Again, no eggs in this basket…yet. Just trying to prove point/counter point if I can find anything. If nothing else it might keep a
friendly debate going.
Nothing was done to this image aside from playing with the light and contrast to try and show the line of the back of the jacket.
A little blurry as his is in motion, but there is a slant here…could it be caused by the holster pushing out the jacket?
In this one, the holster definitely lifts the action pleat, but I'm not sure it's interacting with the front much. Again, I may be seeing slant here.
This one, the bag is definitely pushing out the front, but it still appears to me there may be some slanting going on. You can see an arch in the back panel, though it may be caused by a fold.
Again, not trying to call anybody out, or start a flame war (hint) just trying to see if I can find evidence (or lack thereof) of claims.
If nothing else, these developments are brining back the fun to the investigation side of the hobby (as long as emotions can stay out of it.