I was just wondering if there may be a straw Indy in the offering with the new film coming out.
I remember seeing photos of Stetsons straw Indiana Jones hat while not SA it was a nice looking straw hat.
I have a Peters Brothers straw Indy and its great, but a fellow can never have too mant fedoras!
DanielJones wrote:I quite sure something will surface once the summer arrives. DP will have something to start with. But I do enjoy my Peters Bros. Indy Straw.
You are so right Dan, if not for you I would not have gotten my PB Indy straw. It is a great hat, I left mine with the center dent and have really enjoyed it that way.
I am always on the lookout for a good looking hat, and if it is anywhere close to the looks of the Indy hat that is an added plus!
funny you should post this. i was just reading about the National Park Service Ranger's hat and they are issued 2 - one felt one for winter and a straw one for summer. I have read threads here that talk about how hot the hats can be in the summer and wonderred if anyone made a straw indy hat and then i find this post.
nicktheguy wrote:Seriously though, would the straw Indy be a very durable hat? I don't see it being too esthetically pleasing....personal taste I guess..
Well ... I guess it pleases my esthetics just fine.
Daniel Jones has one although he has more of a c-crown crease to the crown, in fact that is his hat in my avatar.