Ordered a new AB from Steve tonight - Yep, another Cairo (it's the only way to fly), but this time I'm aiming for a go-for-broke take on the famous and elusive bash.
After three years of study of my existing Cairo hat, I think all the aspects of the Cairo bash for the new hat need to be exaggerated this time. The turn needs to be pushed more than normal like Ford's during the scenes in which he's dragging down baskets just as Marion screams and when he races around the corner with his revolver raised. I also believe the ribbon should be pulled tighter on the crown (which may mean the hat needs to be larger?) so it will make the crown "bonnet" like it does in Cairo. Just all around I think the bash needs to push the envelope a little. That's how the Cairo appears to me - an exaggerated version of all the other Raiders hats. Mine has an overall Cairo look, but I think it could be more dynamic.
I figure what with Steve's now-years of experience and my now-disposable income, we can make this new Cairo happen!
I'll keep everyone posted. I know it'll be six months, but I was just too excited to not post it!
French, I wait with great anticipation to see this new lid, after all that is my favorite style as well. I think when the day comes and I can send mine back, I will have Steve rock mine out with the Cairo look.
The Cairo look is the hardest look to emulate. The reason is that most people don’t go walking around in 110-degree heat. The Cairo hat is more of a product of the heat than anything. The felt wouldn’t hold its shape in that kind of heat. The heat zapped the curve right out of the brim. That’s why it appears wider than in other parts of the movie.
I’m sure that Steve can achieve the look superficially. But to really achieve that look you need to have a really wobbly hat (with no stiffener) that won’t hold it’s shape. Kind of defeats the purpose of a nice beaver hat (in my opinion).
Then again Indy would have been better off with a turban over felt in that kind of heat anyway. That’s why I stopped wearing felt. Cheers
The reason is that most people don’t go walking around in 110-degree heat
I know I'm not most people, but 110 degree heat is just a warm day in a Phoenix summer. Do I need to be concerned about my HJ or AB or future AB Deluxe not being able to maintain their shape in the summer?
I was about to say, that's what it was when WE were in Phoenix last May, and it was the cool part of the year we were told!
I wore my thin beaver AB prototype and had no problems. (That's what I'm wearing in my current avatar, and that photo was taken when I was in Las Vegas during the trip.)
It's humidity and a LOT of perspiration that makes them lose shape.
110° here in the central coast wine country is fairly common in the dead of summer. Michaelson is right, humidity & sweat do in the shape of a hat pretty quick.
Agreed, humidity and sweat (probably not the actual heat itself) are what does in a fedora’s ability to maintain shape. I live in LA where it doesn’t reach 110 degrees, and the heat here is enough for me to never wear a hat. I would suppose that if you were in a really hot environment, the alternative to a hat is sunstroke. But for me hats don’t work. And most people that know me here, know that I used to wear fedoras all the time. In the old days (in the heat), I always felt much better after I took my hat off. Cheers