Flathead, at first, I thought what you though, but the elastic in the action pleats, gusset, two inside zippered pockets, and the name tag kinda make
me thing that this is indeed my jacket
Well, that would pretty much some it up. But do to the fact
that Peter has been swamped with orders, your measurements
were probably mixed up with someone elses. Its just too
odd that EVERY measurement was wrong.
Also, be prepared to fight with PBB Global on this!! Since
you are sending the jacket back for an "exchange", they
think the replacement jacket is a "new" jacket, and they
will hit you again for the customs and their stupid fee.
Save ALL your papers from this transaction!! Make copies
of what ever paperwork you get from sending the jacket
back to Peter. And keep the customs slips that are on
the box that you got from Peter. Those are YOURS!
Also, make sure that both you and Peter put on the box
that this is: "Jacket being returned for exchange/alterations".
Make sure you press really hard on the forms when you fill
them out so its easy to see on all the ones that are under
the original.
If you do this, and keep ALL your paperwork, you may,
just may, not get any further "requests" from PBB Global!