Simply JPD....

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Texan Scott »


You were the first hat maker to incorporate the "turn" into your handmade fedoras. How do you think this happened in the movie? I have a theory about it. You may or may not have read the story about the stuntman in the Screenused thread, who had to shoot a scene, picked out a fedora from the hat box that apparently happened to be the hat that Ford used to film many of the scenes in Raiders.

I wonder if the "turn" happened in a similiar way, possibly by accident? Maybe they shot the temple scene hurredly, after lunch or after a break or something, so Ford picks up his hat and simply puts it on his head, not thinking about placement? What is your take on the "turn"?
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Post by ReturningSon »

Where's my hat, Jimmy?...... :lol:
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Post by thedurdens »

Anyone know what Jimmy's status is?
I have left him a phone message and e-mail but have yet to hear anything. Ordered my hat and spoke with him end of Aug. then again mid Oct. but since then nothing. I'm not in a hurry just get nervous when I hear nothing.

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Post by Texan Scott »

I spoke to Jimmy on Monday evening, and he said he had several hats finished and were being shipped the next day.
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Post by thedurdens »

Thanks for the quick heads up. I am very excited about the hat and can't wait to see it. Jimmy was great to speak with as well. I just get worried because he has quoted me three (3) different dates already and occasionally disappears.
On a side note, after lurking around here since April and finally joining in Oct., I owe all of you folks here a "hello" and "thank you" for all the great info and fun. I will need to post pics of all my finds soon.
Thanks again :) (been wanting to use one of those)
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Post by RaiderZee »


As a birthday present to myself (39 tomorrow), I ordered my first decent Indy hat this week, a JPD cury felt with a generic Raiders bash. After weeks of agonizing over choices, I narrowed it down to either a JPD or a Fed IV. The Akubra seems like a great lid, but Jimmy's hat screams Raiders to me, plus ts handmade & pre-bashed, all at a terrific price.

I'm really excited. I've wanted a real Indy hat since age 11 when I saw Raiders in the theater with my Dad. After almost 28 years and a procession of crappy hats, I'm getting close. Next goal is a Henry, then a Penman. Just gotta let the wallet recover . . .

BTW, Jimmy I left you a message: size 22 1/2, NOT 22 3/4. You were right, my older hat had shrunk.

39 going on 11 ;-)
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Post by thedurdens »

Congrats on the order RaiderZee.
I have a FedIV in carbon grey(which I still need to post pics of) and I love it. A great hat for the money. Seems like it should be worth much more.
I left Jimmy a message over the weekend but have yet to hear back. Just looking for a status update.

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Post by ReturningSon »

Me as well. I have been waiting for two months... :[
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Post by thedurdens »

Hang in there. I'm going on four. :?
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Post by thedurdens »

Just tried calling Jimmy and could not leave a message so I sent PM and e-mail. I really hate being a pest but I would like to know what's up. Like I told Jimmy at the end of Aug. when I ordered, I am in no hurry, but he has quoted three (3) different ship dates and I have had no response in the past month. I realize he is busy but an update would be nice for an item fully paid for back in Aug.. Also, hate to post this because he is a nice guy with a quality product.
If anyone knows of his status please let me know.
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Post by ReturningSon »

yeah, I sent him a check which he cashed October 6th....still no hat...whats going on Jimmy?.... :x :x
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Post by thedurdens »

I spoke with Jimmy today and squared things away. I should see my hat withing the next week. I will keep all up to date.
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Post by Texan Scott »

To help celebrate the gray days of autumn/winter, not many things could be better than a hip JPD lid! It was under this premice I was hoping that he would crank one out of the park, really deliver...and he did, all the way to my front doorstep via USPS! ;-)

Well, this huge box arrived at my door, and at first, I was hoping a girl would bust out o' that cake, and present me a hybrid, souped-up, gotta-have-it-now fedora, a lid that would end all lids! was about that time that I got a swift wake-up nudge in the ribs, a cold blast of early morning, smell the coffee perking, back to reality check! :? I still haven't got up the nerve to connect my spring-loaded bed to the alarm clock, yet! At any rate, after arriving safely, feet being firmly planted back in soil... ;-) the main point is that my good 'ol JPD Graphite lid has arrived, and unlike the Grench that stole Christmas, our Hat-Man has given me an extra incentive to make it through the many mis-adventures of shopping in yet another concrete jungle! Cover me, Honey! I'm gonna' change lanes! As my step-dad used to say, 'was anyone hurt in that wreck?' "What wreck?" 'THAT one!' As promised, here are a few photos for your viewing enjoyment, and no salivating! (there are rules 'up in this here' cyber crib-shootin' match!) All in all, a two month turnaround time ain't so bad! ... Hat001.jpg ... Hat002.jpg ... Hat003.jpg ... Hat004.jpg ... Hat005.jpg ... Hat007.jpg

A close-up of that coveted bow. ;-) With one of the photo's color interpretation, it is somewhat misleading, as the liner is purple, no doubt a tribute to JP's alma mater, TCU. Nice touch with the collectable Indy cards, Jimmy! No shades of gray here Gents!
2 :tup: :tup:

Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Post by ReturningSon »

Well...still awaitin' on my Curry want!!!! :( :(
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Beautiful lid, TS!
Hope you wear it proudly...
(And REALLY nice work, Jimmy! I'm lookin' forward to MY Cury, too!)
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Post by Texan Scott »

You may be surprised at how soft it is, very soft felt.
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Any more news on this front? Anyone received their JPD yet?
I'm still waiting on my Cury Felt Raiders and would love to hear something encouraging.
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Post by ReturningSon »

Jimmy contacted me back and said my hat would be sent out this weekend!
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Post by DanielJones »

Sweet looking hat Scott! Congratulations! :clap: Would dig on a pic being worn outdoors if possible. ;-)


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Post by Erri »

Sorry if I reply to an old post but...
That's an excellent bash Indiana Green, wow! A perfect raiders look if I can add
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Post by RaiderZee »

I'm reluctant to post this, but has anyone heard from Jimmy lately? I've called, emailed and PM'd him over the past week; no response. He told me on Jan. 5th that my hat would be ready in about a week; no hat yet. I'm not really in a rush, but lack of communication is frustrating. :?

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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Still waitin' over here too, Raiderzee...
What about YOU, ReturningSon?
I'm sincerely hoping things are okay with Jimmy - and his family (and I agree that lack of communication IS a bit of a downer...but it IS also pretty discouraging to hear about you guys being told "It's being sent out in a day or two" -or whatever - and then 5 weeks go by and STILL no hat)
I don't know how you'll feel hearing this, Raiderzee... but I see in this thread that you ordered your hat in the first week of December... I placed my order and sent him my money in the last week of September... and STILL no hat in hand.
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Post by RaiderZee »

Yeah I hope JP & family is OK too. I'm still in no rush, I'd just like to hear SOMETHING.

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Post by Mitch LaRue »

A wordy post from Mitch LaRue (Thanks in advance for letting me rant... I guess it's cheaper than Therapy)

On the subject of waiting on JPDs hats ordered back in October:

I'll be calling Jimmy's number after I get home from work tonight and it might be a bit late when I do, so I realize I might not catch him there...
So, can anyone tell me:
Does he have an answering machine?
Will I at least be able to leave a message that he might get?

I'll be honest, while I maintain that first and foremost that I hope that all is well for him and his... as I reread this thread from the start I'm starting to "retro-actively" feel a bit impatient (I'm sure you know what I mean...)
Some of us were being told "any day now" back in November for pete's sake...
(Ahhh... I was SO young back then... so... innocent).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna have the audacity to get indignant about this, especially since I don't know what's going on (saw a lot of that sort of "comment regret" on the Camptown Hats thread)... so I'm NOT a guy who's holding any sort of grudge...
I don't think it's unreasonable to be both confused and concerned about the... uncertainty of all this.
I AM thinking of leaving Jimmy a message that says "If you haven't already finished my hat... if you won't, in fact, be able to get it to me within the next week... then kindly send back the Money Order and we'll go our separate ways with no hard feelings on my part.

But as I said, AM I even going to be able to leave him a message that says this?

Lastly, I'll mention this one other thing (RaiderZee, you might not want to read this next part):
In going over all of my materials and e-mails on this subject, I realized something... I have a pm to Jimmy in the OutBox (saying, in essence "Hey Jimmy! I just came back from mailing the Money Order to the address you gave me, etc, etc...if you need to contact me for any reason, here's a couple of e-mail addresses etc, etc)...

The pm is dated September 29th.

That pm has STILL not been opened by him.

Now, I DO remember hearing early on that Jimmy doesn't exactly keep up with his pm's as often as he'd like and that the BEST way to reach him was to phone (ironically, I sent that pm to him BECAUSE I'd had success with him reading a couple I'd already sent to him...)
The first was saying I'd like to place an order...
The second was a few weeks later with me saying "I haven't heard back from you, so perhaps we should forget the order"
Within just a few days he sent me a message saying "sorry about the delay, let me tell you about my October Cury Hat Special and here's where to send the money order..."
I went for the "October Special", then I sent that pm and that's been the last I've heard.

I just wish I'd known that as much as 4 & a half MONTHS could go by without a pm being opened.
PLUS, JPD has been HERE, posting on this thread (mid-November-ish)... several weeks after many of us were expecting their orders.
All of this just leaves me scratching my head.

I'm not interested in waiting any longer... and I'm fearful that him being made aware of either this post - or the message I hope to leave him tonight - will result in some sort of "rushed hat" being sent to me.

I think I'll ask for my money back.

So, again... I DO hope is all is well... can anybody answer my question about the answering machine?
Thanks for reading folks,
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Post by RaiderZee »

Returning Son? The Durdens? Got a hat yet???? :-k

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Post by thedurdens »

Hey all,
Right before xmas I received my hat from Jimmy that I had ordered the last week of August. Like I stated before this was after it was supposed to arrive end of Oct., then end of Nov. and so on. It was hard to sometimes track Jimmy down during that process and I know he had some issues on the homefront too. I don't want to sound like I'm bashing him though because not only is my hat great, my new favorite :) , (you are allowed to hate me for not posting pics :twisted: ) but when I have spoken with him he has been great to deal with also. In Jan. I even sent him my old Peter Bros. for a reblock. My main concern is, as has been stated by others, the lack of communication.
I tried calling him for an update once last week and then again on Mon. of this week and have not been able to contact him. Previously, in regards to Mitch's question, I have been able to leave a message but these last two times that has not been the case. I don't want to be a pest as I know that he is busy but I just like an update now and again.
In short, got my first hat, waiting on reblock, Jimmy disappeared again. Hope this info is helpful.

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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thank you Frank...
I'll TRY to reach him tonight... but I guess I won't do it with a skip in my step and optimism in my heart.
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Post by thedurdens »

No problem, Mitch. If you reach him let us know. (And keep him talking so we can trace the call and run a Jack Bauer/24-esque operation and retrieve our hats.) :lol:

Thanks again,
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

'Morning everybody.
Well, I called the number provided on his website. It rang about 10-12 times and then an automated "robot-type" voice comes on and says something to the effect of "Hello. No one is available to take your call... please call again later."
And then does not offer the option of leaving a voice message.
In the interest of keeping those of us here with "like" interests up to speed, I'm going to share with you what I did next. (And make no mistake, it saddens me to do what I did next...)
I wrote a message to Jimmy using the "Contact" option on his webpage (I realize that others of us have said that this isn't always successful... but I have to try... what other option do I have? With the exception of posting "JIMMY? Are you HERE? Please contact me!" in this thread once every day for who knows how long.)
Anyway, please take a look and share your thoughts if you'd like.

Hi Jimmy,
I sincerely hope this note finds you well and in good health and spirits.

If you check your records you'll find that you and I exchanged a few notes and information back in mid-September of last year (the result being that you advised me that you'd be offering a Cury Felt Fedora October Special for $125.00 with free shipping). At the time you said that you expected to have the hat finished in 3-4 weeks.
On September 29th I placed my order with you for that fedora and sent you a Money Order for that amount, as agreed.

It is, obviously, now over 4 months later.
I have no hat from you nor have I been contacted by either yourself or someone speaking on your behalf despite the fact that I provided you with 2 e-mail addresses.
I tried to call you last night using the number provided on your website... I'm getting no answer (nor does there appear to be any ability to leave you a message).

I'd like to cancel my order.

If you haven't already finished my hat... or if you won't, in fact, be able to get it to me within the next week (today's date is Thursday, February 12th), then kindly send back the Money Order and we'll go our separate ways with no hard feelings on my part.

My name, address and contact information follows:
(Which, obviously, I then wrote down for him)

Here are two e-mail addresses you can reach me at, day or night.
(Same idea, I gave him 2 e-mail addresses)

Two phone numbers you can reach me at most anytime:
(Ditto, ditto)

Gave him my real name and ALSO signed with (a.k.a. Club Obi Wan Username "Mitch LaRue")

I think that's fair.
But STILL... Ugh.

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Post by gwyddion »

I think you did good Mitch: good clear and decent note. I still hope you'll get that hat my friend, as I know you realy wanted it but I do understand why you feel like canceling the order.

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Post by Michaelson »

You might want to back it up as a registered letter so you KNOW he receives it. At least you'll have a signature.

I have no idea what's going on with JPDesign these days. I've watched the boards everyday, and haven't seen him log in at all. His last post was January 10th. :-k

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by RaiderZee »

Mitch, I too attempted to contact Jimmy via his webpage yesterday. I sent him a similar message. Basically, if I don't hear from him by Friday, I'm going to contact my bank to cancel the charge Jimmy placed on my CC. Needless to say, this is all very disappointing.

I HOPE someone who is a personal friend of Jimmy's can get ahold of him and let him know the situation. His business cred on COW is in freefall.

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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Michaelson wrote:You might want to back it up as a registered letter so you KNOW he receives it. At least you'll have a signature.
Excellent advice... (Who am I kidding? "As Always!")
Thanks Michaelson.
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Post by coronado3 »

This is really too bad...

Jimmy does FANTASTIC work. Really top notch. I had a really great hat from him which I sold and now wish I had back!

Perhaps he needs someone who does the PR / orders/etc. and he can concentrate on hat making.
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Post by thedurdens »

I just sent Jimmy an e-mail by replying through an e-mail that he had sent me about my first hat. I am not sure if it will reach him but I expressed that besides myself there are others who really need to hear something from him. I too tried calling last night and received the same automated response that Mitch did.
As has been stated it is a shame because he is a nice guy with great product which is why I sent my other hat to him for a reblock. Hopefully this all pans out ok.

Thanks again.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Dutch_jones »

In all fairness you should not post this on a board !! you should take it up with Jimmy and resolve it, you're ruining a business here this way,
Jimmy has always delivered in the past. I'm not saying what he did is good, but still you should resolve it with him, not throw it on the board..... come on.... you know better.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by RaiderZee »

Dutch, how can we take it up with Jimmy when he refuses to reply to ANY form of communication?? Emails, PMs, phone calls, website: nothing. I'm posting on here trying to figure out from other customers what is going on, to see what communication they have had, and for those in the same boat, what they are planning on doing about it. I have taken much more to PMs and emails than to the forum. I don't think any cheap shots have been delivered here in this discussion.

Jimmy is the one ruining his business, not his customers.

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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Let me start by saying that I'm not being indignant or angry when I write any of what I'm about to write... (I've never liked how when someone simply reads what you wrote in an "Online Forum-Style Post", often the spirit in which it was intended gets lost in translation, due largely to the fact that I don't know you and you don't know me).

I AGREE that matters like this should be dealt with - if at all possible - outside this forum.
Myself - and others - ARE trying (and have been trying) to resolve this with Jimmy... but the first step in doing so is to be able to CONTACT him... and in this regard Jimmy has made it ...difficult.

Yes, he has always delivered in the past.
I agree.
I've been one of the people who has sung his praises again and again. And I think being such a supporter quite frankly gives myself - and others here - the right to use this forum to ask others here "Any ideas of how I can reach Jimmy?" I think that in lavishing praise on his hats when I've never held one in my hands means I've built up enough credit with him to be able to ask that.

Should I have shared such detailed content concerning the message I've sent to Jimmy and my request to cancel my order? Perhaps not.
But should I just sit quietly and not bother anyone with my questions of how to contact a Hat Maker in a thread devoted to the subject of HIS fedoras when this thread is the only place with proof of his visit (last here on November 14th, 2008) when this forum is devoted to the subject of sharing information with each other? No?
..... come on.... you know better.

I'm not angry with Jimmy,I just want to be able to contact the man in some way.

I LOVE his hats.
But I AM tired of waiting for one - especially when he's told people here that their hats would be mailed out again and again and - for whatever reason - was unable to do so.
I'd just like to cash in my chips, that's all.

Even Michaelson thinks it's odd:
Michaelson wrote:I have no idea what's going on with JPDesign these days. I've watched the boards everyday, and haven't seen him log in at all. His last post was January 10th. :-k
So, I'm actually WORRYING about the guy now. But assuming he's in good health and all is well (and I don't know otherwise) then I have to look after MY business... the business of "I'd like my money back now, please."

You should be less interested in making the rest of us feel bad saying we're "ruining a business here". If Jimmy's losing customers based on us telling C.O.W. Members straight facts, then it's JIMMY who's ruining HIS business... c'mon man YOU know that.
Not sitting around and continuing to wait patiently from a businessman who can't be contacted, does not make the customer a bad guy.

My opinion.

In closing:

Hi Jimmy!
Please call/pm/e-mail me using either of the 2 phone numbers or 2 e-mail addresses I gave you.
Thanks as always! Love your hats! Hope to hear from you soon.
(See how sarcastic that reads now? And yet... it's NOT.)

Nor is this:
I sincerely hope all is well with you and yours.

Wrote this while on break at work in response to Dutch's note (above)... hadn't read your response until just now, RaiderZee... (glad you and I are on the same page... but also didn't want you thinking I "lifted" from your note.)
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Michaelson »

Agreed, something is definitely amiss. We've experenced this with other vendors, but in those situations they HAVE been answering phone calls, emails and PM's, and those discussions we have sent offline when those discussion have spilled over to the forum. In this case, though, there HAS been no response what so ever, and the concern of those who have monies invested are legitimate.

Dutch, as much as I know you think you are 'helping' Jimmie, you are not. Please do not moderate a section unless you are asked to do so by administration.

Also as a side note, for those who are logging in as 'invisible', the administration can still see you and know where you are at any given time. :|

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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by ReturningSon »

I am gonna have to side with Mr La Rue on this one. I paid for one of Jimmy's curly felt Raider hats on October 6th (sent him a check, which he cashed) and then I waited. Jimmy said two-three weeks for the hat to be made. 4 months later and nothing. I called Jimmy numerous times with no response. I emailed his site and personal emails literally dozens of times. Finally, when I threatened taking a refund, he replied that he would get the hat out the weekend or give me a refund if he didnt. That was two weeks ago and no hat, no refund. I hate to be mean but if a Vedor is going to offer his product he should offer it within the timeframe he states. Jimmy's hats look great but the paying customer should not have to wait four months for something unless he was told beforehand..... :(

If Jimmy could please PM or email me about the situtation, that would be great!
Last edited by ReturningSon on Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by thedurdens »

Just wanted to add briefly to the above comments and say that never have I meant to hurt Jimmy or his business. In my last e-mail to him I even offered my help if any was needed and was trying to give Jimmy a "heads up" to let him know that people other than myself are trying to get in touch with him and may be growing "restless."
As I have said before, I think Jimmy's work is great and I think he is a great guy as well which is why I sent him my hat for a reblock after receiving my first hat. All I ask is that people try to understand that when you try to reach someone for days, weeks, months, through e-mail, pm's, phone messages and hear nothing, sometimes you reach out to all sources for a little help is all.

Thank you again,
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I'm not a "short replies just to 'up' my post count" kinda' guy (no, really... just look at some of my previous posts... I'm downright "chatty"...)
So I know some of you will be surprised when I simply say
"Well said, thedurdens."
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Michaelson »

Look at mine, then feel better about yourself. :lol:

That's not even counting the posts lost in the great server crash of '06 or so. (no WONDER my fingers are always sore!) :roll:

Mitch, you ain't even IN the 'chatty' range. ;-)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Good to know there's always room for improvement, Michaelson.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by IndianaJack91 »

I think that vendors should put ordering on hold when there is a huge backorder on a product. This eliminates problems with too many customers waiting to recieve their product. this would also make it easier on the vendor to get projects done. But it does sound like there is something weird going on with JPD right now. Originally it was supposed to come in 4 weeks and now its been 4 months and still no product? Anyways just my 2 cents.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Indiana Green »

Sorry to reply to an old reply to an old reply (yes I meant to say that), but thanks alot Erri! I really appreciate the comments. The bash is about 90% Jimmy and the rest is my tweaking.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by ReturningSon »

still no word... :-s :-s
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Same here.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by thedurdens »

Just tried another phone call and its is still the automated response with no ability to leave a message. Have not heard a response from my e-mail either.
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Re: Simply JPD....

Post by IndianaJack91 »

Where is he based?