Should I be concerned that my new beaver hat seems to pill from friction where I touch it the most? It gets those little balls of loose felt that seem to rub off like on a sweater. Do all beaver hats do this? And how do you care for it, brushing?
I haven't had any problems like this with my Penman. In fact, I haven't had any problems at all. Gabrielle, try brushing the hat. It may help tighten the felt.
I adore this hat and the pilling isn't all over like a sweater; only where I touch it a lot around the pinch and top of crown. Probably because I have a tendency to grab there and I wear my hat a lot!!! I thought maybe because the felt was new and some of it is just rubbing off???
If this is your Penman you are referring to, I haven't heard anything like from from any other Penamn owners. It certainly hasn't happened to me. Your best bet is to contact Oak becuase that certainly isn't normal.
Can you show us a picture of what you're talking about? My guess is that if it's occurring only where you touch the hat, it's because you are breaking in the hat at those spots and naturally loosening the stiffener. I've never seen a beaver hat "pill," be it vintage or otherwise, so I'd be interested in actually seeing what you are talking about.
That's a new one for me. Never seen a hat do this. Generally with time, the iron job will be lost and you may get some fuzzies, but they don't come off, unless you pounce them off. Sounds like to me the hat was ironed before the hat was brushed down good after pouncing. That would be the only explanation that comes to mind. Felt hats don't shed, like a dog would.
You have nothing to worry about. Once all of this loose fur comes off, that will be the end of it.
As a suggestion, only brush your hats with crown brushes, made of soft horse hair. Don't use a brim brush on the crown. And never use a wisk broom. It will destroy the original pounce job.
So basically, you have nothing to worry about, because this loose fur will all come off.
Personally, I use a shop vac to vacuum my own hats to insure that I get all of the loose "pounced off fur" from the hat before I continue on. Whomever made your hat just missed a step is what it sounds like to me. Easy to do when you are working on 5 or 6 hats at the same time, with each in a different stage of completion. I am sure the hatmaker will fix this for you, IF it continues, which I can't imagine that it will. Fedora
VERY weird (and I'm thinking that this has GOT to be an extremely UNcommon - and isolated - occurrence)... But ESPECIALLY for one of the Penman Hats! The workmanship that goes into those babies goes ABOVE and BEYOND!
As btc said, maybe this is just a bad card from the deck, but I'd be REALLY interested to hear what Oak has to say.
Mitch LaRue wrote:VERY weird (and I'm thinking that this has GOT to be an extremely UNcommon - and isolated - occurrence)... But ESPECIALLY for one of the Penman Hats! The workmanship that goes into those babies goes ABOVE and BEYOND!
As btc said, maybe this is just a bad card from the deck, but I'd be REALLY interested to hear what Oak has to say.
She never said it was her Penman. It might be, it might be not, but she never said that.
RIGHT you ARE, gwyddion (guess I got a little defensive and my hair-trigger reflexes kicked in!)
I guess I should have wrote things like "Well, if it IS a Penman, then that's VERY weird (and I'm thinking that this has GOT to be an extremely UNcommon - and isolated ....etc, etc...)"
But hey, wherEVER this hat came from, let's hope it's STILL just a bad luck thing...
The way Fedora described it is accurate, it's loose fur that I just pick off. Not a lot, just little fuzzies on the pinch where I rub it all the time.
The hat looks fantastic, fits fantastic and is soft as butter. I adore it and will be ordering another in SOC crease, so don't anyone worry, I just wondered about the little fuzzies.
Thanks for all the help, I will get a crown brush as soon as I can locate one and use it faithfully!!!