Wow, hats really are making a comeback

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Wow, hats really are making a comeback

Post by Aggie »

Well, I've had some pleasant experiences with my hat since I got it. First, here's a picture of me in my hat overlooking a lake during twilight.


A few weekends ago I wore my hat out to some college bars. A couple of the bars were frat bars, which I don't really care for but I was going around looking for some friends of mine. I wear dress shirts with the hat, usually Italian. Most of the guys at the frat bars would dress in either pinstripe dress shirts or designer t-shirts (the ones from the mall with the big designs) and faded designer jeans.

I figured I would look really out of place with my hat, but turns out, not so much, especially because of the rest of my clothing. Most guys there were hatless but there were quite a few ballcaps (including the wide-bill caps) and trilbys. I actually got quite a few compliments for my hat, especially from girls. I even had one girl yell from across the street who liked my hat. The hat and my style of dress didn't look out-of-place at all.

I also went to a dance hall that was mostly country. I wear boots and jeans to it but I still top it off with a dress shirt and a hat. In all honesty, I think my hat works really well. Unlike a trilby, a wide-brim fedora CAN look like a western hat. When I think of all those wilderness magazines from the 30s to the 50s and Elmer Keith kind of guys, I think of fedoras. Most of the guys in there were hatless but there were some straw cowboy hats (****kicker hats), ballcaps, and a few felt cowboy hats. I like how my fedora looks different but it still looks like it belongs.

Anyway, I went to a restaurant in a very nice part of Austin last night. It's actually where I took the picture above. A lot of the guys here were wearing dress or polo shirts with chinos. With my hat, I wore another dress shirt (RLPL) with chinos and a pair of Allen Edmonds. I fit in just fine. In fact, I had one guy who complimented my hat, saying that it was a "really sweet" hat. I noticed that people treated me with respect while I was there.

Here are some things I learned from these experiences:

1) Wide-brim fedoras are very versatile hats. I was able to wear it in three different environments without looking really out of place. In fact, I fit in just fine. I didn't come off as "some dude wearing a hat" but more like I had a complete look. I LOVE the fedora in lieu of a cowboy hat. It works!

2) People seem to only associate Indiana Jones with brown hats. They're also more acceptable to hats, which has only occurred in the past ten years or so. Hats in general are making a comeback and I think the rockabilly culture can get some credit for it. Hats no longer look "old fashioned."

3) It's really effective when you dress around the shoes and the hat. The hat in turn will compliment your clothing. Instead of looking like someone wearing a hat, I go for the complete look in which the hat is only a part of the package but it fits in with the rest of the package. I like to OWN the hat rather than it own me.

4) The Raiders turn is awesome.

I hope this helps!
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Thanks! :clap:
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Post by Carolina Tom »

Cool! Glad you had a good experience! I understand Austin is a great town.
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Post by Michaelson »

2) People seem to only associate Indiana Jones with brown hats.
This has been my experience as well. Wear a brown hat with your leather jacket, khaki's and 405's, and you occasionally get the 'Indy' comment. Change that hat color to a grey fedora, wearing exactly the same clothing, and NO one makes a comment, with the exception of the occasional 'Nice hat!' remark.

Weird! :roll: :wink:

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Post by Bemo »

Nicely done Aggie!

Is that an Akubra carbon grey?

Looks great.

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Post by toobacat »

That's a nice looking hat. I think the proportions of the brim and crown are perfect for you. Is it a Fed IV?
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Post by Aggie »

Yes, it is a Carbon Grey Fed IV. I'm really happy with the hat. I didn't realize how versatile the hat is until I started using it.

Austin has it's good parts and it's bad like any other town. The cool thing about it though is that you can get away with a lot as far as dress. Once I saw a guy on Sixth Street wearing a t-shirt and a top hat. Not that I would need to take advantage of that.

I wouldn't be surprised if you get an Indy remark wearing a brown cowboy hat. The color of the hat is far more obvious than other features which people may not even pay attention to.
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Post by Indiana Neri »

Michaelson wrote:
2) People seem to only associate Indiana Jones with brown hats.
This has been my experience as well. Wear a brown hat with your leather jacket, khaki's and 405's, and you occasionally get the 'Indy' comment. Change that hat color to a grey fedora, wearing exactly the same clothing, and NO one makes a comment, with the exception of the occasional 'Nice hat!' remark.

Weird! :roll: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
I know what you mean, Michaelson. In the band we wear black fedoras and black slacks with a grey/gray bowling shirt with a blue stripe down the front and people automatically think we're either a bowling team and/or a Blues Brothers tribute band (which is ironic because the Blues Brothers were the ULTIMATE cover-band...NONE of their stuff was original, albeit many of the arrangements were their own) :roll: :lol:

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Post by MustangLoverMex »

Aggie wrote: I wouldn't be surprised if you get an Indy remark wearing a brown cowboy hat. The color of the hat is far more obvious than other features which people may not even pay attention to.
That's exactly what happened to me... I had a brown hat (not precisely a fedora), wore it at school and I got the whistle Indy tune... and finally when my brown Fed IV arrived, I wore at school and nothing! In fact my "father-in-law" told me when he saw my fed "what's with that Di ck Tracy hat?" ](*,)
Sad, isn't it? haha.
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Post by BendingOak »

Welcome to the club.

My all time favorite comment was " nice top hat."
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Post by Michaelson »

Mine has been 'are you Amish?' :roll: :lol:

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Post by WConly »

Michaelson wrote:Mine has been 'are you Amish?' :roll: :lol:

Regard! Michaelson
Now that is truly classic! My favorite line came from and older man who said -- "Great hat -- going to a funeral?" I just looked at him and said, "No, but I intend to pray a great deal!" W>
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Post by hocfutue »

Michaelson wrote:Mine has been 'are you Amish?' :roll: :lol:

Regard! Michaelson
I've been asked that question when wearing a Civil War uniform--complete with musket and bayonet. Yup, one of them militant Amish you hear so much about. :shock:

Also get asked interesting questions when wearing WWII uniforms (British, Soviet, or GI). When we don't want to explain for the 435th time that day, we say we're with the Swiss Navy. Or "You know the Peace Corps? We're on the other side."
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Post by Indiana Strones »

A recent pic of Tom Cruise...

Image 8-[
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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

Michaelson wrote:
This has been my experience as well. Wear a brown hat with your leather jacket, khaki's and 405's, and you occasionally get the 'Indy' comment. Change that hat color to a grey fedora, wearing exactly the same clothing, and NO one makes a comment, with the exception of the occasional 'Nice hat!' remark.
Actually, I have gotten the "Hey Indy" shout from co-workers when I was wearing a natural colored cotton Tilley T-2 with a green underbrim, without the jacket, Aldens or other gear, maybe a pair of Levi jeans or blue chinos and black dress shoes, along with the "Nice hat!", "I like your hat", and other related comments. I get those comments when I'm wearing the brown or gray Indy fedora, or my light colored wide brimmed Tilley.
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