Ebay whips, worth the time?

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Ebay whips, worth the time?

Post by TheReverend »

Well, I'm planning ahead for Halloween this year, since last year's excursion was thrown-together-patchwork at best ( I was Dr. Evil, complete with shaved head).

This year, I plan to dress as our favorite Archaeologist, however I'm on a budget. Everything I have is relatively close to Indy's, I just need a whip.
I've been checking out prices on ebay, and these two auctions caught my attention:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... egory=3175

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... egory=3175

Now while I'm aware neither of these whips are like Indy's in color or design, I was wondering which would make a decent substitute. I was thinking the black, since it would be a solid color.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has had any dealings with this whip vendor and can testify to it's durability as, well, a whip. In case someone asks me to demonstrate for them, can I use these puppies effectively?

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Indiana Texas-girl
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

When you get a whip, you're gonna wanna crack it. You'll love it and wanna upgrade. If price is an object, I'd get a Keppler or ecwhips Budget indy.

I know I didn't answer your question, but I wouldn't get either of these in the auctions you linked us to. I really can't comment on a whip from a whipmaker whose work I've not handled.
Robert Duke
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Post by Robert Duke »

I second that notion by ITG. Those whips on eBay are garbage. You also don't want to get a 10 footer. If all you will ever do is carry it around as a prop, ok then. If you ever want to learn how to crack a whip decently like Indy did, then don't get either of those 2 listed on eBay.
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Post by TheReverend »

Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I would certainly like to learn to crack a whip, but I also need a good prop. So I'll go ahead and check out the two you mentioned. Thanks for the input.
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Post by Indiana Joe »

Robert Duke wrote:You also don't want to get a 10 footer. If all you will ever do is carry it around as a prop, ok then.
IndyCoil, Mr. Duke is so right about the length. I started out on my 8-footer and was beginning to get some confidence. Then, I tried Dale's (whipwarrior's) 10 footer. Or, maybe it was Dakota Ellison's DM? Dale, what does the video show at Indydawg's?
Anyway, I digress. The point is that I found it more difficult to crack the 10 footer because my timing was off. The extra 2 feet makes a big difference! So, if you're going to start you may want to look for a 7 or 8 foot whip. Just my .02.


Post by whipwarrior »

I haven't watched the video in ages because I sent it to Michaelson to make a VHS transfer. It was Dakota Ellison's 10-ft. David Morgan bullwhip that you used. As I recall, you got some nice cracks out of it, albeit with a bit of difficulty due to the length. I personally love my 8-ft. bullwhip. Perfect length, and works like a charm! :-)
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Post by Indiana Joe »

Thanks for clarifying my somewhat fuzzy memory, Dale. If you ever get a copy would you mind making me one? I'd like to have a copy since I'd never seen so many Indy-related things together in one place like that.
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Post by RedburnIV »

Well I wouldnt say Ebay is all bad, I baught my 10ft nylon whip off of ebay so once and a while you do get lucky, but most are just fakes or @#$%.

Regards, Dan
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