From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I've been reading posts here for awhile and finally decided i would say hi.
I have been fascinated with whips for awhile now and about a year ago bought a cheap 12' drover from my local horse supply shop. Wasn't much impressed, couldn't get it to do anything (but was probably user error). Then a couple months ago they got in a few nylon whips, so i invested in a 9'. Seemed ok but was a little long, hit myself a couple times. Seemed really stiff. couple weeks later i picked up a 6' nylon and a 4' drover just to round out the collection so i would have something to use anywhere. Oddly enough after playing with the 6' i got better with the 9'. Just seemed to get a better feel for it, though being nylon just don't think it is giving me much to work with. So tonight finally decided to order a whip from Gus. I know he is really swamped with orders, but i look forward to getting it when he gets the time. (no rush). I also messaged Adam about hopefully getting one of his when he gets back and catches up. here's a look at what i currently have. [/img]
I already want more. But I'm getting married in 5 months, so I am on a budget right now. Thankfully she is a big fan of Indy. I think seeing
Me dressed up helped her make up her mind. ( by the way ignore the pink walls in my avatar.)
Checked the tracking number this morning and it says my whip from Gus at purewhips is in town and will be delivered today. Now for the agonizing door wait for the postman.