Happy owners of a new authentic goat - NOW WITH SPECS

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Happy owners of a new authentic goat - NOW WITH SPECS

Post by Cabinetman »

This is us on Easter. Given the smiles, one might deduce it was after lunch. May each of you be blessed as much as I.

...Oh, yeah, isn't that a great looking jacket?!


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Post by CEEJAY928 »

Great Picture!

Great looking jacket too. I plan on ordering my authentic goat soon.
Can't wait.

Congrats to you, and blessings to you & your family.

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Post by Indiana Joe »

Looks great, Cabinetman! It's a nice jacket, isn't it? :)
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Post by Mike »

It's a beaut!... both the jacket and the family photo. Congrats.

What're the specs? ... on the jacket, not the family. :wink:

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Post by Cabinetman »

Specs a-comin'. Meant to get them together with good pics this weekend passed, but to no avail. Lots going on.

As soon as I can, though. I'll put it in a new thread.
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Post by Bogie1943 »

Nice fam, I hope you had a nice Easter Sunday, I know I did, I am still dreaming about the turkey we had, yummmmmmm.
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Post by Cabinetman »

Well, I found but a few minutes to post some specs of the new authentic goat for any who may be interested.

Here's what I ordered:

Wested Raiders in the Authentic Goatskin
Size 42 Reg
Antique brass zipper and D-rings, left the zipper on the left
Cotton body w/ satin sleeves

Told Peter, "...no special instructions. Your Chris King example standard is going to be great. It appears that the dimensions for the 42 Reg on the sizing chart are going to be right for me." Basically, I just wanted the standard jacket.

Here's what I got:

Wested Raiders in the Authentic Goatskin
Size 42 Reg
Antique brass zipper and D-rings, left the zipper on the left
Cotton body w/ satin sleeves

Since I ordered the standard, I assume these dimensions are basically standard (for instance, regarding pocket placement and size):

Sleeve length - 24-3/4" (as listed on chart)
Sleeve circumference at wrist - 13"
Shoulder to neck - 7" (6-3/4" listed on chart)
Back length - 25-1/2" (24-1/2" listed on chart; I measured from the lowest point at the neck - perhaps the base of the collar stand? This appeared to be the obvious top of the back) I am 6'-1", so perhaps the additional inch was intentional on Peter's part given his tailoring experience. Works for me.

Seam across back - 19-1/4" (20" listed on chart)
Collar - It would be 3" if it came to a sharp point
1 left inside pocket - 6-1/2" wide by ~9" deep
Cargo pockets - 7" wide by 8" tall, including flap
Flap measures - 7-1/4" wide by 2-7/8" to the scalloped point

Cargo Pocket placement and dimensions:
Right pocket - 2" from edge of leather, 2-1/2" from edge of zipper, 1-1/2" from bottom of jacket
Left pocket - 1" from storm flap, 1-1/2" from bottom of jacket
Storm Flap measures basically 1-1/2"; it does vary to as much as 1-5/8" in width. It's symmetrical in appearance. When zipped, each pocket measures an inch to the storm flap.

Zipper stops at 1-1/2" from the bottom of the jacket.

Leather - authentic goat, and here are some color/finish pics:


In some light, I can see what some refer to as kind of a gray tint, but there is really no question this is a brown coat. It's a bit shiny, but I'll live with it..."naturally." Stiffness isn't much an issue. I've never had a "soft" coat like this, so compared to past experience, this is soft. If any of you watched Zohar's Flightsuits Goatskin movie shorts, this Wested is comparable, but not quite as soft. It appears to drape and fold/handle fairly closely to the FS, and the grain is a bit more pebbly on the Wested. Further, inside the action pleat is more pebbly than the rest of the jacket.

Short of showing pictures of me wearing the jacket (although, you may reference the first picture in the thread), I think that's pretty exhaustive, yes?



Oh, yeah. No gussets.
Last edited by Cabinetman on Wed Apr 30, 2003 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rabittooth »

Hey CM...can I interest you in some acetone and sandpaper? :twisted:

Egads! Methinks I hear Michaelson approaching! :shock:

Farewell! May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house! 8-[


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Post by Michaelson »

Me and my super soaker filled with molten Pecards to the rescue!!! (grins) Regards. Michaelson
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Re: specs

Post by Cabinetman »

Cabinetman wrote:...shiny, but I'll live with it..."naturally."
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Re: specs

Post by Rixter »

Cabinetman wrote:Short of showing pictures of me wearing the jacket (although, you may reference the first picture in the thread), I think that's pretty exhaustive, yes?
Pretty exhaustive! No, never. Have you forgotten where you are? :lol:

You haven't provided an aerial view for one thing. :P In truth, I never tire of looking at, and gathering information from others on these beautiful jackets. :)
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Post by FLATHEAD »

Hey CM:

What is the measurement from armpit to armpit across the front
of the jacket when its zipped up?

And are you a true size 42? Or did you order a jacket one size
larger for layering?

I just placed my order for a Wested, Raiders jacket, and my normal
chest measurement is 41 inches, so I normally take a size 42. But
Peter suggested a size 44 because I wear my leather stuff mostly in
the winter.

Your measurements on these two issues are much appreciated because
I may be able to change my order if Peter hasn't started to make the
jacket yet.

Oh, and I ordered mine pretty much exactly like you did, only I got
the Pre-distressed cowhide, and I wanted the zipper pull on the right
hand side.

Other than that, and my proper sleeve length, I ordered a straight
"off the rack" jacket.

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Post by Cabinetman »

Hey, Flatsy,

Okay, the armpit to armpit (at the vertical side seam extending from the armpit) measurement is 24-1/2", +/- 1/8", and I am a size 42.

As far as the 42 goes, I puffed up/flexed up as big as I could get and then had my wife measure that way. We got 42". But that is my jacket size anyway (average build, 6'-1", 185). I am not sure what my relaxed chest measurement is, but my suit coat is 42 long. I am not sure why the long, but apparently it fit better than a regular when we bought it. 'Course all coats are obviously cut a bit differently. Further, the long measurements on Peter's chart would have been way too long, and, again, the regular measurements looked right for me.

It fits pretty much the way I wanted it to. I think all I would change would be putting the zipper pull on the other side. I don't think I have much room for anything heavy, but I scarcely wear sweaters or the like anyway.

Does that cover it, Flat? Let me know if I can be of further service.


Armpit clarification:

I did not put the jacket on. The measurement was taken with the jacket zipped, per your request, but laying flat. The tape and jacket were pulled the same tautness.
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Post by CEEJAY928 »

Great specs & overall review......

I'm off to order my wested goat now :D
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