Buyer be-ware. Mods please check this out.

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Indiana Croft
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Buyer be-ware. Mods please check this out.

Post by Indiana Croft »

I'm posting this only because of the fact that I'm in shock that someone from evil bay could have the gall to sell this and at such an unbelivable price. I don't think we have to worry about this thread causing a "run" on this auction. Check it out and you'll see what I mean. ... dZViewItem

Now if this is a member, well someone should be ashamed. Also the seller states that it'll be made to your size. Um as we all no that Steve is out close to a year. I know he's try to clean that up but still for some one to try and sell one of his hates even before they've been released.

Also some one should contact Steve if they think it worth it.

Mod's I'm sorry if this is tabo and I'll completly understand if it's removed, but I had to get up on soap box for this.

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Post by Johnny Fedora »

:evil: What a d-bag. words. Just, that had dang better not be a COW member. Wow.

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Post by gabrielle »

How can this be??? Isn't this against the law? Steve should contact eBay or this seller as the auction has to be a fraud...what nerve.

And the seller has a 100% feedback rating?!!! :shock:
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Indiana Croft
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Great, I just wanted to be sure. If you want to lock it or remove it, you have my blessing.

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Post by Dalexs »

We're gonna lock this one and eventully delete it.
It's being discussed here: