
As for those of you who might be wondering why I didn't put a link to an offsite album of some kind... again, honesty takes the prize for irony:
The truth is, I'm not a very computer-savvy guy. I barely know what I'm doing when I post links to these things. Pretty online "'linking' and 'twittering'" ignorant, really and while I realize I WILL have to learn, I don't really know how to do that yet.
Fact is, I hadn't even heard of Photobucket before joining C.O.W.

But all of that's neither here nor there... the fact is, it sounds like THIS Forum and THIS kind of Thread is not the place for THESE photos...
Or at least, these MANY photos.
I hope doing so resolves this in some small way, but I'm removing all of those links to the extra angles and other similar shots.

Also worth mentioning:
It's already been a nightmare week at work for me, so while I DO still intend to write a Review for this wonderful hat in the next couple of days, if by the end of the weekend cirsumstances prevent me from doing so, I invite the Mods to feel free to remove this thread, given that it's original intention was to be a Review with Photos.

Y'know I don't mean to sound like a grumpy old man, but I gotta say, I came to this site feeling like I found a place for me and I had a lot of energy and enthusiasm... but something about this just kinda takes a little of the wind outta my sails. I guess sometimes it's easy to make a fella feel like a bad guy.

Anyway, hope some of this rambling explains my intentions in all of this... hope having the links gone can keep some people from focusing on the number of photos taken and instead put the focus back on the great new hat I bought.
Hey! Have you seen it?
Look up... I'm pretty sure there's one or two photos at the start of this thread.
All the Best,
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I don't know if you'll think I'm just being cordial when I say this, but I AM being sincere:
You are on a very (VERY) short list of people I would want to get that kinda verbal pat on the back from... so thanks very much pal.
I'm lookin' at it like this... I'm going to bed in a few minutes and after a good nights sleep, I'll get up tomorrow and think 2 things:
A Duck's Back
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by AZ Pete »

Mitch -

I enjoyed the pictures. As you said, if you don't want to look at them, don't click on the links. The pictures are a big reason this forum is so helpful in making purchase decisions. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!


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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by DR Ulloa »

I don't understand what the issue with the photos was. I looked through all of them and enjoyed doing so. This is a Garrison thread so why would it be a bad thing to have many photos of his hat? I don't get it and honestly, I don't care why. Things like that happen all the time around here. But I don't let it bother me. I just go about my business.

Fox, don't let this get to you. I enjoyed the pictures and think you have a fine hat there. Although, I think the brim is a bit wide. This is something I've seen in all the pictures that David has posted. It is his style. I like it, but I think its too wide for a Raiders hat. But that is the beauty of this all; each hatter has his own interpretation of the Raiders hat and each is different.

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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Michaelson »

No issues Dave. He adjusted his post to satisfied the long posted rule, posted April 5th, 2007 to be exact, as seen here:


More needs to be done elsewhere too, and by anyone not following those agreed to rules.

All Mitch has to do is create a photo album off site (as suggested in the rule) and post a link here TO that site. Simple as that. COW is not the repository of members muliple photo links.

Sorry the rules seem to get in the way of folks fun, but they're posted for a reason.
Mitch wrote:.I felt like some of your comments have smacked of a little of smarminess... .
Smarminess.....? :-s

Quite frankly, it's getting REALLY old when we perform the job we were tasked to do, AS VOLUNTEERS no less, that being to enforce the LONG posted rules of this website that EVERYONE OF YOU agreed to adhere to when you registered to be members, only to be bad mouthed or demonized when we perform that duty. :-s

We turned a blind eye to this practice for a while to see if folks would be able to self police themsleves in what they were doing. It got WAY out of hand, and the time has come to rein things back in again.

Sorry if I come across as being a 'grumpy old man', but dang it, I'm being forced to be that way, and comments being made by members who know me/us in this thread and others that know better. :?

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Tundrarider... THANKS! That was GREAT!
Michaelson wrote:
Mitch wrote:.I felt like some of your comments have smacked of a little of smarminess... .
Smarminess.....? :-s
Quite frankly, it's getting REALLY old when we perform the job we were tasked to do, AS VOLUNTEERS no less, that being to enforce the LONG posted rules of this website that EVERYONE OF YOU agreed to adhere to when you registered to be members, only to be bad mouthed or demonized when we perform that duty. :-s
We turned a blind eye to this practice for a while to see if folks would be able to self police themsleves in what they were doing. It got WAY out of hand, and the time has come to rein things back in again.
Sorry if I come across as being a 'grumpy old man', but dang it, I'm being forced to be that way, and comments being made by members who know me/us in this thread and others that know better. :?
Regards! Michaelson
Michaelson, I don't want you to think that I'm feeling "sandpapery" about ya...
To be fair, what I said was "there have been times when I felt like some of your comments have smacked of a little of smarminess but that may just be me thinking..."
I thought I made it clear that I was putting that perception on my own shoulders... I also think I was wrong to let my own nose get bent outta shape about it.

So, I hope you and I are cool... (but MAN, that guy BINK...) :roll:

Anyway, last bit of business from ME:
I just wanted to take a moment and say one last thing on this subject (one last thing from ME, anyway... I realize this issue may go on for some - or rise again from another, possibly newer, greener, shinier COW Member whose fresh outta the wrapper).
After this started I kept asking myself "Why did I think posting THAT many links was not a problem?" (My own techno-ignorance left me feeling as though perhaps the logic was that all of those links are AS "demanding" on the COW server - or maybe took up as much memory space - as an actual photo)... "But," thought I "wasn't I always reading "Limit of 5 Photos (640 x 480 Max) but feel free to post as many LINKS as you'd like? I could've SWORN that I'd read that."
I thought I did, but now I wasn't so sure that it was ever said... or rather, written.
Then I thought back to when Texan Scott was generously showing off Jimmy Pierce's beautiful hats in the "Simply JPD" Thread that he, himself started...
So I went back and started re-reading some of the posts there... when I did, I realized that some of the conversation back and forth had gotten me even more confused.

Back on November 16th, 2008 in the Simply JPD thread, Michaelson wrote:
So, if any when someone has something to post, post away, but stop this 'it isn't fair to JPD' when it's an open field, always has been, and no one has had anything to say of late.
Enough, my friend. Please.
If any one else has a sample of JPD's fantastic hats to show, please do so. Let's keep to the rules of 6 posted photos per thread per member, with links to other photos after that, and no more flooding by a single individual. The rule was made for a very good reason, and unless you want to see this site start crashing and/or locking up again. There's a method to the madness around here, regardless of what folks think sometimes.
Regards! Michaelson

Fair enough, and I was more guilty than ever, since I'd obviously chosen to remember the words "with links to other photos after that" while deciding to FORGET "no more flooding by a single individual" :oops: (Selective memory, I guess)...

Indeed, on November 17th, 2008 (again, in the Simply JPD Thread) Michaelson again wrote:
The argument is understood, but no more flooding of threads from a single individual.(At THAT point, I probably should have asked "Uh, HOW MANY links are we talking about when we say 'flooding'?" ...Although, I'd eventually learn for myself.)

So, guilty as charged... and remorseful (with a smile) to say the least.
But I do think it's fair to point out that in Forum Rules & Public Announcements in the "Posting of Photos in forum" Section - which I've checked many, MANY times (seriously guys, I can't tell you how often I sweated over & re-worked some photos just because it was still 642 x 485!) - it says:

Recently, a number of members have decided that the forum is an excellent place to host their personal photo albums.
6 or so photos per post is not a big problem. 50+ photos is.

With this, we have decided to establish a new policy.

You may not post more then 6 photos per thread. Not to exceed 640x480 pixels.

These photos must meet the requirements as set forth in this thread viewtopic.php?t=9523

Posting on the forum means you have a public place to post them. Use it.
Many members do not want to open a thread only to have their computer bogged down by 58 photos of your new bullwhip.

Feel free to post links to your album.
Feel free to post Thumbnails... (a few of your favorites, thank you.)

I just want to say that every time I (an admitted "newbie - God, I feel so YOUNG!) read this, I thought it was saying "Feel free to post links" as opposed to a single link to an album containing unlimited photos".

I respectfully suggest that perhaps the wording here be re-worked to say something like:
Feel free to post a link to your album.
Feel free to post a few links to your photos.
Feel free to post Thumbnails... (again, just a few of your favorites, thank you.)
I think that might help a dummy like me from making this sort of mistake in the future.

(One thing's for sure... I'll never read the words "Many members do not want to open a thread only to have their computer bogged down by 58 photos of your..." without wincing.

Thanks - as always - for reading (you ARE a patient one, aren't ya?)
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Michaelson »

I respectfully suggest that perhaps the wording here be re-worked....
I appreciate you posting my remarks, proving that I am consistant with what I say...sure, things are cool between us. Why wouldn't they be?

As you continued to point out, the key word was 'links', and that's what I meant by 'self policing' of your own threads. 'Links' should have been a few....not 50+ in a single thread! Re-reading my quoted statements in your post above, take a moment and consider...what made flooding of links in posts any better than the flooding of photos? Flooding is flooding! :-k

One of the main adminstrators drafted up new rule wording earlier this morning, but I suggested that he allow this dust up to clear off before proceeding forward. I see there's no need to wait, so I will advise him to move forward with the upgrade.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks for updating us on this, Michaelson.

By the way, I'm sorry to say that there's still gonna be some gravel between us for a while...
Things won't really be cool between us until I can grow a moustache like yours...
The Green-Headed Monster... you know how it goes...
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Michaelson »

:M: :tup:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Texan Scott »

With reference to the JPD thread, I tend to look for offerings that could be considered 'undervalued' and/or 'underpromoted', ie a good value for the money, so this is why I started that thread. After I posted it, I began reading back through old threads and discovered that there were some personal issues, previous history that I was not aware of. Thinking that the past is in the past, I reasoned that maybe we could get a fresh start, start over so to speak. Also there were few recent posts about his hats, so I dug through old threads and reposted those photos that seemed too good to let 'die'. At the time, I was unaware of the rule, skimmed it months previous, without covering specifics, so this is why there were so many pics posted in that thread by me. Of course, 'ignorance of the law' is no excuse, and not knowing anything about the server, etc., behind the scenes issues, I quickly caught myself up to speed.

As a :P -joke, which I've always attempted with you.... ;) I was thinking of the movie, 'The Aviator' the scene where Hughes goes to MGM execs. to rent or buy more cameras and he says to Hughes...." don't think you have it with ____-teen cameras?" Not taking a position, necessarily, 6 photos of the same hat with a posted link to a photo albumn is fair, all things considered.
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by mississippilong »'s a beautiful hat. I would like to read a review of it. [-o< ](*,) :Plymouth:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Michaelson »

Review of what? :-s

Oh...oh yeah, the Garrison LLS! #-o :lol:

Yeah, where IS that review, Mitch?

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by binkmeisterRick »

You mean you got another hat, Mitch? :[ :lol: I'm very interested in your review of your new hat, so get writing! :whip: ;)
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Who is this LLS fellow? Garrison Hatters? :[ :[ :lol: :lol: 8) :whip:

I want to see more Pics!!!! :Plymouth: :rolling:

OK. OK. I'll get back to cutting out line through some more cudzu. :o :( :lol:

Added this to show something I found interesting. Nice angle comparison.

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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Michaelson »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Thanks for updating us on this, Michaelson.

By the way, I'm sorry to say that there's still gonna be some gravel between us for a while...
Things won't really be cool between us until I can grow a moustache like yours...
The Green-Headed Monster... you know how it goes...
:lol: Well, give it 33 years and I'm sure yours will be just as nice. That's how long it's taken me!:M: :tup:

Rules have been updated by the SAG. Check out the rules section.


Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Texan Scott »

Michaelson wrote:Review of what? :-s

Oh...oh yeah, the Garrison LLS! #-o :lol:

Yeah, where IS that review, Mitch?

Regards! Michaelson

....I don't know who the guy is that keeps showing up in the photos, but I sure like the hat! :P ;) :tup:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mulceber »

Honestly, based on what I'm seeing, I think the crown isn't high enough. I know it's been discovered that the crown was less than 5 1/2 inches, more like 5 3/8, but this seriously looks like 5 1/4. :-k -M
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I'll agree with you that HF's fedora does look (considerably) taller in those comparison photos that LLS posted above, mulceber... Although I've always thought that HF's fedora never looks taller than in does in that shot... REALLY TALL actually...
But that might just be me.
I do have a tendency of wearing my fedora's a bit lower on my head than some, though... do you think it'd help if I simply pushed it up a bit higher?
(At this point, I'm tempted to write "Hey, I know... I'll posted another 20 links showing varying increments of height on my head of a millimeter at a time! Errr... but the time for that sort of joke may have passed...) Besides, that's just me makin' fun of me. ;)
Seriously though, it's odd, because I DO agree with you that the hat seems a bit shorter than the original in the photo that you're talking about (so, I agree with you it could use a little lift, there)...but... the FIRST photo I posted was taken only a couple of minutes prior (and I don't recall adjusting it between the two shots) and yet I look at it in that first shot and think "I wouldn't change a thing about the hat I see in that photo."
Funny how hats can sometimes seem to"morph" like that when photographed...
Thanks for you input.
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by DR Ulloa »

I agree with you, Mulceber. Fox, what are the brim dimensions? I think it looks a little wide, but it could be an optical illusion. I don't think it is the way you are wearing it. If you compare the distance from the ribbon to the top of the hat, there is less there on yours than in the photo. Now, I don't think this height is wrong at all. There are some times when I think I see this lowered crown height and to be honest, I like it a lot and think it works well for you.

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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Good Lord, Dave... what are you and I doin' UP so early?
I WILL give you those dimensions sometime tonight or this weekend, my friend... but I'm "one foot out the door" on the way to work as I write this and duty calls...
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by DR Ulloa »

No rush on those specs. Just curios is all. I like the look of the hat aand I thinks that crown height is perfect for you, whatever the measurement is. Oh, and I think I'll be banned from this site if I write what I was doing at that time, or rather, had just finished. :[ :lol:

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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Fedora »

First, great job LLS!
I'll agree with you that HF's fedora does look (considerably) taller in those comparison photos that LLS posted above, mulceber... Although I've always thought that HF's fedora never looks taller than in does in that shot... REALLY TALL actually...
I always believed THE HAT changed dimensions in the film. Some of those hats do appear taller to me, and some appear shorter. But to me, this helps folks who don't look right with a shorter hat, or a taller one. So, you can vary the crown height, and still be film accurate. And in the process fit the customer better. Afterall, we don't all have Ford's head/facial shape.

One thing I do know is this. The stock brim dimensions and crown height DON'T work on everyone. Getting the hat in proportion with the particular head/facial shape sometimes can be difficult to do. If these do not fit the customers head/facial shape, the hat comes off as less Indy looking. IMO.
Quite frankly, it's getting REALLY old when we perform the job we were tasked to do, AS VOLUNTEERS no less, that being to enforce the LONG posted rules of this website that EVERYONE OF YOU agreed to adhere to when you registered to be members, only to be bad mouthed or demonized when we perform that duty.

We turned a blind eye to this practice for a while to see if folks would be able to self police themsleves in what they were doing. It got WAY out of hand, and the time has come to rein things back in again.

Sorry if I come across as being a 'grumpy old man', but dang it, I'm being forced to be that way, and comments being made by members who know me/us in this thread and others that know better.
My feelings on this is you, Bink and others have a job that is not appreciated as much as it should be. I could not do the job you guys do, and still be civil. I am not cut out for that sort of work. So, you get a big pat on the back from me! Well done!

And Michaelson, even if you are grumpy(not that you are) at least you do it with a certain class! :D You guys try your best at keeping chaos controlled(no easy feat at times) and your efforts, many times are not appreciated. I could not think of any one who could do a better job. So, hope you guys stay around, doing your work for a LONG TIME. It's a thankless job, and I think most will agree with that, but you guys still keep on keepin' on. :notworthy: Fedora
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Thank you very much for that, Fedora. Your words are greatly appreciated. :TOH:
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by lazarus_arkane »

oh no...not again...

after everything i have read of the Garrison Raider, and the wonderful pictures i've seen, i do believe i'm starting to get
the itch again for another hat. very beautiful work LLS!!!

One of these days if i can ever get permission from the wife for a new hat, i'll be a future customer :D
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Michaelson »

Thank you very much for your kind remarks, Steve. They mean a lot coming from you.

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER - An Open Letter to LLS

Post by Fedora »

I do have a tendency of wearing my fedora's a bit lower on my head than some, though... do you think it'd help if I simply pushed it up a bit higher?
I don't think this has anything to do with it. The by the river hat is not creased very deep on the top, as you can see later on in this sequence. It barely has a top crease, which would make the hat taller. To me, the river hat indeed looks to be a 5 1/2 open crowned hat. But, later on in the film, the hat seems to get shorter. But then again, later on, the top crease is in deeper too.

I bet if you posted other stills from different scenes alongside of your hat, it would look to be in the ballpark with the film hat. Ah, these hats will drive a guy nuts.

Generally when I take pics of my hats, they always look taller in the pics than they do in hand. But, I shoot the pics close. I think you get a more accurate representation if you shoot the pics from a distance and use the zoom to pull it close. But not sure. Fedora
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER: NOW (finally) with Actual REVIEW!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Well, I'd like to start off by apologizing for the delay in getting this Review to you all.
As I've stated previously, the only reason my photos came before the written acclaim for David's hat was because I didn't want any of you to wait any longer to get a look at this really nice fedora.
In fact, even before I went away on vacation (when those photos were taken) some Members here had actually contacted me - both through Facebook and via PM through C.O.W. asking me to do exactly that: "Please don't wait until you've written a Review to let us see the hat". I knew a number of folks were curious about David's efforts and I wanted to help show it off where and when I could.
Now, for those of you don't know, a week ago today I got back into town and worked furiously to post MORE than a few links and as many photos as possible in order to lay down a nice foundation for the review I'd eventually write... In doing so, my OVERexhuberance managed to kick up a lot of dust - for myself AND, I'm sorry to say, for others - on the subject of "when is 54 links to photos NOT considered to be more than 'a few'?" Sadly, the next day or two was spent addressing, debating - and ultimately, regretting and apologizing for my part in resurrecting this problem... Even more regretable, for me, was that I WANTED to be spending that time actually writing some kind words for David (which was, after all, the point)... Instead, I spent a couple of days in a grumbling funk repeatedly addressing the issue of Forum Rules.
For my part in that little "cafuffle" I apologize to David Garrison. Because, as I mentioned, my original attention was to simply help give his hat some attention.
Don't get me wrong, I know that David was never bothered by the delay in my written review, he's a patient man who I'm sure would have been happy to wait even a little longer if I thought I needed it... but it was unfortunate that I had to have some forum Rules & Regulations read to me before I could get to the actual writing. (Still and all, bink & Michaelson are the two friendliest and most good natured "cops" to ever "let me off with a warning" to speak.)
As for my week itself, I'm sorry to tell you that besides the unfortunate coincidence of my work week being just unbearable, I also had to deal with a difficult dental procedure and a refrigerator that decided to up and die as well as the more pleasurable distractions of my son having multiple baseball games and my unwillingness to let this weekend go by without finally seeing Public Enemy for myself.
All of that might read like the introduction to a note explaining why I DIDN'T get a chance to write the review, but it's not... it's just the explanation for the delay.
So, with all of that behind me (and the understranding from you that I'm NO professional writer or reviewer) I'd like to relay my experience not only in dealing with David Garrison, but also with regards to the Raiders fedora he ultimately sent me.
I sincerely hope you like what you read.

My Garrison Raider Review

I placed my order with GARRISON HATTERS for one of his Garrison Raider Hats back on April 15th. He had a special introductory offer he was making for his Standard Raiders Prototype (in Rabbit) and I wanted to take advantage of it (having greatly liked what I'd already seen). David confirmed my order himself shortly thereafter and in doing so, mentioned that I was his first Canadian Order.

- I want to take a quick second here to say that BECAUSE this hat was one of Garrison's PROTOTYPES (a fact about which he was very forthcoming) I struggled a little with whether I should be writing a Review at all. After all, a prototype by it's very definition is something subject to further "tweaking" by it's maker in order to get it to a point where the details and "look" are something acceptable once regular production it set to begin. Right from the start David said he was making these prototypes in order to get Garrison Raider where he hoped we'd all like to see it and I just want to make it clear that as pleased as I am with the hat that I recieved from him, I'm certain he's since fine-tuned his skills to a point where each and every hat becomes better and better (after all, none of us can just wake up tomorrow and suddenly have the artistic skills that John Penman has spent the last few years perfecting, for instance).

Communication with David was always pleasant and informative. Although we only ever contacted each other through Private Messaging here at Club Obi Wan, contact was usually initiated by him and always let me know where - in terms of production - my hat was. Getting those PMs was always a nice surprise and the guy is really pleasant and good-natured to deal with - t say nothing of being helpful, co-operative and informative

Mr. Garrison shipped my Standard Raiders Prototype on June 11th and it arrived on June 23rd (for any of you fellow Canucks who were wondering about total time from "door to door").

We Fans of the Indy Style of hats are living in a pretty grand ol' time right now. We're already lucky enough to have gifted hatmakers like Steve Delk, Marc Kitter and John Penman making their contributions to our choice in hats and we're blessed with the fruits of their labors and passionate quests for their perfect hats.
In fact, we've been SO lucky to have so many fine hatmakers "gracing our halls" that there may be some people who wonder if we even need another skilled hatmaker.
Well, if the hatmaker in question is one with a discerning eye for detail and a passion to learn a little more about his craft every day and always strive to make his client the best hat he can and his name is DAVID GARRISON... then, yes... Yes, we DO need another Hatmaker like this guy.

David Garrison is making a really beautiful - and sturdy - hat, folks.
I love this thing!

It feels really comfortable and looks the part, too. It's a hat that walks a nice line of being able to lend and guy a bit of a distinguished look while still having a bit of Australian Outback "something" to it. This hat would be very welcome on the head of a guy while he's on horseback, that's for sure.
Now, I've got to be honest... when it comes to writing this kind of thing, I can go on and on about how much I like a given thing, but as odd as it sounds, when I have to dissect "why" that is? Then, I'm probably not your best guy. There's a whole lotta guys around this website who can probably break all of this down to millimeters... I can just tell you that I think this hat WORKS and that it's a GREAT Indy hat!
Most perfect Indy hat ever?
Hmmmm... not just yet.
I DO still think David's honing his craft and there's a few little things here and there that will probably come in time.
Do I think he might eventually make a hat so reknowned and so beloved by this Community that his company's name gets mentioned in the same sentences with Adventurebilt and Penman?
You know, I think I DO... And what's more, I think he might do that sooner than some might think.

Here's the details, for those of you who'd like a few extra (and more specific notes) notes:

The Packaging:
The hat came in the biggest, most sturdy box I've ever seen for a fedora!
This thing didn't have a single dent, scrape, scratch or even a "ding" (whatever THAT is) on it. I honestly think it intimidated any postal carrier who had it in their possession. Definitely a TOUGH box. Inside, the hat was safe & sound.
Also worth mentioning is that Garrison included a couple of his Business Cards. Some might consider it a little thing, but hey're among the most beautiful cards of this kind that I've seen (I keep one tucked under under the sweatband for those who ask about the hat... gotta stop doin' that, though... already gave one away and now I'm down to one!)

The Shape of the Hat:
I really like the look and "silhouette" of this hat. And I mean A LOT.
I know that there are some of us here (including friends of mine whose opinions influence me greatly) who have said that they think brim might be a bit big. I can see where they're coming from ...there were, after all, a few shots (that were originally in the list of links I'd first included in this thread) that showed the brim kinda "reachin' out there" a bit from certain angles. Of course, we're also talking about a hat (even the Original Screen Used Hat) where the turned nature of the brim means that you will see more - or less - brim width depending on whether you're looking at it from the left 3/4 view or the right 3/4/ view.
But still, some of us see more brim - or less brim - when and where (and on whichever movie hat - or screen grab) that suits us. I'm well aware that some of us are already talking about this in this thread.
Steve Delk recently wrote:
Fedora wrote:I bet if you posted other stills from different scenes alongside of your hat, it would look to be in the ballpark with the film hat.
I agree (and, at the same time, I'm once again amused:
Steve, you're one of the VERY few who are saying "Hey, you should post up a few more links" after last weeks debacle!)
Anyway, since it's my review... I'll come back to the my opinions on the Garrison Raider...
More on the brim: The curl and swoop of the brim look GREAT... I love this feature of this hat.As for the crown, I'm on record as having no love for taper, it's just not to my tastes. I prefer a gentle reverse taper and David appears to have developed a nice block that provides all I could ask for. This is an aspect I look to have in each hat I own and he's given me the exact shape I look for each time I order a hat from any hatmaker.

- At this point, I'd like to say that when I first included as many links as I did to pictures of this hat, part of what I had in mind was to make specific reference to how the same hat - often in the same photoshoot - can look so different.
I wanted to make some points about how this angle or that angle made the perceived dimensions of the hat vary. Others in this thread have also made mention of this. I'm still not sure whether I'll add just a couple of extra links to help illustrate these points to others who are just joining this conversation... but I might (while keeping the number low, of course).

The Color of the Hat:
The Rabbit Fur Felt Garrison is using for his Raiders Hat is a warm, chocolatey brown color that's very similar to the Dark Brown color I've seen Akubra use on it's Federation IV's.
As to whether the color will fade and soften a bit as time goes by? I expect the color to lighten a little, but time will tell (Although, it could be difficult for me to be the one to say, as I'm not handling this thing with kid gloves and anticipate it getting dirty.) In the meantime, I like this color just fine. A very nice, rich brown.

The Feel of the Felt:
Right outta the box the overall body of this hat was soft enough and had some nice "give" to it while remembering it's shape. I'm happy to report, though, that several weeks worth of handling has made it very soft (or "smooshy and floppy", as I like to call it) but it STILL knows how to find it's way back to it's intended shape.
The Rabbit felt itself is very smooth on the crown (texture-wise, it almost gets into the neighborhood of Beaver, at times) although there were a few slightly "rougher" (although the word "rough" is too rough a word) and coarser "less pounced" spots here and there on the brim itself... but honestly, nothing too noticeable.

The Fit of the Hat:
Garrison asks you to measure your noggin three times. Don't tell him what you remember to be your head measurement. Don't tell him what you're sure is your hat size. Measure. I did. My hat fits PERFECTLY.
A VERY comfortable fit.

The Ribbon:
A very, very nice ribbon.

The Bow:
I've said this before, I'm a REALLY fussy customer when it comes to this subject. In my opinion, every fold, every ripple or dimple has to be there on purpose and NOT have the appearance that the hatmaker said "well, the material was kinda' lyin' there like that so we stitched it down that way". David does a very nice bow. I like the shape and flare of it and the "flying V" is also very well done. The stitching was a little "knottier" in places than what I prefer and one stitch had a little bit of extra thread hanging from it, but I don't wanna split hairs (or threads) by making it sound like it's a big deal. Those "things to work on" were practically invisible.

The Sweatband:
Great. Very soft and supple. Quite comfortable.

The Liner:
I love the liner on David's hat! As has been mentioned before (I think it was either Indiana Green or jasonalun), it features the Staff of Ra Logo... which, I never get tired of seeing.
I just love how classy the gold print looks on the warm, tan color of the liner. They were made to go together.
Really nice!

In the end. our own Local Land Surveyor gave me another easy and enjoyable business transaction featuring great customer service that resulted in me owning my first (but NOT last) hat from GARRISON HATTERS!
I heartily recommend this gentleman's fine hats.

(Thanks LLS, in my opinion, you've definitely proven yourself!)

To those of you who read this far, I thank you.
And to show my gratitude, despite all the fond words I've had for David's hat so far I will leave you with this warning about it:
If you DO buy one of this man's hats, you'll run the risk of wanting to have about a HUNDRED or so photos taken in it!
Moreover, you'll feel an overwhelming compulsion to show and share them with others. Then, woe betide those among you who thinks it's a good idea to post links to 60 on them in a single thread here at Club Obi Wan!
You WILL be tempted! Don't say I didn't warn ya!

Cheers folks! (And thanks again, David!)

I'll also mention, for those of you interested in seeing a few more photos of this hat "in the field", in lieu of actual links, there are some additional photos in The Scrapbook Section that feature it.
The Threads "Vacation (in my New Garrison Hat) Part 1 "Writing-On-Stone" as well as "Vacation (in my New Garrison Hat) Part 2 "Tyrell Museum" all contain photos from my recent visit to my family in Alberta and The Garrison Raider was the only hat I wore during my time there and features prominently in many of the photos.
Hope you like 'em.
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Pitfall Harry
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Re: The Garrison RAIDER: NOW (FINALLY!) with Actual REVIEW!

Post by Pitfall Harry »

Here I thought David had gone into production already on the hats. I wasn't aware that this was one of the prototype hats. :o That's the nicest looking prototype I've seen in a while. :TOH:

Nice review, Mitch :tup:
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