A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Dr. Henricus23
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A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

Hello all,

Artsee1's site here sells a resin replica of the LC/Kotcs (even though it's REALLY a Webley WG) Webley Mark VI and Indiana's Smith and Wesson 45 from Raiders-what do you think?
there's also one up for grabs on ebay....

(Link deleted as per the rules. No posting of auctions not your own.)

I'm certainly considering getting one as I am involvd in making a Charity Indy film 'IJ and the Songs of the Shrine'. I think we need a decent firearm.....

Also, does anyone know the laws on shipping a resing gun to the UK-any legal problems?
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Raider Of The Lost Ark »

As far as I'm aware it is illegal to import / buy a 'RIF' Realistic Immigation Firearm. Our gun laws are a nightmare. Speak to your local police firearms licencing officer. If it's OK I'll be surprised but also very interested ;)
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

Oh deary dear............ :cry:

However, the end does have a red cap on -and it is non moving-made of resin. I do wonder, but thank you very much for your help, Raider...... :-k

Oh I think a Webley would look good.... :D
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Indiana Jeff »

ArtSee1's work is pretty highly regarded around these parts. His S&W is owned by many and generally raved about. I did a quick search and there isn't as much feedback about this Webley, though I think Rook's WG has taken the prize in that realm. Since it's so dang hard to get one of Rook's pieces and if you aren't worried about the Mark VI vs. WG details then ArtSee1 would be the way to go.


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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Raider Of The Lost Ark »

Dr. Henricus23 wrote:Oh deary dear............ :cry:

However, the end does have a red cap on -and it is non moving-made of resin. I do wonder, but thank you very much for your help, Raider...... :-k

Oh I think a Webley would look good.... :D
Unfortunately the red cap meeks nothing. Physicaly it 'looks' like a real gun. Replicas must now be proportionaly coloured in a bright colour, any change made to this is an offence. BB guns are now made of clear plastic and air soft guns require a skirmish licence to purchase. You can get co2 pistols but they are not normaly 'old' weapons. Deactivated guns don't need a licence, but are expensive.

Importing one as described is a BIG no no
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

Thanks once again Raider-I'm glad you know the rules.....

I remember that the gun would have to be over 50% another colour or something-a fluorescent paint, so maybe I can convince artsee to paint it for me........I would really like a Webley! :D
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Indiana Jeff »

If you could get the barrel of the gun painted then it wouldn't even show a different color in your holster.


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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

Good thinking Indiana Jeff......

I think a plan is coming together here-all beginning to work out......... :D

I could always repaint it once I have it in my possession anyways......
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Raider Of The Lost Ark »

Dr. Henricus23 wrote:

I could always repaint it once I have it in my possession anyways......
For the love of mike DON'T do that. You would then be committing another very serious offence. Some have considered spraying those blue rubber Brownings black. Very bad idea. I don't know how much a replica, such as your describing, would cost. However a deactivated REAL Webly would be about £400. Not cheap but it may save you in the long run from a spell in prison and a firearms conviction. You'd be amazed how many employers don't see that as a desireable feature.
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

I was thinking, when did we tighten up these laws-around 2004 or thereabouts

Because we've got a load of heavy BB Guns in black my brothers owned-A Walther PPK for one.........

You could be on charges for that now........
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Indiana Dymond »

The new laws on replicas/airsoft guns came in under the violent crime reduction bill (VCR). They do not apply to "guns" you have in your possession before the new law came into force,but you are stuck with them as you can't sell them :roll: .
The good news is that the law dose allow certain people to buy,own and use replicas.They include historical re-enactors,stage productions and film productions.As your making a film it should be ok,BUT the replica would need to be purcased by the producton company and it would be there property ](*,) .
Your only other option is to join a airsoft skirmish club and get a ticket that allows you to buy a airsoftgun,only they don't do a webley of any kind in a BB gun,but you could make a smith&wesson like the ones Todd sells.
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

Thank you Indiana Dymond,

I am in your debt also-I have had a chat with Rook who might be able to make me a Webley WG, and my company could purchase it from him-things are working out........ ;)
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Let us know if it works out for you,then maybe all us UK indyfans can get together and make a film or form a
re-enacting group. It may be a good way around ower collective problem :-$
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Raider Of The Lost Ark »

Indiana Dymond wrote:Let us know if it works out for you,then maybe all us UK indyfans can get together and make a film or form a
re-enacting group. It may be a good way around ower collective problem :-$
Yeah that would be good. WW II reenacters could get / use a Webley. I'm not sure how things would work out with the film route once filming is over. A shop near me requires an equity card for purchase. As ID said, all 'guns' previously owned can continue to be. You just can't sell / give them away...
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

Indiana Dymond wrote:Let us know if it works out for you,then maybe all us UK indyfans can get together and make a film or form a
re-enacting group. It may be a good way around ower collective problem :-$
Not that I would want to seem dishonestor anything, but one COULD claim their prop was purchased pre-2006, so to speak :[ Just then it would not bring too much flack.....

Anyway Paroni Production (an amateur company-more or a co-operative) is making this charity film (for Lancaster Royal Grammar School, UK)-And being a 'member' of both, I decided this film needed a bit of serious continuity-hence we will see Indy with Mk VII satchels, Webley (hopefully!), A Wested Lambskin LC, Wool Blazers etc. I will post a trailer as soon as poss.

I think a re-enactment group would be a great idea, count me in! What about the name? :-k
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Raider Of The Lost Ark »

Dr. Henricus23 wrote:
Indiana Dymond wrote:Let us know if it works out for you,then maybe all us UK indyfans can get together and make a film or form a
re-enacting group. It may be a good way around ower collective problem :-$
Not that I would want to seem dishonestor anything, but one COULD claim their prop was purchased pre-2006, so to speak :[ Just then it would not bring too much flack
Sorry to put a downer on it again but you will still be committing the same offence, plus a load more. You may have to proove what you say, if you then falsify paperwork etc well.... There may still be an issue over importing it. It really is just not worth it. If you can afford all that other great stuff then you could afford a deactivated Webly I'd have thought. I think enigmatawood made a nice Webly from wood or a toy, looked good for what it is, just a possibility.
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

You make a fine point about affording other equipment, Raider......though I should state that a lot of that has been through ingenuity and imagination-Mk VII satchel for instance-a friend's grandfather had one left from WW II and he very kindly let us use it and 'update' it with a leather strap and nickle buckle. Of course I own a rather nice Penman fedora and a Christy, too. A grey fedora-we spent money here-a moonstone Fed IV. But I do see what you mean, exactly. I am a law abiding, church choir-singing guy, hard as it may be to believe! I would certainly not like to get in trouble. But of course one point to make, I do not intend to brandish it in public, which is really where the heavy sentences and firearms abuse start. I had a flick through the official act (37-possesion of imitation firearms-subsection C states exceptions are made for a film production (of course a full professional one, I understand..) ), I would only be a-firearm hunting because a retired Colonel acquaintance can't seem to find his deactivated Mk VI........ :(

But seriously, a name for this re-enactment group........... ;)
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Raider is right. Everyone needs to obey all pertinent laws and restrictions in your area in regards to guns or replicas. Period. We certainly do not condone skirting around the issues here in the least, much less forming groups with such things in mind. If you are looking to have a prop gun for use in a film, then go through the proper channels and do it right. It's simply not worth the consequences if you get caught doing something which ends up being illegal and you would have no one to blame but yourself if you did so purposely. Keep it on the up and up and all will be well. But it would be ill advised to continue discussions on how to bend or break such rules or laws. It's also a sure fire way to get a thread shut down. Just a word to the wise, so choose wisely. ;)
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Dr. Henricus23 »

Apologies Rick,

Yes such talk is unethical and dishonest......we should not be talking about such things.
Anyway the problem is sorted. I have spoken to my local firearms officer who assures me it is OK for the film group to purchase a prop as long as it is secured afterwards-and he has checked the film group and given it the go ahead :D :D
Just to let you guys know.........
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by binkmeisterRick »

:tup: 8)
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Rook »

There are companies in the UK that sell airsoft guns and model guns that are like 90% painted a neon color like orange or blue or green. Those seem to do okay.

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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Good to hear that thing are a go with your local firearms officer. :)

My point is that we must find away of using the legistation that we have in the UK.Ten years ago no one in the country ever thought that we would be able to own a pistol again,now most people in my gunclub do.They just have to be longer than 600mm(24") and they are within the law.

Now if we Indyfans in the UK were able to get together and form some sort of re-enactment group we can stay within the law and get the replicas we want.

I'll try to do some research into if such a group would be possable,then start a new thread into interest.I do know that it would involve us all meeting up to do some "inactment" and possably other activities :H:

Regards ID
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Re: A Webley Mark VI Possibility here......

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Dr. Henricus23, since your initial quandary regarding obtaining a prop gun for your film project has been solved (talking with your local officers, and such) and since the discussion keeps veering into political waters (I just cleaned out the last batch of it), it's time to shut this one down. If some of you are interested in forming any local clubs or the like, please do so via PM, as this forum is about the firearms of Indy, not about forming gun clubs or reenactment groups.

