ToD hat

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Indiana Joyce
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ToD hat

Post by Indiana Joyce »

Is it possible that the way to get a ToD had would be to find a stetson cowboy hat in the same material and color, then just rebash it and trim the brim?
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Indiana G
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Post by Indiana G »

you'd have to find a rather tall cowboy hat to do that, and even after that i'd be if you do a reblock, then yes.

i've seen some folks turn old cowboy hats to indy hats and they looked great.....of course, they had to do an overhaul.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

But lets say you found a hat with a five inch crown, couldnt you just steam it into a bowler shape ala the akubra, then just rebash it and trim the brim, and add a ribbon? Im asking because I kind of like the way the ToD had slopes inwardly on the front pinch.
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Post by Indiana G »

Indiana Joyce wrote:But lets say you found a hat with a five inch crown, couldnt you just steam it into a bowler shape ala the akubra, then just rebash it and trim the brim, and add a ribbon? Im asking because I kind of like the way the ToD had slopes inwardly on the front pinch.
if you find a good cowboy hat with a nice open crowned shape/height....i don't see why not. just remember that western felt is thicker/heavier than dress you'll need some extra elbow grease when playing with it :D
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Post by Weston »

Sure that would work! Do you already have a hat picked out, or is there another reason you want to do this with a cowboy hat? I have a great Raiders fedora made from an old cowboy hat, but the reason I chose to do it was that it was the only hat I could find at the time with enough material to work with and close to the right color. It cost me $60.00.

A quality Stetson cowboy hat with a tall enough crown starts at $150.00. The best model for your project would probably be the Rancher, although I don't know if those come in brown anymore. I would only do this if I already had a hat in my hand, or could buy one for far less than I could shell out for a ready made fedora from one of the vendors here.

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Post by Darth Indiana »

i think the easiest way to get a good TOD hat is to let a Raiders hat taper naturally.
I've got a Fed III with a Raiders bash that's seen a fair bit of rain. i haven't popped out the crown while it dried after the last few downpours, and the resulting slight taper looks very Temple to me.
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

I was just thinking if Im ever out at a flea market or a yard sale and I happen to find a cowboy hat that is made from the right kind of felt ie not wool, I could work with it. The color doesnt matter that much as I can bleach and dye it, then hit it with some sandpaper. Just always thinking about the future. Other people wont notice that its a TOD style hat but to me it will be.
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Post by moviematt1989 »

I'd say if you want one, Todd's styling of his HJ is pretty good. It fits the poet more naturally than styling it the Raiders way.
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