it looked to be a rather straight block but what sold me is that the price for both was a fraction of what it would cost to buy the raiders hat block and flange from richard at lamode.
i normally wear a 22.5" size fedora and from that, richard recommended a 22 7/8 block. the one above is a 23" block which i believe will still work. it measures 5 5/8" tall which is the height of one of my AB rabbit raider feds which suits me fine.
my questtion is in regards to what you can see from the top of the block. do you think this would generate a good indy hat? i know that $3K is using a winston 360 block which he has to porkpie the top as it comes off the block quite flat. i just want to know if anyone can tell if this will yield a decent hat......if not, i bought some spruce last night for $1.01 which i can construct a better block out of. the good thing is, i got the flange....cuz that's pretty pricey

any help would be much appreciated. i've never made a hat before, but i've always wanted to. steve, marc, oak, mark brody are great inspirations for my latest venture.