A Sad Day for my AB Raiders Fedora!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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A Sad Day for my AB Raiders Fedora!

Post by nicktheguy »

I love my raiders AB that Steve made a few years ago for me. I have been keeping it hidden in my office, on a very special stand - scared to take it out and wear it...I did on occasion and always got comments...I loved that hat.

Today.....well....I was wearing it out...I left it sitting on the passenger side of my jeep...on the seat - not thinking to take it with me as I'd only be away for a minute....(you know where this is going)....I came back and my vehicle was broken into....NOTHING WAS TAKEN.....EXCEPT MY HAT!!!!!!!

It's a basic raiders bash 7 3/4 -- I will be watching the boards and ebay for it to surface. I live in Vancouver BC - so if any gearheads out there see a suspicious hat floating around for sale in my size please let me know. I am too sad and shocked....

I have a KotCS on order from Steve, but was never too worried about it's arrival because I had a great AB already....now I cannot wait soon enough for a replacement....and really really really want my other hat back....

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone know of any dubious hat dealings I'd love to know. I'm pretty shattered and kickng myself now.

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Post by Mulceber »

I'm really sorry to hear about this, Nick. I know how distressing it must be to lose a hat like that. I know I'd be devastated - and furious - if that happened to me. Almost makes me wonder if I should take an insurance policy out on my AB...

I hope your KCS fedora arrives post haste, and I'll keep an eye out on ebay for suspicious AB's. :junior: -M
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Post by nicktheguy »

Yeah, an insurance policy would be a good thing on these hats. Just earlier today I was at a hatters and they had just got in the Dorfman Beaver...they were oogling over it until I came in with my AB...they all suddenly wanted my hat - they were amazed over the quality of a great hand made hat....I think I am still in shock.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

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Post by IndianaSVT »

Sorry to hear about this man. It's things like this that make me hate people & how sorry they can be.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Note...it's not on Vancouver Craigslist.
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Post by Indiana Max »

I´m feeling with you [-o<
The world is unfair :!:
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Post by Nobody »

I feel for you. 2 yrs ago some one broke into my storage unit an took like half of my Star Wars collection with my TE stormtrooper armor, like $4,000 worth of stuff.
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Post by Magnum Jones »

I'm a firm believer in "what goes around comes around!!!" Both good and bad. You may never be around to see it, but whoever did that will get it done back to them or worse yet. Someone may steal their car or something much more valuable. And if you're real lucky you may see it come around back on them :lol:
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Post by Kokopelli »

Doesn't Steve put a 'production' number of some sort in the sweat band?
-Couldn't this be used to identify the hat?
Oh- make sure you have a police report taken. If, by chance it turns up somewhere, there's a record that it is yours.
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Post by Hunter Jones »


It's amazing how crass the world can be, I mean the respect for personal property has been reduced to zero it seems. Have no fear though, karma will deal with the thief in her own special way. I'm a firm believer in that whatever you put out in the world you get back tenfold.

Stiff upper lip old chap.
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Post by eazybox »

I know how you feel and if I had an extra hat in your size I'd send it to you, although I know it wouldn't take the place of your AB. I hope you get your hat back and I will keep an eye on eBay for you.

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Post by Kt Templar »

That really *****.

Vancouver is a beautiful city I have been there a few times, only a few years ago such a thing would have been unheard off.

Very sad.
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Post by gabrielle »

That's really a shame and since I spend a lot of time on eBay I'll be sure to look for it when I'm there. People can be so hateful sometimes to steal another person's treasured hat. Get a job and go buy your own for god's sake...

It's too bad someone didn't see the culprit and stop them before they got away, but that's another problem no one wants to get involved.

Anyway you have your CS coming in so at least have that to look forward to and maybe you'll get the other hat back...stranger things have happened my friend. Keep the faith.
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Post by Michaelson »

This is absolutely terrible! :?

Yet another reason if I'm not taking my hat in with me (which is a rare thing), I lock it in my cars trunk. In your case, though, you don't HAVE a trunk on a jeep. :evil:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Kev »

Sorry to hear about the loss of your hat. Hears hoping your CS hat will arrive soon!
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Post by McFly »

That is sick! :evil: It feels like people don't understand sometimes that things that belong to people belong to people. You know what I mean?

They'll just take stuff because it's there, or because they're jealous of it. It reminds of me when I had my Akubra get left behind in San Francisco on a choir trip. I had been sick, so they moved me to a hotel with some of the other sick singers (something was going around) and left all my stuff at the homestay house. Then when we got to Sacramento, I asked where my hat was, and NOBODY had bothered to get it - even though I was known for my hat! It took me months to negotiate it's return, with many phone calls, emails, and complaints. When I finally got it back, it didn't even fit anymore! :roll:

I'm sorry to hear about that, nick. (But hey, pssst, if you're Catholic or Anglican, ask St. Anthony to pray for you! He's the patron saint of lost items. He's never failed me ONCE!!)
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

I am very sorry to hear that. I bet the thief just thinks it is a nice hat and probably doesn't even know what it is.
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Post by McFly »

^ That makes it even worse!! :?

Stupid people... who was it that got their HJ stolen while at church? I remember that happened to somebody. What a shame!

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Re: A Sad Day for my AB Raiders Fedora!

Post by bigrex »

nicktheguy wrote:...I left it sitting on the passenger side of my jeep...on the seat - not thinking to take it with me as I'd only be away for a minute.......NOTHING WAS TAKEN.....EXCEPT MY HAT!!!!!!!

Sounds like they broke in specifically because they wanted that hat, they might not even sell it. I hope you find some bum sporting it and you're able to rip it off his head.
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Post by eazybox »

One time during a garbage collector strike a friend of my uncle had a bright idea-- he actually gift-wrapped his garbage, and left it in the back seat of his car with the door unlocked while he did a little shopping; when he got back to his car, the package was gone, and he had had a good laugh at some would-be crook's expense.

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Post by Michaelson »


That was one wise man!!! :clap:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Argonaut »

Wow, that's just terrible nick. I can't believe some people. No respect for another's property. I don't believe in any karma or "what goes around comes around," but I do hope your hat shows up. I know how I would feel losing something like that.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Sorry man. I've had belongings stolen from me before and its not fun. I purchased a sterling silver neckalce for my fiance a few years ago and it was stolen by a FRIEND (ex-friend that would be). She left it at a friends house and when she went back to go get it she was told that it was never left. Some people just don't care about anything, not even themselves. I don't take off my hat for anything. I live in Miami, so I can never be too suspicious of what someone will steal or do. Like McFly said, ask for St. anthony's intercession, if you believe in that. I do when I lose something and all things have a way of coming back to their owner, if not always in the most obvious way.

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Post by Christo Jones »

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've had several Jeeps myself and I learned quickly to never leave anything I cared about in mine. It is just too easy to break into them, that is if the top was ever on it. Things like this really give you a bad feeling about humanity. I hope it does turn up somewhere though, you never know.
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Post by Alan »

I'm very sorry about the hat. Do file a police report, although they'll probably fall over at the value of it.

It reminds me of the story about the man who had a Dorfman Pacific. He had the hat in the back seat of his car when he somewhat nervously parked in a questionable neighborhood. He got just around the corner of the block when he remembered that he hadn't locked his car doors. In a panic he ran back as fast as he could, looked in the back seat and sure enough--there were two Dorfmans in his car.
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Post by gabrielle »

Alan wrote:It reminds me of the story about the man who had a Dorfman Pacific. He had the hat in the back seat of his car when he somewhat nervously parked in a questionable neighborhood. He got just around the corner of the block when he remembered that he hadn't locked his car doors. In a panic he ran back as fast as he could, looked in the back seat and sure enough--there were two Dorfmans in his car.

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Post by Chiliana Jones »

sorry about your loss. it's terrible that people do such things.


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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Nicktheguy, man that really is terrible. Jeeps though are easy to break into, maybe that is brand of car I will stay away from. My cousin, he had a jeep and I think once he may have had stuff stolen from it, I am sure if it was vaulable or not. That is the way the world is sometimes, they take what is yours. I hate to say that, but some people envy other people's possessions and they steal [-X instead of realizing they cannot afford it or need to get their own maybe. At least they took something that can be replaced, its not the end of the world. I would indeed call your local law enforcement there and see what they can do, maybe they can get a guy like Monk or Columbo or something to figure out how tall the guy is who stole your hat and what he looks like just by looking a few things. :wink: Best of luck on this Nick, I certainly hope they would find your AB. Maybe my Magnoli/AB/HJ had the same fate I don't know. It was suppost to ship week of March 2nd and arrive in about a week. It is now April 4th and still no hat :-k , maybe the Post Office guy took my hat or lost it. Would not be the first time that has happened. Anyway, best of luck on finding your hat Nick and I certainly hope this gets resolved somehow. I guess keep watch of your hat at all times.

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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

I, too, am saddened and sickened by this dispicable action. I know what anquish this causes. My car was broken into right after University graduation nearly 27 years ago and I haven't forgotten it. In it were all my hand tools in a tool box, and they used them to rip out my stereo and speakers, all while parked in the Student Dorm parking lot overnight under a lampost, while I slept in my friends dorm, too smashed to drive to my home apartment. Everhthing was gone.

Then 18 years ago (I'll never forget that year, because that's the year my first child was born), my house was burglarized and all of my camera gear and the CD player were stolen. I was working part time as a wedding photographer, so the camera, flashes and lenses were very important to me. That taught me to recored the serial numbers of important items and to keep the list in my safe deposit box. I recovered one lens and a flash unit because I filed a police report and months later these two items showed up at a pawn shop. I got a call from the Phoenix police, but nothing else was ever returned (3 camera bodies, many lenses, 3 flash units, reflectors, etc.)

To steal anything is so wrong, some cultures in our world advocate cutting off the hand of the offender. I don't go quite that far, and I don't think Indy would either, but I hope you will eventually recover your hat, despite the long odds, and that justice be done to the stealer. Now I park my vehicle in the driveway at home at night, and leave nothing I value or can't replace quickly and easily in it at night.

I hope you get your new CS hat soon so you can wear it to the movie premiere
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Post by thatguyno1 »

I know how sick I would be if I had my AB stolen and I am very sorry to hear about yours. Someone earlier mentioned a number in the hat. I don't know how far back Steve started numbering the hats he makes. If you don't know what it is I think he keeps records of the hats and he might be able to give you the number for the police report. Based on your incident I'm going to be sure to write the number of mine down in case I ever need to recover it too. I sincerely hope you get it back.

By the way - I have also been guilty of leaving my hat on the car seat - NEVER AGAIN.

Paul ô¿ô

Post by whipwarrior »

Alan, that was HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for the good laugh! :D
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Post by nicktheguy »

Thanks for the condolences guys...I ordered my KCS fed in November, so I'm a ways from getting that one...I still have my seaplane grey one though...I suppose that will have to do for the premier.

As for my jeep...Although I do own two WWII jeeps (a Ford and a Willys), My day to day ride is a Liberty. The doors were locked - whoever took it either knew what they were going for or decided they liked what they saw in the vehicle. My GPS, misc other items were left behind. That's what rubs salt in the wounds. I have started telling vintage shops about it in hopes they may see it and call me.

Fingers crossed...
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Post by IndianaSVT »

Hope it works out for you & you get your hat back soon.
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Post by Vegeta »

nicktheguy wrote:Yeah, an insurance policy would be a good thing on these hats. Just earlier today I was at a hatters and they had just got in the Dorfman Beaver...they were oogling over it until I came in with my AB...they all suddenly wanted my hat - they were amazed over the quality of a great hand made hat....I think I am still in shock.
There ya go! Someone followed you and ganked it!!
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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, watch your hats folks. I just got word today that a hat I sent out over two weeks ago is AWOL. I've never had problems before, and sent it out U.S. priority mail without delivery confirmation or insurance, so there's no way to trace it. :evil:

So, apparently fedoras are becoming a hot item. Watch your hats, and your mailboxes. If shipping, don't do as I did. Insure and track them if you're wanting them to get there, or come back. :?

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Post by McFly »

How far did you send the hat, Michaelson? I recently sent out a Todd's jacket to FordPerfect (in England) and it took probably a month, or close to it, to arrive! It was regular first class USPS mail. Anyway, you can imagine how worried I was getting. He had send it to me to do some modifications on it, and told me to send it back uninsured and all that for customs sake. So - I think in your case, it might not be lost yet... but who knows?

I knew fedoras would be popular again when Indy mania hit... but I didn't know it would bring out all the thieves from the corners... :evil:

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Post by Michaelson »

Texas. It should have been there in 3 days or less.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by McFly »

:shock: #-o Yup! I take it back. :lol: I guess you can worry.

Maybe when we send gear through the mail we should label it "old beat up ugly hat that you don't want to steal" so that the postmen aren't tempted. :lol:

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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Michaelson wrote:Yep, watch your hats folks. I just got word today that a hat I sent out over two weeks ago is AWOL. I've never had problems before, and sent it out U.S. priority mail without delivery confirmation or insurance, so there's no way to trace it. :evil:

So, apparently fedoras are becoming a hot item. Watch your hats, and your mailboxes. If shipping, don't do as I did. Insure and track them if you're wanting them to get there, or come back. :?

Regards! Michaelson
This is why I do not trust USPS, you send something valuable to someone and they lose your package, maybe even stealing it. I don't know I cannot really judge them because you don't know what happens to it. This may have happened to my Magnoli/AB/HJ, but I don't know cause Indy Magnoli has not gotten back to me as to what he heard from Steve. I now insure everything I send, I do not put the trust is USPS to get my package there without some type of tracking number insurance, something. Fedex and UPS is a bit better, but you do have to pay extra anything insured for $100 or more. I would pay the extra than rather finding my package lost. I agree Michaelson, maybe with the big movie coming people are stealing Indy hats [-X . It does happen to people happened to me not with a hat yet, but I could definately feel for people that lose things especially through the mail. Best of luck to you Michaelson and Nicktheguy.

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Post by Michaelson »

Well, in my case it wasn't my ONLY hat....but I can remember when I DID have only one hat. This would have been devastating if it had been. I knew better, but have never had problems with items traveling only one or two States away. Guess I need to rethink that paradyme. :-s

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by gabrielle »

Michaelson wrote:Well, in my case it wasn't my ONLY hat....but I can remember when I DID have only one hat. This would have been devastating if it had been. I knew better, but have never had problems with items traveling only one or two States away. Guess I need to rethink that paradyme. :-s

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

gabrielle wrote:
Michaelson wrote:Well, in my case it wasn't my ONLY hat....but I can remember when I DID have only one hat. This would have been devastating if it had been. I knew better, but have never had problems with items traveling only one or two States away. Guess I need to rethink that paradyme. :-s

Regards! Michaelson
I love a man with big words... O:)
Yeah, you can tell he is an Indy fan. Isn't that a fancy word for an elephant? #-o

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Post by Michaelson »

No, that's 20 cents. 8)

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by serrecuir »

Nick, so sorry to hear about your AB. As others mention above, definitely file that police report! If you have renter's insurance or homeowner's insurance, you can file a claim. I had my Wrangler broken into several years ago, and all they took were my $350 Oakley sunglasses. I filed a police report, and then an insurance claim, and had a check in my hands one month later. That AB is too precious not to pursue a claim! Good luck. I hope it works out.

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