Shortly after Christmas I received my 6 ft. Stockwhip from Joe Strain in a whiskey color, and wow, what a gorgeous whip. I can tell that the whip itself is extremely well made, with very tight plaiting and absolutely awesome balance.
Now this is the first time I've worked with a Stockwhip, and as some of you know, my only other whip is a 10 ft. Indy Bullwhip, and the differences between these two in terms of feel and handling is huge. So much so, that I'm actually having a little difficult time getting the "crack" on some of the techniques. I'm certainly beginning to understand that a 6 ft. Stockwhip requires a little more wristy, snappy motion compared to the behemoth of the bullwhip I have.
But of all cracks, I'm having the hardest time with the very simple cattleman's crack (the easiest with my bullwhip). I can actually do multiple cracks easier, but for some reason when I try to do a single cattleman's crack, I'm not feeling how to get a tight enough curve on this whip.
I may need to post a video so some of you can analyze me. The whip feels beautiful, and I really enjoy working with it. Enjoy the pics.