Any luck storing your fedoras? Suggestions please.

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Jonny Whip Crack
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Any luck storing your fedoras? Suggestions please.

Post by Jonny Whip Crack »

Hey all. I've gone a collected 5 sweet Indy fedoras now, and I've been wearing just one now for a bit. My question is, has anyone found a suitable way of storing your extra fedoras when not is use (I mean for months at a time). I've looked on-line at hat boxes and carriers, but they seem to be for cowboy hats and am not sure if they'll suit these dimensions. Has anyone has success with any of these carriers? My goal is to keep them dust free while not in use.... I do, from time to time, switch fedoras for different occasions, and don't want to part with any of them.
Help me club obi're my only hope. :)
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Post by BendingOak »

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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I've never been fond of the western hat boxes, but my choices have been very limited, especially with shaped Indy brim hats. My best solution requires some work, but it's the best I've found.

Walmart sells plain boxes that are 14"x14"x14". A craft store will carry thin posterboard that can be rolled into the center "pipe".

I assemble the box and cut down along the corners with a box cutter to make the height about 9 3/4" and carefully fold to the new size. You can trim the excess if desired. Then, I make the pipe using the hat as a guide to width and height. Tape or staple that to hold it's shape, then use masking tape to secure the pipe in the middle of the box.

It may not be pretty (or easy), but it protects the hat, which is the point. That is, until you can find something better! ;-)
Kim Hoffman
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Storing hats

Post by Kim Hoffman »

Hats should be stored upside down as gravity affects shape. And lying them right side up eventually flattens the contours of the brim.

If a hat is wet, unfold the sweatband and stand the hat on the band away from heaters.

You can purchase hatstands that will elevate and support the hat. You can also have wood lasts made to measure from your head that when fitted into the hat - round the sweatband - will prevent the hat from shrinking.
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Post by interbak »

Hey Johnny,

I have a collection of hat boxes, and store my off-season fedoras all the time with no problems. Call Biltmore hats in Guelph, Ontario. They sell western and dress hat boxes for about $5.00 a piece. I don't know if they'll ship them out to Calgary for you, but it's worth a try. Their toll free number is 800-265-8382. If push comes to shove PM me and I can stop in and pick you up a couple.

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Post by MustangLoverMex »

Hello Jonny! Look at this thread: viewtopic.php?t=35461
Hope that helps.
Best Regards,
-Alfonso :)
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