The Stetson Temple vs. The Adventurebilt

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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The Stetson Temple vs. The Adventurebilt

Post by inexpensive_jones »


Tonights match will be commentated on by Harry Sanford and Henry Jr.

MC: In this corner we have the Stetson Temple from the makers of a hat possibly seen in the Temple of Doom. Made of fur felt and measuring in at 5” tall, with dimensional brim at 2 5/8” front and back, 2 3/8” sides.
And in this corner we have the challenger, Adventurebilt, as seen in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Made of 100% beaver and measuring in at a full 5 1/2” tall, with a dimensional brim with 2 3/4” front and back, 2 5/8” sides.

Harry: I don’t know, this could be a pretty quick match Henry. The Temple isn’t looking too screen accurate from here.

Henry: That’s right, but it looked even worse right out of the box. Trainer Inexpensive Jones has reshaped this one on several occasions so it’s coming out about as strong as it has ever been.

Harry: Just look at the way the AB comes out of the box! My goodness he’s ready to rumble.

Henry: He sure is, and look at that dust on him already. He must’ve gone on an adventure.

Harry: Either that or he was mowing the lawn and got too close to the gravel driveway! heh, heh.

Henry: But wait, the Stetson has been on some real adventures, including hiking and camping in the Mountains of Arizona and canoeing the headwaters of the St. Croix River just to name a couple.

Harry: No doubt about it, IJ got his $50 worth out of it, and it seems to have held up. But what’s in store for the AB?

Henry: We’re about to find out, here comes IJ now! He’s walking up to the hats, which one will it be, old faithful Stetson or the AB?

Harry: My money’s on the Stetson, Henry. Think of the sentimentality.

Henry: You might be right. This kind of decision can really tear a guy in two. IJ is almost there. He’s lifting his hand. Reaching out. It’s, It’s the AB! The AB has been chosen!

Harry: My goodness can we get an instant replay on that Henry?

Henry: Look at that, IJ didn’t even hesitate!

Harry: He sure didn’t and look at the grin on his face as the hat slides down upon his head. It fit so naturally, how does Delk do it?

Henry: It looks like Inexpensive Jones has a new travel companion.

Harry: No doubt about it, that’s one happy guy.

Alright, anyone want to chime in on getting a new fedora and how you felt afterward about the old one?
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I loved that inexpensive. I guess we do forget about our older hats when we get a new. In fact, I looked at my Keppler for the first time last friday, after having my Penman for a couple of weeks. I would hate for that to happen to my Penman when my AB arrives. Eventually, the infatuation wears off and the others will be thrown into the daily rotation. Just remember that all hats have a place on your head. If you bought it, you liked. Wear it! Nothing wrong with chosing an AB over a Stetson, though.

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Post by Mitch LaRue »

LOVED the way you wrote that IJ...
I know what you're saying about a hat that's held up faithfully being close to your heart...
But let's face it, that Adventurebilt's proven itself to be the ALL-Time Champ (at least in MY eyes!)
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Post by theinterchange »

haha fun read. thanks

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Post by Dutch_jones »

That is the first AB that actually does resemble a CS hat!
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

I can totally identify...My two 'close enough' fedoras were with me on some really great adventures...But I was always afraid of being too rough on them. One was a wool Broner that was my first 'Indy' hat...that I'd had since the mid 80's...The second was a vintage Borsalino that was just too darn awesome to truly beat up...Now that I have two Fed IV Dlx's, I'm not as afraid to do stuff...But at the same time, I felt a little like I was 'cheating' on the Broner and Borsa when I first got them.....But they're all friends now....
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Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Dutch_jones wrote:That is the first AB that actually does resemble a CS hat!
Are you actually now saying that the AB's owned by members here in your opinion don't even resemble the AB's in Crystal Skull? :roll: I guess everyone's entitled to their own opinion...
I've yet to see an AB that didn't look like its siblings on the big screen in Crystal Skull or the fedoras in ROTLA. I sure see a similarity in the ABs on film and the one I own:

Image Image

inexpensive_jones, great piece! :clap: I've worn and owned a lot of different kinds of hats since I was a little kid, and the two fedoras I owned before ordering an AB (not counting a Federation I ordered after placing the AB order) were a black wool DP and a brown Stetson Sovereign:
Image Image

To be honest, I already wasn't feeling all that great with the DP and Stetson after they tapered pretty badly after a year (see esp. the Stetson), and the DP I just left in Connecticut after I finished my M.A. degree. I wore the Stetson on occasion out here in California just because I enjoyed wearing any kind of hat, but it's been in the closet since before I even received my Fed. I figure I'll either give it to Goodwill or more likely store it for an Indy play hat for a son someday.

The AB is the hat for me! I feel proud to wear mine whether I'm on a dig in Israel, or on my way to teach a class, or off to an academic conference. :)

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Post by Dutch_jones »

Nebraska Schulte wrote:
Dutch_jones wrote:That is the first AB that actually does resemble a CS hat!
Are you actually now saying that the AB's owned by members here in your opinion don't even resemble the AB's in Crystal Skull?
Yes that was exactly what I was saying ! this is the first. Congrats on it !
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Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Dutch_jones wrote:
Nebraska Schulte wrote:
Dutch_jones wrote:That is the first AB that actually does resemble a CS hat!
Are you actually now saying that the AB's owned by members here in your opinion don't even resemble the AB's in Crystal Skull?
Yes that was exactly what I was saying ! this is the first. Congrats on it !

So are you saying that even the photo of my AB next to the photo of Ford's AB from the movie do not resemble each other? :roll: Would you care to elaborate about what is different between the hats in those two pictures, other than the size, the lighting, and the amount of dirt?
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Post by Kokopelli »

:P Um...I like the Stetson! :Plymouth:
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Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

citRon wrote::P Um...I like the Stetson! :Plymouth:
Sorry, I didn't mean to de-rail the thread. :oops:

inexpensive_jones, that Stetson of yours looks very nice :tup: (and in a lot better condition than mine remained). But that AB of yours sure looks sharp! :)

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Post by Kokopelli »

no, I was being serious! I wish I had gotten a Stetson 10 years ago when they were actually decent hats.
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Post by Dutch_jones »

Nebraska Schulte wrote:
Dutch_jones wrote:
Nebraska Schulte wrote:
Dutch_jones wrote:That is the first AB that actually does resemble a CS hat!
Are you actually now saying that the AB's owned by members here in your opinion don't even resemble the AB's in Crystal Skull?
Yes that was exactly what I was saying ! this is the first. Congrats on it !

So are you saying that even the photo of my AB next to the photo of Ford's AB from the movie do not resemble each other? :roll: Would you care to elaborate about what is different between the hats in those two pictures, other than the size, the lighting, and the amount of dirt?
Sorry I meant of all the pictures thusfar posted in the post ab thread of CS ab's I haven't seen one that made me go hmm yeah that looks right, Actually its quite funny because this would fall back into an age old discussion LOL. Your hat DOES remind me of the CS hat. But other nope. haven't seen exact replica's that much.
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Post by inexpensive_jones »

I wish I had gotten a Stetson 10 years ago when they were actually decent hats.
I got mine in '06, so not that long ago.

Nebraska Schulte wrote:
Dutch_jones wrote:
That is the first AB that actually does resemble a CS hat!

Are you actually now saying that the AB's owned by members here in your opinion don't even resemble the AB's in Crystal Skull?

Yes that was exactly what I was saying ! this is the first. Congrats on it !
Thanks for the compliment, but I think that goes to Delk. I just wear it and abuse it.
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Post by inexpensive_jones »

Um...I like the Stetson!
Thanks citRon me too, but not as much as the AB.

Nebraska Schulte, which one of those pics is the Stetson, the one on the left of right?
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Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

inexpensive_jones wrote:
Um...I like the Stetson!
Thanks citRon me too, but not as much as the AB.

Nebraska Schulte, which one of those pics is the Stetson, the one on the left of right?
My Stetson is the brown hat in the lower right. The black one to the left I believe was a Dorfman Pacific. I got the Stetson in the summer of 2003 at the Del Monico Hatter in New Haven, Connecticut. Great service there (real nice gentlemen), and the felt is very soft, but it just didn't hold up well for me.

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Post by inexpensive_jones »

Yikes! My Stetson has never done anything like that. I'm beginning to think mine is a different run of felt or something.
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