Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Raider S »

Zendragon wrote: It would appear (mind you camera angles and what not) that the King pocket flaps are maybe 1/4 of an inch different. If that's the case, that's a pretty large difference even if it is hand made don't you think?
OMG, how can you say that? You're able to take measurements from different photos with absolutely nothing in the photo to give any indications of scale? If there were rulers in the photos, or little metric cubes we use for evidence photos, maybe you could take a guess, but there's nothing in the photos to measure from. Nothing.

You're just throwing out random numbers hoping it will stick or that someone who doesn't know any better will buy into it.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by nicktheguy »

I had this weird moment when I noticed that the two pockets of my jackets were entirely different. I was pretty upset --they were from the same place. So I called the manufacturer and voiced my complaints. They asked me to send the jackets back immediately for inspection and apologized for their error. I promptly sent them with an elaborate list of details....two weeks later a very angry manager called me back - he explained to me that the jackets were different styles to begin with.... :P (just having a bit of fun here...no offense to anyone)
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Zendragon »

Raider S wrote:
Zendragon wrote: It would appear (mind you camera angles and what not) that the King pocket flaps are maybe 1/4 of an inch different. If that's the case, that's a pretty large difference even if it is hand made don't you think?
OMG, how can you say that? You're able to take measurements from different photos with absolutely nothing in the photo to give any indications of scale? If there were rulers in the photos, or little metric cubes we use for evidence photos, maybe you could take a guess, but there's nothing in the photos to measure from. Nothing.

You're just throwing out random numbers hoping it will stick or that someone who doesn't know any better will buy into it.
I did say it "appears", so it is no where near conclusive. But we all know that those snaps are about a 1/4 inch right? Am I right or am I off. The difference of the two flaps would appear to a snaps difference. So maybe it is an 1/8th

Don't get too excited here, I am just observing...
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Raskolnikov »

I asked Tony to place the snaps just a little bit higher. Other than that everything else is just the same as any other TN Raiders, pocket flaps included (I mean, their shape). I believe they all have the same pattern. You can't rely too much on pictures:
http://s584.photobucket.com/albums/ss28 ... Angles.jpg
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Zendragon »

Raskolnikov wrote:I asked Tony to place the snaps just a little bit higher. Other than that everything else is just the same as any other TN Raiders, pocket flaps included (I mean, their shape). I believe they all have the same pattern. You can't rely too much on pictures:
http://s584.photobucket.com/albums/ss28 ... Angles.jpg
That's a great pic. I am curious though, the bottom 000/888 photo is at a different angle than the other two jackets in the same photo, I wonder how those would line up with the 000/888 image from the top that appears to be a closer angle match to the other photos?

I understand what you are trying to show here, but to me the top row has three photos that are shot from a similar angle, where on the bottom, 000/888 looks like someone is wearing it thus altering the angle
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by RCSignals »

Dutch_jones wrote:I didn't mean pattern changes I mean the shape of the flap changed a bit, but that could as stated elsewhere be because of whoever machines the jacket, how many people does Tony Have working in the shop?
In your original assertion, and in the original discussion, you meant pattern changes. Not 'slight' differences.

Still you have proven that there has been no 'shape of flap change' that is of any significance to the jacket or beyond reason.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by RCSignals »

When Chris King ordered his jacket, the slydini jacket, which is a red herring as far as TN's Raider jacket goes, was still a hot topic.
Considering the pocket flaps of slydini's first jacket, it looks like Chris asked for the 1/4" top seam (which was already a feature of TN's Raider but not slydini's jacket) As I recall there was also talk of Platon's pockets and Kt's pockets. Chris may have sent those sketches to TN as well.
Personally I think we are looking at appearance caused by the photo effect, but it is possible that if Chris sent Platon's sketch to TN, TN used it for Chris's jacket thinking that is what Chris wanted.
This is all speculative only.
Chris did ask for some other changes for his jacket based on what he saw on screen.

That said, the photos of Chris's jacket pocket flaps are the only one's anyone can say look slightly different from any other TN Raider jacket pocket flaps, and even then it's a stretch.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Raskolnikov »

I understand what you are trying to show here, but to me the top row has three photos that are shot from a similar angle, where on the bottom, 000/888 looks like someone is wearing it thus altering the angle
Yes, you are right, those pictures were clearly taken from different angles (000/888). In fact, ALL of them were, although on those I sent it is much more clear. On both pictures the 000/888 jacket is lying on the same table and we can notice some distortion because of the perspective (although there is much more on the second one, of course). And both were taken with the same camera, lenses and lightening... Imagine what may have happened if those last things had changed too. Unfortunately, distortion has much to do with pictures.

We are talking about different jackets, made with different leathers and sizes... And, most of all, they were all shot from different angles.

But I believe they do have the same pattern. Why wouldn't they?
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Zendragon »

neutronbomb wrote:we're at each others throats because a select person or two desperately tries to find something, anything to tear down one specific vendor. They pull up something, a collar or a pocket or anything to throw up and try and start a fire. It's always directed in one direction. It is crystal clear the intent is to promote one vendor at the expense of another. One method is to try and create issues out of non-issues.

"But the guys who keep saying that Nowak is changing his pocket (or collar or whatever) design are simply basing their arguments on photos that mean next to zero OR changes requested by a customer OR simple differences in how the leather curled or reacted to the stitching." - Raider S

I think this sums it up nicely. Who cares. Really, what does it matter. These are hand made jackets made out of different types of leather possibly different sizes. TN uses his eye and expertise to make the jacket look good for each person. To specifically state TN's pattern just randomly changes is preposterous.

For the sake of argument let's say we use rulers and get scientific evidence, blah, blah, blah and one pocket is in fact 1/8th difference somehow. What does this mean. We would have to talk to Chris King and TN and have a full explanation of what the deal is. What if by some chance, hypothetically, TN says hey, these are custom made jackets and I decided it needed to be this way on this particular jacket because the owner asked for piping (which he did) to be added. Are we talking about a pattern change? Are we talking about sloppy work? TN is a master craftsman, so let's be careful on jumping to conclusions on all this.

Next there will be a thread started about how these jackets are all screwed up because 225 stitches were used in one area while on another jacket 226 stitches were used. Let's call this what it is. Desperately trying to find something, anything wrong with a vendor's product.

How quickly we all want to try and give credit to these "issues" from the select few who throw them out there for us to fight amongst ourselves over when they are clearly running campaigns on other websites to disparage one particular vendor. It's one thing to simply tolerate this, but another to allow ourselves to wind up arguing and bickering over non-issues. I imagine it's like throwing a bone into a group of ravenous dogs and then sitting back and watching the show.

On another thread DJ threw out, "hey ALL vendors patterns change over time. This is just a fact of life." He backs this up with pictures which have been found to have owner mods stated right where he copied them from. Additionally, there are a thousand, million, hundred reasons there could be slight differences including:

1. Optical Illusions - which is what this thread is about. Raider S has shown with his particular jacket's pocket flaps that this indeed is an issue with trying to rely solely on pictures for measurements and comparisons. Raider S has clearly proved his point.

2. Maybe an adjustment for whatever reason.

3. It's been stated again and again that these are hand crafted leather jackets and no two will ever be the same.

None of this gives credence to the supposed argument that there has been pattern changes. What is the point of this? Really! Let's think about it for a second. On every major argument whether it's pocket flaps, collar, shrunken lamb, off the shoulders, etc. etc. it is the exact same stuff. The exact same. Let's call it what it is. Tearing down one vendor to promote another.

There is no reason for this. Zero. We have lots and lots of choices. There are half a dozen or so vendors to choose from with a wide range of prices. There's going to be differences and pros and cons between all them.

For the most part I've noticed the discussions revolve around how to order or fix or correct or take care of different stuff. People ask for help and then those members who have experience help out.

So on this particular argument let me ask the question. So what? What if there are differences. To the other side I ask "So what?" What's your point. It sound like your point is to prove that we're all screwed because ALL vendors including TN evolve and change their patterns. It sounds like you want to prove that argument because it is clear that this is the case for Wested and you want to be sure that this isn't perceived as a negative because, "hey, everyone does it."

And really, this argument goes right back to: TN's better because he had a real "hero" jacket to copy. No, no, he didn't and even if he did it has lots of problem and the original maker is simply better because he's the original maker.

That's really what this is all about. Where's the fear coming from KT and DJ and everyone else? These vendors are in different niche markets. As far as I can tell nothings happening to drive Wested out of business. They seem to be selling jackets by the boatload and I can tell you right now there is no way these little games are going to drive the business from one vendor to another. The reason many buy the TN jacket is not because a stitch is different, or a pocket flap has a minor variance. All vendors appeal to a slightly different buyers group and they all have different strengths.

However, if it is really that important to find and catalog any minor differences that exist in these jackets that are custom and hand crafted, then by all means have at it and when we've exhausted all the TN jackets we can move on to all the jackets produced by the other half a dozen vendors.
I find all of this Vendor stuff odd, I mean I suppose we all have our preferences, and nobody really likes thinking that they have the new "it" item only to find out that there is another new thing, so I can see people defending their choice lol.

But unless a person has something to gain financially, I have no idea why anyone would fight so hard for any of the vendors. In addition, the truth is, most people who have some $$ will buy a few different options, that's the way it is with collecting, it doesn't stop at just the one. So there isn't really a threat.

The people who can only afford a Todd's may opt to go that way, when others might save for a Magnoli, G&B, Wested or US Wings, and others might opt to save for a TN, but most who have trouble saving for a $300-$500 jacket will not likely go the TN route and that's understandable.

I am not even sure what the pattern change argument came from, except that I am sure that some see that there are changes from what was supposed to be a jacket copied from an original. Why would there be some ask?

For me at least, I have no preference here, I barely care at this point. Sure I find the story around the TN an interesting one and that comes partly from the time that I have spent on this board. Call it curiosity and nothing more. I am still looking at the TN as a possible purchase, so my post about this subject are purely observations.

My post do seem to strike a nerve with some of you. Raider S, RC Signals and Nuetron seem to be bothered the most by them. You guys seem to get really defensive. Maybe it's just your passion for your purchase, the desire to defend TN, or something else.

I really think that everyone just wants to be right lol.

It's been said before, buy what you like and enjoy it. If we could just get the rest of us to just be happy that another person is enjoying the hobby instead of preaching that this gear is better than that one, we might be a whole lot better off.

I know, that would ruin the fun wouldn't it ;-)

I think that it may be time to put this all to rest.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Raider S »

Zendragon wrote: My post do seem to strike a nerve with some of you. Raider S, RC Signals and Nuetron seem to be bothered the most by them. You guys seem to get really defensive. Maybe it's just your passion for your purchase, the desire to defend TN, or something else.
Your posts don't strike a nerve like those from a couple other people seem to. You don't run into every thread and say the same old tired things again and again. But a nerve does get struck when people make claims that have no basis in fact - changing his pockets and collars are the most recent example.

I own Wested, USW, and Nowak. I only "defend" TN when it seems like people are going out of their way to convince others of things that have no basis in fact. But usually any defending I do is to call people on their claims and ask for evidence.

If the pockets are changing, let me see something other than the same old photos. And if Nowak did change a pocket, so what? If you post about a Wested with balloon sleeves you might get a response saying how it was your fault for not getting a custom, or this is what customers are wanting these days, or it might get ignored completely. But if a Nowak had a pocket offset by 7mm there would be a stinkstorm of responses.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by RCSignals »

Zendragon wrote:..............

It's been said before, buy what you like and enjoy it. If we could just get the rest of us to just be happy that another person is enjoying the hobby instead of preaching that this gear is better than that one, we might be a whole lot better off.
that's what I've said, buy what you like, or not.
Who is preaching what gear is better than another? I don't see it from me, Raider S, or NB.
Zendragon wrote:.
I think that it may be time to put this all to rest.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by RCSignals »

Raider S wrote:
Zendragon wrote: My post do seem to strike a nerve with some of you. Raider S, RC Signals and Nuetron seem to be bothered the most by them. You guys seem to get really defensive. Maybe it's just your passion for your purchase, the desire to defend TN, or something else.
Your posts don't strike a nerve like those from a couple other people seem to. You don't run into every thread and say the same old tired things again and again. But a nerve does get struck when people make claims that have no basis in fact - changing his pockets and collars are the most recent example.

I own Wested, USW, and Nowak. I only "defend" TN when it seems like people are going out of their way to convince others of things that have no basis in fact. But usually any defending I do is to call people on their claims and ask for evidence.

If the pockets are changing, let me see something other than the same old photos. And if Nowak did change a pocket, so what? If you post about a Wested with balloon sleeves you might get a response saying how it was your fault for not getting a custom, or this is what customers are wanting these days, or it might get ignored completely. But if a Nowak had a pocket offset by 7mm there would be a stinkstorm of responses.

Well said
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Zendragon »

RCSignals wrote:
Zendragon wrote:..............

It's been said before, buy what you like and enjoy it. If we could just get the rest of us to just be happy that another person is enjoying the hobby instead of preaching that this gear is better than that one, we might be a whole lot better off.
that's what I've said, buy what you like, or not.
Who is preaching what gear is better than another? I don't see it from me, Raider S, or NB.
Zendragon wrote:.
I think that it may be time to put this all to rest.
Sorry, I wasn't saying that the three people I named were preaching gear. Sorry if you got that impression from my post.

But we do that on this board. Someone post something that they are happy with, it's new, it's cool to them, etc... and then someone else will come along and bring it down.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Zendragon »

Raider S wrote:
Zendragon wrote: My post do seem to strike a nerve with some of you. Raider S, RC Signals and Nuetron seem to be bothered the most by them. You guys seem to get really defensive. Maybe it's just your passion for your purchase, the desire to defend TN, or something else.
Your posts don't strike a nerve like those from a couple other people seem to. You don't run into every thread and say the same old tired things again and again. But a nerve does get struck when people make claims that have no basis in fact - changing his pockets and collars are the most recent example.

I own Wested, USW, and Nowak. I only "defend" TN when it seems like people are going out of their way to convince others of things that have no basis in fact. But usually any defending I do is to call people on their claims and ask for evidence.

If the pockets are changing, let me see something other than the same old photos. And if Nowak did change a pocket, so what? If you post about a Wested with balloon sleeves you might get a response saying how it was your fault for not getting a custom, or this is what customers are wanting these days, or it might get ignored completely. But if a Nowak had a pocket offset by 7mm there would be a stinkstorm of responses.
I think it all goes back to perspective. I wrote about it in another thread so I won't go into it too much here. As gear collectors, we all want nice gear. No one wants the one with bad workmanship or sloppy stitching. No one wants an inferior fedora, or any other piece of gear for that matter.

I think when it comes to TN, this particular Raider's jacket stuck a cord. Whether some people don't believe the claims, or don't want to believe the claims, who knows. You could speculate all day as to what it is about the jacket. And it's really just the Raiders jacket I suspect, the CS jacket, well it was known that TN made those. No one could really argue the point.

I am going to climb into the minds of people for a moment...

Let's say the jacket is everything it is claimed to be. Let's say that it is confirmed and just as we know TN made the CS jackets, we know that he had a hero to copy, we learn the source, etc... no more doubts or questions...

It then makes it real. Most people will want this jacket deep down inside. Many do now even with doubt, just incase it is true. But many can't afford or justify spending $800-$1000 on a jacket. Especially not in times of a bad economy. So they justify not getting it by casting doubt on it. I think it makes them feel better about their choice. Indirectly, TN owners make them feel bad for not having this jacket.

This goes both ways...the people who have purchased a jacket like this, they may have doubt too. They jumped on the bandwagon before the doubters came along and now they feel like their judgment is in question. So they feel the need to defend their choice.

The two parts are what create what we have now.

Interesting mindset isn't it...
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Raider S »

Zendragon wrote: It then makes it real. Most people will want this jacket deep down inside. Many do now even with doubt, just incase it is true. But many can't afford or justify spending $800-$1000 on a jacket. Especially not in times of a bad economy. So they justify not getting it by casting doubt on it. I think it makes them feel better about their choice. Indirectly, TN owners make them feel bad for not having this jacket.

This goes both ways...the people who have purchased a jacket like this, they may have doubt too. They jumped on the bandwagon before the doubters came along and now they feel like their judgment is in question. So they feel the need to defend their choice.
The only problem with your argument is the people who seem to be yelling the loudest about the Nowak play musical Wested (in hopes of getting a good one or simply because they enjoy trying on a lot of different ones), or own a G&B, multiple Wested's, a USW or two, etc. I can't speak for everyone, but there are guys who have been studying this jacket for years or decades while the Nowak Raiders has been around for five or six months. In that time most people who are really into this hobby might have been able to save enough to get one, or even sold other gear if they really wanted one.

I'm not saying the jackets are cheap but I am saying it's not like the difference between a used bicyce and a Ferrari as some make it out to be - we're talking four or five hundred dollars between a custom Wested and TN Raiders in anything but the shrunken lamb. The difference between a G&B and the TN is just under $300.

I got my TN recently and the doubters were well-established before that. But I do believe there was a person or two who jumed on the shrunken lamb early on and may have felt some regret afterwards. I think that's what started some of the arguing that's still going on.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by gwyddion »

What I also think might be a contributor in these arguments is feelings of friendship. No matter how objective you try to be, friendships you have will always influence your judgement.

This can be both a good thing and a bad thing so please don't asume I'me saying that when you are friends with a vendor you shouldn't participate. I've been in situations like this myself and found that sometimes it is best to remind yourself of the fact that friendships might influence your judgement. Not trying to stop it, just aknowledge it to yourself from time to time. why do I do this? Because it makes me see it in others too and helps me understand where others are comming from.

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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Zendragon »

Raider S wrote:
Zendragon wrote: It then makes it real. Most people will want this jacket deep down inside. Many do now even with doubt, just incase it is true. But many can't afford or justify spending $800-$1000 on a jacket. Especially not in times of a bad economy. So they justify not getting it by casting doubt on it. I think it makes them feel better about their choice. Indirectly, TN owners make them feel bad for not having this jacket.

This goes both ways...the people who have purchased a jacket like this, they may have doubt too. They jumped on the bandwagon before the doubters came along and now they feel like their judgment is in question. So they feel the need to defend their choice.
The only problem with your argument is the people who seem to be yelling the loudest about the Nowak play musical Wested (in hopes of getting a good one or simply because they enjoy trying on a lot of different ones), or own a G&B, multiple Wested's, a USW or two, etc. I can't speak for everyone, but there are guys who have been studying this jacket for years or decades while the Nowak Raiders has been around for five or six months. In that time most people who are really into this hobby might have been able to save enough to get one, or even sold other gear if they really wanted one.

I'm not saying the jackets are cheap but I am saying it's not like the difference between a used bicyce and a Ferrari as some make it out to be - we're talking four or five hundred dollars between a custom Wested and TN Raiders in anything but the shrunken lamb. The difference between a G&B and the TN is just under $300.

I got my TN recently and the doubters were well-established before that. But I do believe there was a person or two who jumed on the shrunken lamb early on and may have felt some regret afterwards. I think that's what started some of the arguing that's still going on.
You can have a problem with it, but it's not an argument, just a theory. Like I said, trying to get into the minds here. It may be no where from the truth, it may apply to a few or many, but not all. Only the people with the issues know for sure ;-) In the end it's all a matter of perspective.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Zendragon »

_ wrote:Two things that may or may not add to the discussion...

First, remove price from the equation and ask, "What do I get?". Accuracy, durability, and quality. I'm not going to answer - if you're honest, you can do it.

Second, look at margin. I have a unique perspective in that I worked with Hack and Botwright in 2000 on an arrangement to either sell Wested-made Westeds on the USW site or have USW make Wested jackets based on "the original patterns" and sell with royalties going to Wested for units sold. I saw their margins. Wested nets more from each jacket than USW, G&B, and I know more than TN or Todd. So he pockets more from each jacket.

Other than USW, Wested sells more jackets per year than any other of our makers.

Now, the margin differential was significant when I looked at it. Cost of materials in 2000 dollar/euros was 20% of retail. Labor was about 25%. A 55% margin is unheard of with the other makers. Try 15%.
I think what you have to say has a lot of merit. I haven't seen the jacket in person, so I don't have a real opinion, but the pics I have seen and from what people are saying, the jacket sounds very nice.

Now speaking of commison, IndyGear should be getting a cut from all the vendors. We are a built in market here, if it wasn't for this place, we would be all scattered about ;-)
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Michaelson »

Now speaking of commison, IndyGear should be getting a cut from all the vendors. We are a built in market here, if it wasn't for this place, we would be all scattered about ;-)

That's what folks constantly forget. We have no advertisement banners or popups...and don't make a dime off any vendor. It's all volunteer, and the site run from out of personal pocket of money and time from administrators/moderators to keep these doors open.

Now, back to our regular programming, already in progress....

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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Hatch »

_ wrote:Two things that may or may not add to the discussion...

First, remove price from the equation and ask, "What do I get?". Accuracy, durability, and quality. I'm not going to answer - if you're honest, you can do it.

Second, look at margin. I have a unique perspective in that I worked with Hack and Botwright in 2000 on an arrangement to either sell Wested-made Westeds on the USW site or have USW make Wested jackets based on "the original patterns" and sell with royalties going to Wested for units sold. I saw their margins. Wested nets more from each jacket than USW, G&B, and I know more than TN or Todd. So he pockets more from each jacket.

Other than USW, Wested sells more jackets per year than any other of our makers.

Now, the margin differential was significant when I looked at it. Cost of materials in 2000 dollar/euros was 20% of retail. Labor was about 25%. A 55% margin is unheard of with the other makers. Try 15%.
As usual once _ has cleared the field there's not much to add..........only that I'd been looking for the 'Raider's jacket" for over 20 yrs and never found it till the TN 1 after cutting my teeth on the CS and seeing his accuracy, quality and details...... :clap:
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by WeeMadHamish »

I don't really have a stake in this debate as I don't really care about one vendor from the next... but as an illustrator my eye refuses to see the differences based on photographic angle, focal length, whatever... the flap on the King jacket is just proportionally different.

Why? Don't know, don't really care... it just is.

For whatever my opinion is worth.
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Dutch_jones »

heres another;):

same jacket:

see how the folded collar gives the appearance to have one pointy and one round end? In fact they are the same only the right side collar tip has a fold in it shifting its shape, sorry I posted a pic of the nowak jacket from Yojimbo in it. I thought it was just the picture of indy :)
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Re: Optical Illusions (and do ghosts really steal my pencils?)

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Dutch_jones wrote:see how the folded collar gives the appearance to have one pointy and one round end? In fact they are the same only the right side collar tip has a fold in it shifting its shape, sorry I posted a pic of the nowak jacket from Yojimbo in it. I thought it was just the picture of indy :)
Yeah, this is the same point I was making in a recent comment on the thread for my version of that jacket - I also have a hunch it's an illusion too. It's all in the angles and focal length (an often ignored factor). The comparison shot of mine there is affected by focal length - wide angle / short lens makes the collar generally bring out its "70's pointiness" more than in the shot next to it with Ford. If I had a longer lens on the camera from the same angle, it would have changed the look again.
Edit - Actually, I DID use the second version - :lol: - there's not much distortion at all - guess I took a few steps backward after all before taking the shot that I endedposting. But a closer shot with a wider lens was making that sucker look like it was out of Saturday Night Fever.
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