David Morgan Indy Bullwhip Braiders

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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David Morgan Indy Bullwhip Braiders

Post by LemonLauren »

I found a page on David Morgan's website earlier today that I don't remember seeing before, and thought it might be interesting to share on here. It's not necessarily new news, or good or bad news, but I hadn't seen anything officially on his site about it before.

It sounds to me like Morgan doesn't braid the Indiana Jones style bullwhips much (if at all) at this point, and that he is seriously thinking now about retirement. From what I could gather, Morgan's son Will braids the bellies sometimes, Morgan's grandson Alex braids the first half of the overlay, and Meagan braids the last half of the overlay, finishes them with the knots, and does all the cutting and preparation of the leather.

The direct link to the page is http://www.davidmorgan.com/workshop.html?cPath=7_187& and here are some highlights of the "new" info.
[Morgan's] guidance ensures that David Morgan will produce superior quality bull whips and braided goods both now and after David's well deserved retirement.

For each 450 Series Bull Whip, Meagan selects the hide, then cuts and pares the leather. The strands are cut by hand and the edges slanted by paring so the strands will fit together closely in the finished whip. The whip is braided tightly, which takes the stretch out of the strands so that the thong will hold its shape, and not become just a bundle of loose strands. Meagan supervises this physically demanding braiding first half of each whip, then braids and finishes each whip, attaching the fall and knots, creating a durable whip that works well for stuntmen and cattlemen.

Alex, grandson of David Morgan, has been braiding for David Morgan for a few years. Alex's strength is the physically demanding heavy braiding needed for the bull whips, where he braids the heavier first half of the whip.

As time permits from his ongoing management duties with David Morgan, Will [son of David] is doing some of the heavy braiding of the underbellies used in the bull whips.
Lauren Wickline
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

Alas, it looks like my dream of owning a personalized whip braided by the man himself has passed me by. Not to infer in ANY way that the whips coming out of DM are inferior in ANY way---I'm sure they're of better quality now than if David were still making them...No-one is immune to old age. It's just that....Well, you guys know....

Guess I'll just have to be happy braiding my own for now. At least, until Lauren becomes legendary... :oops: :wink:
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Post by The_Edge »

It's been the case for a number of years now that David has been slowly removing himself from the whip making process by training others in his place. It shouldn't come as a surprise. I'm glad that he has trained others in his specific techniques for building a 450 series bullwhip. No matter how many imitators there are now, there is something about the 450 whip that immediately says Indy whip. From the width of the strands, the weight, the thong junction, the shape of the knots, etc a DM whip will always be the quintessential Indy bullwhip. I visited him recently and I can say that the whips coming out of his shop are of excellent quality these days. I know there was some talk of poor quality a few years back, me included I'm sorry to say, but the folks he has trained to build his whips are doing a great job. The fact that David is no longer personally involved in plaiting each whip shouldn't dissuade anyone from buying a 450.

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Post by PyramidBlaster »

Yes, I totally agree---Just wish I'd gotten in sooner so I could have had one from the master himself....That's all. I'll probably pick one up anyway....
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Post by jedidentist »

I got mine the day that CS opened...knowing ahead of time that the "man" himself wasn't going to make it. However, it's still a "Morgan".
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Thanks for posting this Lauren, Your right, its no secret that his has pretty much been the case for a while now. I am happy to see that they have officially posted it on the site though.

It will be interesting to see how the whips continue to sell at their current prices. Not that the others don’t make a fine whips, because they do, its just that the high price associated with David’s whips always came with his experience and name. As you know litterly first hand lol, There are whip makers out there now that make just as good, or better for a lower price.

PyramidBlaster, don’t give up hope. Keep an eye on Ebay and here on the Cairo Bazaar marketplace. Sometimes older David Morgan’s come up for sale.

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Post by Boggstandard »

For some time, I have been concerned about the issue of "full disclosure."
I am glad to see that issue now has been resolved.

To my mind, the quality of the work and the properties of the final product are what matter. The "name" should be incidental, unless one is acquiring an item for name's sake.

But, if one is not conversant with the art, not fully able to evaluate the work, then the name often becomes the determining factor when making an acquisition.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

PyramidBlaster, don’t give up hope. Keep an eye on Ebay and here on the Cairo Bazaar marketplace. Sometimes older David Morgan’s come up for sale.
Oh, I know...But the thought of the goodly Mr. Morgan making one 'for me' would've been cool. Such is life.
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Post by JMObi »

My DM made by Meagan late last year is an excellent whip, no doubts about it. Sorry still no pic as I don't understand how to post it. I asked David Morgan if he could write "made for (my name)" on the label, and sign his name, as head of the company. So at least I have that. There is nothing dishonest about me asking him to write that, as it doesn't say "Made by David Morgan". Will (Mr Morgan's son) offered to have either Meagan or David sign the card and I asked if David would. I am very grateful for that little piece of history on my bullwhip label from David Morgan himself. Thank you Mr Morgan! (and Meagan!).
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Post by Mola Ram »

the pictures for the 6 footer are new.
http://www.davidmorgan.com/product_info ... cts_id=200

It also now says,
"handcrafted AT David Morgan."
It said just a few month ago
"handcrafted BY David Morgan"
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Post by Mr. Kent »

Does anyone know when Mr. Morgan stopped making his indy whips personally and began using other individuals in the process with him, or without him?
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Post by Whipcrack »

David Morgan is the Master who basically reinvented the American bull whip, bringing it back to the forefront of whip making. His whips are made to be used hard daily for 10+ years without giving in. Remember, his whips were chosen for Raiders by Glenn Randall, himself a whip legend. This was not the case of prop guys looking for a pretty whip but whip master choosing his everyday tool for a movie that needed a smooth cracking whip.

I wish David Morgan well and know he made whip making in the US what it is today.

Bill Walton
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