How many rebashes can a Fed IV take?

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How many rebashes can a Fed IV take?

Post by morganswift »

OK, probably a silly question but I'm just wondering how many times you can bash and rebash a Fed IV deluxe without something going pear-shaped. :?

So far I've put an initial bash in, knocked that out, put a bash in with the turn, knocked that out and put it back as it was. Because I'm incredibly indecisive I'm thinking of putting the turn back in. Is there a point where the hat gives up?

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Post by mufflowne »

Depends how hard your front pinch is. Unless you've installed the pinch much, it won't matter a lot.

But what you might find over time is that the areas you've bashed won't be as stiff as they used to be and your bash won't hold. The first bash you put into an open crown is the bash it remembers the most.

Post by morganswift »

Thanks, mufflowne. That's makes sense. I put a hard pinch into the first bash, knocked that out (semi-successfully) and then put the turn in and put in another hard pinch about 3/4 inch to the side. The hat kind of 'got away from me' with the turn so I've now put it back and just about got away with it (there's a hint of the turn pinch which I'm massaging out). The centre dent is looking pretty lively but it all adds character 8)

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Post by Piker »

in a word: TONS!!

My Fed IV in carbon gray? Been thru several impatient incarnations, yet if Indy ever went to Santa Anita Racetrack and bet on the bay horse: ... =50&t=3826

I tell you its a winner!
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