You know, Indy, 10 years ago I thought soft felt was NOT the way to go. I wanted a good stiff felt. I read Rundquist's post after post regarding the soft felt used in Raiders, and thought, 'that's not for me'.
After I finally got a soft felt, I've never looked back. If you have a GOOD soft felted hat, it takes on the persons personality in wear and use, and as you say above, can be adjusted and changed at a whim of the moment, or quickly returned to it's original bash. You can't do that with a stiff felt.
So, I'm now solidly with you and Rundquist. A soft felt, REGARDLESS of make or model, is the path I now walk.
Oh, and for folks who have stiff will eventually loosen up to a soft felt, so don't fear. All hats eventually become one with a 'personality'. You just get it faster when the hat is a soft felt right out of the box. ;-)
Soft felt is practical too. A comfortably snug fitting soft-felt hat will stay on your head in a strong wind where a stiff brimmed hat will blow right off even if it's painfully tight. I agree, it is the way to go!