Just curious as to why you "earthed" an HJ and not one of your excellent Cairo ABs?

Because I am not beaucoup dinky dow! (beaucoup dien cai dau )

don't think they babied the Raiders hat. Speilberg poured his drink on it. It seems to get in the dirt when Indy says "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go", and when he rolls in the dirt when the German gets hit with the propeller. The only way to match the color of the dust on the hat perfectly with the surrounding desert would be to use the same dirt. Why wouldn't they? But for fans, regular dirt could make your hat rot, I guess.
Yeah, no doubt the hat also gets real dirt while doing the filming. But, I would imagine that they kept count of the hats, just in order to make sure they had enough to FINISH the film. This is part of logistics, costume logistics I would imagine. Towards the very end of filming the new film, they thought I might have to make a few more hats, but when they checked the inventory, it was found to be a sufficient number left. So, they do pay attention to details of this sort. Can you imagine getting to the end of the film with no suitable hats left to use? You might end up with one like we see in the cockpit scene of TOD! I don't know about you, but I am glad they did not use that hat again in the film. One shot of it was ENOUGH!
I think many of us find some sort of pleasure in thinking that the Raiders fedora was naturally aged and dirtied up by Ford, while that probably WAS NOT the case at all. Don't underestimate the costume department, and the nature of their jobs. It is romantic perhaps to think otherwise, but in the end, I think every shot you see of the Raiders fedora had much thought put into it, by not only the director, but the costumer as well.
Also, I would imagine that the natural fullers earth IS the color of desert sands. Also, sand doesn't adhere very well to costumes. It sorta rolls off, ya know? It is granular generally speaking. And there is lots of sand in Egypt. Fedora