Exactly - speaking as a history student Gobo, it's very unwise to take uncredited material over a primary source. ie. if Deborah Nadoolman says one thing, and joe-schmoe website says another, you go with Nadoolman. :junior: -M
Mulceber wrote:Exactly - speaking as a history student Gobo, it's very unwise to take uncredited material over a primary source. ie. if Deborah Nadoolman says one thing, and joe-schmoe website says another, you go with Nadoolman. :junior: -M
I've studied history too, sarcastic inflection does not come across too well in print, i suppose.
"The hat business started to decline from 1960’s through the 1980’s in part due to John F. Kennedy’s refusal to wear a top hat during his 1960 inauguration."
Yeah, but his refusal to put the top up on the limo proved to be a fatal mistake!
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
I believe the Kennedy thing is overrated. My guess is rock and roll is to blame... I've never seen a picture of Elvis, Beatles or Rolling Stones in hats.
Honestly, I wouldn't blame any one thing or event. It really was just the general disposition of the people - Fedora's were associated with parents, the establishment - all the things that kids in the 60's didn't want to be associated with. It's lamentable that such a great piece of clothing fell by the way-side, but that's life. And at least it's starting to be picked up again by the modern generation. :junior: -M
gobo wrote:I believe the Kennedy thing is overrated. My guess is rock and roll is to blame... I've never seen a picture of Elvis, Beatles or Rolling Stones in hats.
Lennon ca. 1965
Stones ca. who knows.
Elvis ca...well, he was into that other film trilogy.
I was telling people (jokingly) in the Prop Room we just hosted at a Sci-Con up here. I told them I'll answer any question on any prop in the room. If I don't know the answer, I promise to lie convincingly...
Ok, but that's the first picture I've seen of a Beatle in a hat. The Stones pic looks like it was taken waaaay after hats fell out of vogue They look fiftyish to me.
At any rate, I think the shifting of counterculture into the mainstream is what caused fedoras to fall from grace. (And everyone to wear those godawful jeans all the time.)