KOTCS Bash Names

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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KOTCS Bash Names

Post by Indycrazy5187 »

Since they're so many bash types for all the movies (ex-SOC bash and Idol Grab in ROTLA). I figured that someone should start to come up with KOTCS bash names

here are a few I thought up

Icon Bash-The very first time you see Indy's face.

A51 Bash-Area 51 scenes

SOP-Streets of Peru with the scenes of Indy and Mut going to Ox's jail cell.

Atomic Town Bash (ATB)-you know what this is

Graveyard Bash (GB)-Finding the skull

Tied up bash-when Spalko has indy tied up in the tent

12 Skulls bash-the end of the movie when they're in the tomb.

Knowledge Bash (KB)-When Indy explains what the City of Gold really was.

Car Chase Bash- You know what this is

Ants bash-before it falls off during the fight

Waterfall bash-3 times it drops

Did I leave any out? Please if you know a better names for the ones mentioned, add on.
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Post by McFly »

I thought the bashes were pretty consistent... :-s :-k

Did you see noticable differences?

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Post by Indycrazy5187 »

na not really...i just thought it would be cool to make up some names...although...some scenes clearly have different hats in each frame.
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Post by Mulceber »

Yeah me too. I mean, there were maybe 2 different styles throughout the film (and even those were pretty similar) - do you think we really need all those styles? This isn't the Raiders hat (although it is incredible in its own right). :junior: -M
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Post by myamoebafriend »

Yep, seemed pretty consistent to me. It seems like the different scene names for bashes in previous movies came out of necessity really. If any noticeable differences are found though, we know what to call them.
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Post by Indiana G »

they were all the same bash, but i have to admit that the a51 hat's brim was more worked in than the what we see in the rest of the movie imo.

if were naming hats, we should start with the obvious:

1. indy's brown hero hat
2. indy's brown train hat

{jumps under plymouth} :P
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Post by TimInKC »

Indiana G wrote:{jumps under plymouth} :P

You sure that wouldn't read "Gets mowed down by Plymouth"? :)

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Post by conceited_ape »

The hangar 51 bash really stood out for me. I think it looks the best for sure. It's what my Fed IV is modelled after.
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Post by Mark Brody »

I notice 3 bashes, and many mishapen hats. There was the bash he had through just about the entire movie, the bash at the wedding (which is spot on to what Steve sent me), and the grey hat bash. Other than that, the hat was mishapen by water a number of times throughout the movie, but I wouldn't call it a bash.
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Post by Terrasolo »

what about the hat that Steve said that he snuck in that was the original sample hat. Didn't they say that it got used in two back to back scenes for continuity?

was that a different bas of just the brim?
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Post by Michaelson »

I'm sure Steve and Marc had their own official terms while the job was ongoing, but I doubt any of them are suitable for a family site. :shock: :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

Given that the hats were bashed to hard spec and gauged by ruler, I'd say any differences from scene to scene were entirely incidental due to handling.
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Post by Dutch_jones »

McFly wrote:I thought the bashes were pretty consistent... :-s :-k

Did you see noticable differences?

Only when different hats where used could you see something but the bash was consistent.

There is one hat thats much taller than the rest, and one that is closer to the tod hat. with a wider brim.
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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

I thought the bashes looked pretty consistent for the most part except when the hats got soaked. There are a great many scenes with "moisture". How about "Dry Bash" and "Wet Bash"?
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Post by Indycrazy5187 »

Don't Call Me Junior! wrote:I thought the bashes looked pretty consistent for the most part except when the hats got soaked. There are a great many scenes with "moisture". How about "Dry Bash" and "Wet Bash"?
DB, WB...sounds good
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Post by Bardoon »

How about the "Area 51 MAGIC REBASH" BASH!?!?!?

:lol: When the Soviets throw Indy's hat out of the car, it was noticeably squeezed and misshapen from the soldier grabbing and throwing it. But after they grab Indy and throw him out and he goes to grab his hat...TA*DAAA* Indy's hat is back in good ol' KotCS Bash shape!

Anyone notice that?
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Post by Indiana G »

i noticed that......but between the time that the hat is thrown on the ground to wear indy is standing in front of it, baron hats was contacted to put the bashes back in. didn't you see the guy with the baron hats t-shirt sneak in and pop the creases back and straighten the brim? it's a really quick shot, but its there. thats why i'm buying my CS hat from them....cuz they worked on it.....yup..... :roll:

.......sorry steve......that's the last shot from me...honest........ :lol:
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Post by Indycrazy5187 »

The Magic rebash lol
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Post by mufflowne »

Gee, I gotta get me one of dem fancy Baron hats too!
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Post by Kokopelli »

-it's like one of those tents that you have folded up, toss it and it pops out into shape!
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Post by Indycrazy5187 »

i thought about gettin a baron but really wanted an ROTLA fedora.
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