Lightening a shirt color

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Lightening a shirt color

Post by IndyWannaBee »

I got a great deal on a Cabela Expedition shirt but it khaki color. What is a good way to lighten the color? I have used a dilute bleach in the past for other costume items but that was to get a weathered look rather than an overall lighter color.

Any ideas? :shock:
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Post by swcrazyfan »

I have three words. "Rit Color Remover" Image
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Yeah I thought of that but I didn't know if I would need to go back through having to redye the shirt after it has been striped of color.

This was the shirt I got on The Bay!

In the auction it looked much lighter but it is very khaki!!!

What!? Do my eyes deceive me but your avatar? Do I sense another Indy/Captain Jack fanatic?
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Post by Indiana Croft »

I agree with swcrazyfan, I did this with my Indymagnoli shirts, not only does it lighten them up but it breaks them down some, that is to say there not so stiff. As matter afact I'll be doing again soon.

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Post by swcrazyfan »

IndyWannaBee wrote:What!? Do my eyes deceive me but your avatar? Do I sense another Indy/Captain Jack fanatic?
Maybe... :lol:... Thats is actually me in my Jack Costume in my avatar. I photoshoped myself into that background photo.

My costume list includes: a Jedi, Jack Sparrow, and I am working on my Stormtrooper and Ep.3 Clone Pilot, and of course I am working on my Indy.
As you might be able to tell, I love costuming.
Last edited by swcrazyfan on Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Excellent mate! As soon as my Todd's Costume Indy jacket arrives I am thinking of some photos of when two world's collide! Pirates and Indy! I need some avatar images...........!
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Post by swcrazyfan »

IndyWannaBee wrote:Excellent mate! As soon as my Todd's Costume Indy jacket arrives I am thinking of some photos of when two world's collide! Pirates and Indy! I need some avatar images...........!
Imagine what it would be like if Indy met Sparrow. I can just imagnie the look they would give to each other. That'd be a great short film. "Raiders of the Magic Compass" lol
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Alright so my Cabela shirt has been soaking in the Rit Color Remover now for almost 22 minutes and the water is clear as it was when I first started. Smells bad!

The shirt is 60% polyester and 40% cotton. Rit Dye website states that it will work on polyester and blends.

Now it has been 30 minutes....still same color!!!!
HMMM? :shock:

Just the final rinse and it looks as good as it did when I dipped it into the solution!!! What a waste of $1.99!! :x
Titus Pulo
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Post by Titus Pulo »

I tried this last night on my LL bean khaki shirt. I used two packs of color remover, 30 minutes in the washer. The shirt is a little lighter. I will try two more baths before I give up.
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Post by Treadwell »

Don't you need to use VERY hot water, like in a pot on the stove?

Also, why not just use bleach?
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Post by swcrazyfan »

Treadwell wrote:Don't you need to use VERY hot water, like in a pot on the stove?

Also, why not just use bleach?
I do believe you do need to have it in hot water in a pot. go to for some shirt redyeing tips.

You don't use bleach because bleach actually can do more ageing than anything else and can destroy the fabric. Rit color remover just takes out the color.
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Post by Dalexs »

What he said...

Color Remover works best in as hot of water as possible.
I usually always simmer stuff in a big pot on the stove.
(And if you think it smells bad now, wait until you start cooking it!)

And because of the polyester blend, you don't have to worry about shrinkage.

Trust me!
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

I thought shrinkage was only a concern when using cold water! :lol: :D :shock:

I had it cooking in a pot on the stove with a mild simmer for 30 minutes followed by rinsing and immediate wash!

No change in color. I had to ask the wifey to look at it and see if there was any color change and she said NO too!

I used one pack in about 2 gallons of water so the solution was very concentrated.

I may try again with two packs in the washer!
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Post by Dalexs »

:-k That reminds me of the LLBean shirts.
I've cooked those things 3 or 4 times and never a color change.
You'd even see color being removed in the bath, but the shirt would barely change.

I think by bath 4 or 5 I finally saw it lightening up.
Some material is just built too dang tough. If you really want to lighten it,
keep on going.
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Post by Titus Pulo »

I think by bath 4 or 5 I finally saw it lightening up.
Some material is just built too dang tough. If you really want to lighten it,
keep on going.
This is good information as the LL Bean is a great shirt, but way to dark. After a 30 Min wash with Rit, mine was lighter but it was only a slight improvement.
I followed the instructions using two packs of die remover per load. At $2.30 per pack, 4 of 5 washings can add up.

As the old adage goes "Choose wisely".

How is the "Stone" color of the Cabela's Shirt?
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Boy at that rate I should have just taken the money that I spent on the Cabela plus the multipaks of Rit Dye and purchased the Wested version.

My What Price Glory should be arriving soon so I will still proceed with this process. :cry:
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