Paul, takes the novice through the basic cracks: circus crack, horizontal, volley's, and the more complicated arrow head.

Above is a previous picture session with Paul, that did not make the cut into the tutorial tape. I wonder why?
I liked the way Paul does the "set up", the taking of the "little steps" in developing an "arrow head" crack. It's a good way to teach that crack. In fact Paul made that crack better for me .
Paul also goes into great detail on making several types of crackers or poppers. From the different kinds of material to the simple equipment like the simple 2lb. lead weight used for SCUBA diving. Very, very clear and concise instructions to completely divorce the need to buy from any vendor.
As was mentioned above, Paul walks through every detail on replacing the fall on the whip. Very clear steps were identified in the steps required to replacing the fall. Paul, also gets into the more complicated area of showing how to fix the hitches and as well as tightening the gaps in the plaiting towards the hitches that may arise.
I'd say, Paul has it a home run on this one. I'd say, that this is probably a one stop shopping tape that addresses the basic cracks and basic whip repair. Operators are standing by to take your order. Seriously, I would get it.
Thanks Paul, you have provided a valuable service to our community.
p.s. Paul makes a dramatic appearance on the opening shot. Warning! He is wearing FULL GEAR. Quite impressive.