Coming soon to a holster near you... LC/KOTCS Webley!

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Happy Dance!

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Post by Rook »


Got all 12 grips sanded and the barrels today. The grips are mostly painted right now. I just need to double check them and do any touch ups as necessary.

Since I'm so close to being ready to start shipping perhaps as early as next week.

Having said that, is there anyone in the last group (#10-27) that absolutely needs their pistol before the 22nd?

I don't know how fast international Priority mail is these days, so if you
plan on gearing up for the film, and NEED your webley please let me know.

Or, if you're okay with waiting a bit longer, please let me know that as well.


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Post by K on the run »

I can wait Rook, take your time.
Best regards,
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Post by Indiana Bond »

Yes Rook, you can take your time with mine also. See if you can get it close to the photos I sent you awhile back.


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Post by IndyMo »

I can wait Russ - June is fine. (still want # under 27). I'm sure you need a break, you've been going full out for weeks so if you need time off take all you need. My is for mostly display anyway.

have a great weekend!

Last edited by IndyMo on Fri May 09, 2008 4:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

I am out of town May 16-23 but would love to get it soon after I get back, only because I can't wait to see it myself!
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Post by Falcon »

I too can wait.
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Post by Kali Yuga »

No problem! I can wait. Regards, Kali Yuga
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Post by Rook »

Just a heads up, but there's payment info for those in the #10 to #21 block in the other thread.

I have 4 more guns fully painted and about 80% assembled.
Won't be long now!


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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Thnaks Rook! I just got that wonderful message from PayPal saying the item was shipped! I cannot wait to receive said Indiana Jones Movie Prop! :lol:

More happy dances!
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Post by Rook »

Update in the sales thread. Two slightly lower price guns for the #10-21 group because of a small flaw.

Also, if you're in that group I have paypal info posted a few posts up in the other thread.

Cheers, and Happy Indy Day/Night to all!

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Post by Indiana Bond »


The mailman caught me just as I was leaving for the Theater! Opened the box and stuffed the Wonderful Webley WG right into my holster and off I went.

Great work and thanks again. I will post some comparison pics with my real Webly WG soon.

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Post by IndyWannaBee »

You actually brought your Webley WG to the theater? You didn't get inspected going in? Hmmmmmm! Risky yet brave! :shock:
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Post by Indiana Bond »


I didn't take the whip, Webley, or the MKVII into the theater. Left it in the car as I didn't want to hold it all in my lap for the entire movie. However one of our guys actually brought his real S&W. He wore it into the theater with no problem. He also was wearing it when he went to eat at Cocos across the street before the film.

Now that is what I call brave!!

By the way, I thought you were going to be there with us also. What happened?

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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Yeah we were hoping to make it out there for the midnight showing or the 7:15pm showing on Thursday but finding a babysitter willing to spend the time in the wee hours of the morning didn't go so well.

We are going on Saturday 7:30pm at Downtown Disney followed by a trip to the Indiana Jones Adventure Ride in Disneyland! :lol:
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Post by Rook »

I brought the bag, whip and holster (and the rest of course. I think I'd get kicked out of the theater if I went nekkid...), but left my Webley at home due to wifely pressure. :)

I'm hoping we'll get to go again Saturday, but I'll probably not gear all up this time. They didn't have the AC turned on yet, so the theater was toasty!

@Indiana Bond: Did I happen to put the right side plate bolt back IN all the way? I screwed it partway out to weather it, but couldn't recall if I
put it back in or not. :)

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Post by Indiana Bond »

So that's why that screw was sticking out! Screwed it back in, no problem.


Will post pictures soon!

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Post by michaeljcr »

Are there any fellow Brits out there that know if it's legal for us to buy these or not? I know they've recently made airsoft guns illegal (unless you're in a registered club), but does that go for replica models as well?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

You can own it, just not carry it around.
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Post by Rook »

Sure about that?

The airsoft "waiver" means you have to be an "active" member of a skirmish site (think, one game every month or so). Also, airsoft can be sold in the UK, but it has to be 51% some bright "non real" color, such as Neon green, red or blue.

Now as far as replicas are involved... I believe they're illegal. I'll need to check with my mates in the UK to get an actual ruling for certain. I know the Aliens costumers were put out because most of them are NOT airsoft skirmishers, and technically buying or building an airsoft Pulse Rifle is against the law now. :(

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Post by michaeljcr »

Rook wrote:Sure about that?

The airsoft "waiver" means you have to be an "active" member of a skirmish site (think, one game every month or so). Also, airsoft can be sold in the UK, but it has to be 51% some bright "non real" color, such as Neon green, red or blue.

Now as far as replicas are involved... I believe they're illegal. I'll need to check with my mates in the UK to get an actual ruling for certain. I know the Aliens costumers were put out because most of them are NOT airsoft skirmishers, and technically buying or building an airsoft Pulse Rifle is against the law now. :(

Yeah, it's also fine to buy replicas if you're part of a 'living history' re-enactment group with insurance, or a theatre/tv group of some kind. In theory I think replicas painted a bright colour are ok as well - there's certainly one UK internet site selling replica pistols painted bright yellow or a similar colour.

I might investigate whether an 'Indiana Jones' group could be founded and insured in the same way as a 'living history' group - they do allow theatre and television related ownership, so some kind of costume fan club might pass muster as well.

If all else fails, perhaps a bright yellow one would be fun!
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Post by BroadSword »

Wouldn't that fall into the same category of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers? Not sure how it goes in the UK, but if you can attain a non-profit status, that may help solidify your "official-ness". Of course you'd need to some sort of public service work.
Another thought is to join a WWI living history/reenactment group, since most of Indy's pistols are of WWI era origin.
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Post by michaeljcr »

BroadSword wrote:Wouldn't that fall into the same category of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers? Not sure how it goes in the UK, but if you can attain a non-profit status, that may help solidify your "official-ness". Of course you'd need to some sort of public service work.
Another thought is to join a WWI living history/reenactment group, since most of Indy's pistols are of WWI era origin.
Hi Broadsword,

I thought about joining a re-enactment group, but having done some online research over the weekend, it seems there isn't one very close to me (at least that I can find). Also, it isn't really my thing to be honest, neither is Airsoft Skirmishing which is the easy way to get legal permission. It's an interesting issue though, I'm going to keep digging away at it.

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Post by Rook »

I know there's movie prop collectors in the Uk who are trying to find a way "around" the law but as of now nobody has really nailed a legal way around it.
In theory I think replicas painted a bright colour are ok as well - there's certainly one UK internet site selling replica pistols painted bright yellow or a similar colour.
Do you have a link to the painted replica gun site?

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Post by michaeljcr »

Rook wrote:I know there's movie prop collectors in the Uk who are trying to find a way "around" the law but as of now nobody has really nailed a legal way around it.
In theory I think replicas painted a bright colour are ok as well - there's certainly one UK internet site selling replica pistols painted bright yellow or a similar colour.
Do you have a link to the painted replica gun site?

Hi Russ

Here's the first one I found and then some others I've found since: ... _GUNS.html ... Path/70_35 ... rrent.html

And a place that does wooden replicas who say the same about the bright colours (they used to do a Webley): ... 1f1b5ba78c

It also specifically mentions the colours in The Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 (Realistic Imitation Firearms) Regulations 2007:

I don't want to derail the thread with UK legislation issues, but it's an interesting topic over here. I looked on a few Cosplay sights and similar websites such as the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers (thanks for the suggestion Broadsword, it's an interesting group) and it seems like Gear fans and Costume/prop collectors are in a sticky situation as the law (in my limited understanding of it) doesn't make an exception for these hobbies as it does for registered Airsoft skirmishers and Living History re-enactors.

However, a brightly coloured gun is possible! I wonder if a wooden effect handle and the rest brightly coloured would be ok?

I tell you what though Russ, you should check out a few of the official UK re-enactment sites and forums (presuming you don't already) as I'm sure there's a large number of people in the UK who are members of an official group and would love one of your excellent looking Webley replicas.

Does anyone else think it would be worth starting a separate thread with this information on it for other Brits to see?

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Post by Rook »

OK, for the UK guys/gals...
You should be ok if the kits are transparent or pigmented or pre-painted in the following acceptable colours detailed in the Violent Crime Reduction Act (Sec38 (3) (b):

An imitation firearm, irrespective of the type of firearm or which it is an imitation, will not be considered to be a realistic imitation firearm if it is of a specified principal colour:
i) bright red
ii) bright orange
iii) bright yellow
iv) bright green
v) bright pink
vi) bright purple; and
vii) bright blue
viii) or transparent

Section 38 - Meaning of “realistic imitation firearm”

the imitation is to be regarded as distinguishable if its size, shape or principal colour is unrealistic for a real firearm.

Most UK replica dealers are following this policy...

However, any modifications performed by the purchaser, are subject to the VCR Act. ... -pb5-l1g36
So, yes, I CAN ship to the UK, however I WILL need to paint the gun in a disturbingly neon color so you'll be safe in receiving it.

I won't paint the grip halves though.

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Post by Rook »

Copied from the other thread in case people don't look there...

Just to recap, the run is now closed at 50 guns. Sorry to those who have just arrived, but I won't be accepting any more names until the current list has been whittled down.

Second: PLEASE don't send payment until I contact you for it!
I just had to issue a refund for somone who actually wasn't even on the list! And like most hobby prop makers... I don't like giving the monies back!

But I'm not going to keep the money when I don't have anything ready (or nearly ready) to ship. I'm funny like that.

Big thanks again to everyone who's participating!

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Post by Indiana G »

participating?......more like lucky enough to be in the limited 50 run :wink:

man....that's a nice piece rook!
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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

I'd like a plaque, Rook. Most of the time, the replica is going to sit idle, so I might as well put it on display with my other prop replicas. It would be nice to have it numbered, too.

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Post by knibs7 »

put me down PLEASE!! VERY COOL!!!

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Post by COW Admin »

If there are any more runs on this, they'll need to be put in classifieds...

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Post by Rook »

Roger that.

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Post by ReturningSon »

yeah rook, please annouce ASAP if and when another run is opened! :)
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