Good Hat Stretcher

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Good Hat Stretcher

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hi Folks: This is a question that likely has one dreaded answer :cry: :wink:
And it probably means, spending hours on a certain auctioning website that tends to drive me crazy! ](*,) :lol:

My recent Cavanaugh seems to want to fight me by trying to shrink beyond it's already petite 22 inch circumference :whip:.
It could possibly be that my head could be growing...but I have my doubts
as it's still -25 C And my head usually stays contracted till at least JULY eh!

I've recently lost my ole friend the blue handled hat stretcher that everyone knows, (at a wedding outside of Ottawa). Not having the thing has really limited what I can do to make life and my head a lot more comfortable.

I found my hat stretcher, satisfactory but the fact that it stretched only around the sweat band never really did the job well. I've also used my slightly undersized Lamode block to try and take up the battle, but to no real lasting avail.'s the issue. Are there any Wider stretchers currently available?

You can see a stretcher like the one I mean in the recent picture that went with Steve's article and my hope was there might still be someone that sells a serious stretcher.

Anyway...It's either I stretch the hat or shrink my head #-o :mrgreen:

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Post by Michaelson »

I have ALWAYS been happy with the perforance of my stretcher that I got from Peters Brothers. It's wide, and made of plastic, so no shrinkage. ... page_1.htm

Regards! Michaelson
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Hmm....looks good

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Wow, thanks does look wider than the usual fair.
Have you been happy with the strength of the unit?

I can't imagine Peter Bros. would go for anything under-built.

I really like the brushes and hat can as well :D.

I've looked a long time for a decent travel box and have ended up with an old wig carrier. This can certainly looks good and at least lessen's the impression I'm carrying an Elvis wig eh! :-$ :wink: :lol:

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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, I've had mine for several years, and it's handled anything I've put it in. A VERY strong unit!

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by BendingOak »

i have three of the Petersbrothers hat stretchers and they are great. I bought 3 because for some reason i thought i migt need more than one. i was very wrong. One will do just fine.
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Post by Rook »

Are there any specific techniques to streatching a hat? Should one use steam, or just crank the streatcher to the right size and let it sit?

Just picked up an antique streatcher off eBay, hence the question. :)

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Post by DanielJones »

I use a little steam to soften the hat initially, and when using the stretcher, slow it the watch word for the day. Once you get a little bit of tension on the crown, leave it. Next day, hit it with a little steam to soften & then a minor crank on the screw, very minor. Work slowly. Once you have it where you may like it, leave it there for a while for the sweatband to relax into it's new position. I managed to increase a 7 1/8 to a 7 3/8 on an old Stetson Royal over a months time without distorting the crown at all. Did I mention you need to work slowly? :) With all of that you still have to put it back in the hat jack at the end of the day after wearing it, but in time you won't have to do that.
That has been my experience. Results may vary from hat to hat but the method doesn't, take it slowly and don't rush the job, otherwise you may ruin the sweatband & distort the crown.


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Excellent Tutorial

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Thanks Dan, as always...Speaking from your experience on this is
helpful to say the least and very much appreciated.

I do have a question about steaming....

Inside the crown, outside the crown before putting the stretcher in?
In terms of tension...are we talking "Automotive" as in
"Tight and then 1/4 turn" or watching the crown for distortion?

I know that too much steam inside can shrink the sweat a lot
as I found while experimenting on an old Lee. It was a great way to learn.

Thanks my friend
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Post by DanielJones »

Hey Kilgour!

I use a little bit of steam on the inside as a primer only. Once I have the hat jack secured I'll hit the outside of the crown & both sides of the brim to give it a bit more fles so as not to distort the brim. Again working slowly with the increments on dialing in the hat jack. I think a 1/4 turn is way too much at once. I usuall hit it with a small twitch of the wrist on the dial sort of a 1/16 turn, maybe a 1/8 turn max. Also, as a side note, I use a hat jack that stretches front to back since I am a long oval and that is usually the direction my hats need to stretch. If you're a regular oval you may want to purchase two different jacks. One that stretches fron to back & the other that does the job on the sides just to make it even.
And, like I said above I use a small amount of steam on the inside so as to give a little flexability to the sweatband, it doesn't take a lot.
Also, keep an eye on the crown for any distortion. If you have a straight sided crown you shouldn't have too much trouble with this, but a tapered crown may show some distortion, especially on thicker hats that don't flex all that much.
Another trick to try & help in stretching your hat is removing some of the stitching on the bow, stretch the hat where you want it to & then re-attach the bow in the new position. The ribbon & bow if sewn in fairly tight will snap the size right back into it's original position. That was just a little tip I picked up in a little hat shop in Virginia City, Nevada.
Hope this all helps you out.


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Post by Neolithic »

Michaelson wrote:and made of plastic, so no shrinkage
So, a wooden stretcher is no good?
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Post by Michaelson »

When they get old, they tend to warp. :?

Just look at me, for example :D :shock: ....wait :-k ....

Regard! Michaelson
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Yes they do Warp!

Post by Kilgour Trout »


There are more than a few examples of this eh! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That made my day!

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Finally Ordered

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Well...I finally got around to ordering a Hat Stretcher and a hat brush from
Peter Bros.

I corresponded with Joe a couple of times to work out the shipping and was impressed with the service and quickness of response.

I may have dropped a name in the process of explaining the recommendation 8-[ :D . but no doubts the level of service would be the same.

I've heard so much about Joe and PB, It was a bit surreal talking via email!

Thanks again Michealson, Bending Oak and Daniel. This stretcher will do the trick eh! :D
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