She has amazed me countless times with her ability to learn things faster than anyone I have ever taught. She and I tied her first 7 part 6 bight turks head together, and then after that first time, she could do it perfectly from memory on her own. And to top that, she half-watched me tie a pineapple interweave on a whip once while she was tying a transition knot, and then came to me a few hours later with the pineapple interweave tied perfectly in a 7x6 knot around the handle of my mallet. She has an unmatched knack for leatherwork, and a passion for whipmaking along with a tendency toward consummate perfectionism, which is a combination that is rarely seen these days. Without a doubt, she is already among the most talented whipmakers I know.
What does this means for someone considering ordering a whip from MidWestWhips? Potential customers now (if they want to) have the ability to request that their whip be crafted by either myself or Lauren. If there is no specific request then the whip will either be built by myself, Lauren, or (more likely) we will both have a hand in crafting it. Adding Lauren as a full time whipmaker for Midwestwhips will also dramatically decrease the wait time for receiving a whip from MidWestWhips in most cases. Just email or PM either of us with what type of whip you're looking for, and we'll be able to give you an estimate on when your order will be completed. Also, with two full-time whipmakers behind MidWestWhips, we hope to begin offering a wider variety of products and services along with a faster turnaround on orders.
I have included a couple of pictures below of her latest Indy whip - a 12ft in saddle tan. I am extremely happy to finally make the announcement that Lauren is joining MidWestWhips. Having a partner this talented and passionate about whipmaking is something I have dreamed of for a very long time.
Paul Nolan