Anyone still buying lambskin jackets?

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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no better way to break it in....
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ahhh...'cmon over. Its the one-step distressing method.
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Post by majman »

My next Wested will be Lamb (I have a Novapelle). I want to get the drape thing hapening.

Probably not the authentic brown but rather the dark brown they offer, as the authentic brown seens a bit to "sofa" like for me.
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Post by Indiana Venkman »

Aeris, you always post the most awesome pictures. Great looking jacket. That a Todd's?

I will second what Areis said about lambskin being a great leather for everyday wear. I got my Todd's lamb in February and it just keeps getting better and better. The more it breaks in the more I love it. It's lightweight, but you'd never know it by looking, you'd have to wear it to know that. Besides, as adventurous I am, I haven't had any Hovito's darts to dodge nor have I been dragged behind any trucks....recently,lol, so the need for a thicker jacket hasn't been necessary.
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Aeris_Canon wrote:I do agree with the paradox that, while it's probably the best hide for an Indy jacket, there is a sense of getting less jacket when other thicker hides sell for the same price.
I've never understood that logic, since you're still getting the same amount of jacket, so to speak. It's just one is thicker than the other. It's not like you're getting an 8' bullwhip for the same price as a 10' bullwhip! ;)

I guess what I'm saying, for those of you still debating whether to get a lamb or not, is to simply ask yourself the immortal question: Which do you treasure more? Screen accuracy, or a bit more durability? You simply can't have both with ONE jacket.

However, being lighter does not necessarily make lambskin less of a leather than horsehide.
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Post by Holt »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:[
: Which do you treasure more? Screen accuracy, or a bit more durability? You simply can't have both with ONE jacket.
I second that...the new Goat skin is a wonderfull SA hide.

it has the thinness and drape like the Lamb but only 10 times tuffer and stronger.

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#-o :lol:

I'll take care of that
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Post by Holt »

no prob...and that jacket looks GREAT!

I would love a Todds too but I am one of those who would love it in a much tuffer hide cause I tend to wear my jackets hard...

if he only offered it in goat with longer sleeves...

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Post by crismans »

Indiana G wrote:durability depends on the kind of lamb hide you have on your jacket. castor can confirm that prewashed veg tanned lamb is quite's like the 'horsehide' of lambskins.

wested's lamb, todd's lamb (standard and custom) can't shine a light to the PWVT wested lamb....i haven't seen many lambs that could.
I've heard of this before. Does anyone have any pictures of jackets featuring this leather? Does Peter still offer this in his custom jackets?
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Post by Indiana Venkman »

Sure thing, Aeris. I'll take a few pics and post 'em tomorrow when I can get out in the sun for better lighting.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

I have two Indy jackets and I love both of them.

One is an authentic brown, Wested Raiders jacket. It is quite screen accurate and is made by the original maker of the first three films. It is very lightweight like a windbreaker, only it is leather. It looks great. It really looks like the jacket from Raiders. I can wear it on cool nights in the summer, in late spring and early fall, and at Summits when the weather is still warm but I need to wear it for the event.

I also have a Tony Novak KotCS jacket. This one is built like a tank. It is heavy enough that it can really only be worn comfortably in cold weather. It is by the original maker of the fourth Indiana Jones movie and it is very screen accurate.

Both of my jackets have their purpose. I have no fears of the durability of the lamb. Of course, I am like Felix Unger, not Oscar Madison. I am very easy on my things. The lamb looks and feels great and it is able to be worn in many more types of weather than a heavier jacket. On those colder days when I want to wear an Indy jacket, I can pull out the heavy artillery, the Nowak jacket. It has a screen accurate look of the fourth movie, but not of the first three. Each is great in it's own way.

Some people have said that they feel like they are getting less jacket with the lamb as it is not as heavy as some other leathers. I think you could say that you are getting more jacket with the lamb than the other heavier leathers because you can wear the lamb in more types of weather. If you can wear it more often than a heavier leather, you are getting more of your money's worth with the lamb as you can get more use out of it. Just something else to think about.
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Post by bobjones »

Bufflehead, you raise some good points. This has been touched upon, but you live in MD, a rather warm state (only to get even moreso with global warming ;( ) and this should be an important variable when people are choosing a jacket hide.

Being in the Northeast, I can get a good 7+ months of wearing a jacket at all, and I felt my goat G&B is flexible enough for both Spring/Fall, and layering in colder temps.

Like you, I have the "heavy artillery" - mine is a FQHH Aero - to handle the 55 deg F and below days coming in late Sept/early Oct...of which I can only dream of as I turn the a/c up...
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Post by Indiana Venkman »

Uhoh! Sorry guys, I was away for a bit there over the weekend, I'll get those pics up ASAP!!
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Post by Indiana Venkman »

Alright, without further adieu, here are some pics I took of the jacket as it is today. Please forgive the not so accurate hat, shirt, pants. I'm putting things together as I can. After all, we're looking at the jacket now right? :wink:



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Post by CM »

Should that be Indiana Norman? Venkman, you look like the young Anthony Perkins in those shots.
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Are you you saying I look psycho? :lol:
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Post by Indiana Venkman »

Thanks for the kind words, Aeris. I'm glad you liked the pics. Murphy's law is what kept me from posting sooner. I wore that jacket every day that I could after I got it. It was only in the last month and a half or so that it's been too hot to wear it every day. I second the idea of a Coyle's as Indy gear thread.
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

crismans wrote:
Indiana G wrote:durability depends on the kind of lamb hide you have on your jacket. castor can confirm that prewashed veg tanned lamb is quite's like the 'horsehide' of lambskins.

wested's lamb, todd's lamb (standard and custom) can't shine a light to the PWVT wested lamb....i haven't seen many lambs that could.
I've heard of this before. Does anyone have any pictures of jackets featuring this leather? Does Peter still offer this in his custom jackets?
I don't think so, but here are pictures of my jacket fresh from the box, back somewhere after Summer '07, I think... ... ader/d.jpg ... ader/c.jpg ... ader/b.jpg ... MG1764.jpg

And like G says, this is one tough lamb... It's like the lamb that bosses around the other lambs! ;) Not quite the right color, but it certainly feels the part!
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Post by crismans »

Thanks Castor! That certainly looks like one tough lamb. :D
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