Fullers Earth on my HJ...don't view Michaelson!!!!

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Fullers Earth on my HJ...don't view Michaelson!!!!

Post by Fedora »

I of course have to really look at some film grabs to get the earth in the right spots, but here is what it looks like now. I just used a shaker and shook some on the hat and then used a lambswool pad and brush to get rid of the excess. I discovered a little bit goes a long way. :lol: Anyways, check it out. My reblocked HJ from Todd, with some earth added.


I gotta admit. The addition of Fuller Earth to an Indy fedora REALLY makes it looks old and worn, even if new. I sent some to Marc to play with. I think he is gonna love it! If any of you guys have an Indy fedora that you think is too dark, Fuller's Earth, the natural color is the solution. It will certainly lighten up a hat. Regards, Fedora
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Post by Indiana Max »

If you ask me, it looks awesome, that is the way a Fedora has to go :wink:
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Post by BendingOak »

How hard is it to remove?
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Post by JulianK »

Now that's the way an Indy fedora should look like!!! By the way, love the Egyptian papyrus in the backgroud! I'm an amateur Egyptogogist...10 pts to anyone who can name the god on the throne.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

That hat looks really good with the fuller's on it...although I dont think I'll ever be brave enough to do it to my hat.
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Post by Jonesy »

Very nice! I put Fullers on my fedora, it's a crucial part. haha.
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Post by IndianaLV »

Looks great Steve! That's the way my hat is going to look like, that's for sure. Now it look's like a well loved hat with character. :D
Unfortunately I can't find Fuller's earth anywhere in Germany. Seems to be an U.S. thing only.
JulianK wrote:10 pts to anyone who can name the god on the throne.
Looks like Osiris to me. :?
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

Yep. That's Osiris.

Great looking HJ. That fullers earth does the trick! Does HJ from Magnoli hold up good on a real adventure? Or should I go with an AB?
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Post by cooncatbob »

You can get it here.
Maybe some enterprising soul should buy a 50 lb bag then sell small quantities to members.

Post by whipwarrior »

Wow, that looks exactly like the streets of Cairo hat! Somebody nicked it from the Lucasfilm archives! :D
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Post by mufflowne »

See, fullers just is awesome. There's no denying it. It makes the hat look cool. Just cool.
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

Fedora, did you use the Natural color Fullers Earth? Or did you use a mixture of others?
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Post by Fedora »

Fedora, did you use the Natural color Fullers Earth? Or did you use a mixture of others?

I just used the natural. I bought both the natural and the brown, and can see how mixing those two colors could give you some variation. The brown by itself wouldn't work, I don't think, just by itself.

John P. I am not sure how easily it is to remove. I think Rick5150 might be able to tell us. He gave me the idea once upon a time about using some Fullers's if I recall correctly. My experience is VERY limited to just this one time application. I would imagine a good eye and hand could really make use of this stuff, especially if the more used look is what you are after. As I said, I think this stuff is amazing, and understand why the film industry uses it. A little dust in the right places really adds to the 'look'. Fedora
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Post by BendingOak »

Thanks Steve for the answer. You should be recieving a small package in the next couple of day. please open right away and give me a call when you are done with them.
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

Natural. Thanks, Fedora.
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Post by Michaelson »


Sorry, I peeked. 8) :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by McFly »

Fuller's is super easy to remove - if you flick or tap the hat, it'll come off. Sometimes if you have it on for a while, you can slap the hat and it'll puff off that way. Otherwise you can use a small vacuum on it, and it should come off. I'm not sure about using it in the rain - I KNOW it doesn't turn to mud and stain it, but I'm not sure if it'll come off, or is just not affected.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I also agree that it's Osiris. I know that by now everybody's looked up Osiris and can say "OH yeah, that's him alright!" but I was surprised to look and guess myself, then scroll down and see others had already guessed him! It's always good to impress yourself. :D

Last edited by McFly on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

name the god
Looks mummiform, so I'd say Osiris, even though he's not green.
The only reference I ever saw to fullers' earth before this forum was in Conan Doyle's The Engineer's Thumb.

It does a great dust up. I'd like to try it on fedora and boots, just to see. I've looked for sources, and the smallest bag I have seen is 3 lbs for $10. Seems to me that would do several dozen hats. Does anyone know of a source for small amounts? I have read that it is considered as safe as talc, and can be used for diapering a baby. My kids are well past that stage, so I can;t justify the expense for that.
I have also read that it is a major component in kitty litter. I would appreciate a source for small amount before I start processing the kitty litter in the blender. My family thinks I'm crazy enough as it is...
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

Unfortunately I can't find Fuller's earth anywhere in Germany
OK. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Here is a great free source of fullers earth, if you have a cat or know someone with a cat. I just put about a cup of kitty litter into the blender, ran it around at high speed, then put it into a very fine sieve and shook it over the hat. Perfect Libyan Desert dust! Note: Do not get the litter with blue sparkly odor granules. You will get a little sparkle on the hat. Not a bad effect at all - it could pass for quartz powder. I have seen some very sparkly dust in the Sahara. The real problem is you do smell a bit like a French boudoir....

Oh, and by the way, it comes off very easily.
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Post by swcrazyfan »

dwardeden wrote:...I would appreciate a source for small amount before I start processing the kitty litter in the blender. My family thinks I'm crazy enough as it is...
I do believe Todd sells some on his site.
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Post by Canada Jones »

cooncatbob wrote:You can get it here.
Maybe some enterprising soul should buy a 50 lb bag then sell small quantities to members.

Looks great Fedora.
Cooncatbob - thanks for this link. Looks like they have a 1.5 lb bag for $7.25
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Post by 3thoubucks »

As far as Wikipedia is concerned, Fullers Earth is not well known as an agent for making hats look dirty. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fullers_earth
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Post by McFly »

Well I fixed that problem! I added a sentence or two... :wink:

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Post by Canyon »

Don't look, Michaelson! Keep your eyes shut! :lol:

Hat looks gorgeous, Steve! :clap:
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Post by nicktheguy »

I seem to be continually wiping the drool off my counter when I visit COW :wink:
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Post by lingarn »

That really does look good.

One more thing to think about, when I finally do get a hat.
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

So Fedora, what part of Mississippi do you live in?
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

3thoubucks wrote:As far as Wikipedia is concerned, Fullers Earth is not well known as an agent for making hats look dirty. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fullers_earth
It is, however, regularly used for cinematic special effects and, by extension, costuming.
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Post by 3thoubucks »

I just thought that getting hats dirty would be it's main use. ... In the 50's, there were these guys that sold brushes and household cleaning items door to door. They were the Fuller Brushmen. Along with the Avon Lady, they were seen as legitimate soliciters, that the average housewife was happy to see. I thought Fullers earth might have got it's name as some sterile dirt a Fuller Brushman would dump on your carpet, then clean up. --Fullers earth was probably used on the Raiders hat in the beginning, but I bet they simply threw the local dirt on it in Tunisia.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Wow, I'm surprised that this is the first time you've tried this stuff Fedora! :shock: Some of us have been using it on our hats for a while now.....I got a small sample of it from a friend and that was a year or so ago and I've still got plenty left. A little does go a long way with this stuff but it does work wonders.....not only on the hat's but other parts of the gear as well. :wink:

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c122/ ... Two_07.jpg

I've noticed that the stuff isn't as easy to get off as some have said......Maybe IF you take it off the hat right away.....I kinda have let mine sit with the stuff on it and I noticed that it does lighten the felt some if you've let it sit on there for a while and try to take it off.... :?
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Free "Fullers Earth" . Image

(*SLAP* That's for blasphemy--Mod Edit)
(Nice pic Pitfall! Are you standing in a Fullers Earth mine here?) :wink:

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Post by Fedora »

Fullers earth was probably used on the Raiders hat in the beginning, but I bet they simply threw the local dirt on it in Tunisia.

Really Fuller's Earth, unless used in kitty litter, or oil dry(available at auto parts stores, and used to take up oil from concrete floors) is really a super fine substance. Being super fine, it works great on hats, as many already knew. Looks like it can also be used to clean grease and oil from hats as well, as it absorbs. Common dirt around here is too granular, and sand is the same. Work not work as well. Plus our dirt has an organic odor to it, as it should. I don't particularly find that odor pleasing, but Fullers Earth really doesn't have an odor to it.

If my experience with the Indy 4 costumer means anything, HE would have never used simple dirt. Which makes me think they probably used Fullers Earth in Raiders as well. I think this may be common in the costume part of the film industry. Fedora
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

Really Fuller's Earth, unless used in kitty litter,....,is really a super fine substance.
By putting the kitty litter in the blender and sieving it, I got a substance about as fine as talcum powder. Worked well, and VERY cheap. I used it years ago for sand in 1/32 dioramas. about the right scale.
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Post by Strider »

BendingOak wrote:How hard is it to remove?
Just to add to what McFly said, if you pop the creases out of your hat and give it a few "love taps," the fuller's comes right off. I can't count the amount of times I have over done it on the brim and just tapped it off with my hand. Doing this also blends it very well, If ind. When I used to just use a makeup brush and brush it on, it looked fake, but when I tapped it around a bit after the initial application(s), it looked much more natural and real.

If it's been on the hat for awhile, a fine hat brush usually takes the majority of whatever's left away, which is what has happened to me in the past when I've done that. If it sets on there for a long time though, it won't ALL come off this way, but it will be so minute that most won't notice it.

Once, I was wearing my old "fight hat" AB (some here might remember it ... San Holo owns it now ... long story short, it's an AB I got into a fight while wearing and it got really dirty) a long time ago and had a gear "enthusiast" (random person from the street) ask me: "Is that fuller's earth on your hat?"

I said: "Close. MOTHER earth."
Last edited by Strider on Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by McFly »

McFly wrote:Fuller's is super easy to remove - if you flick or tap the hat, it'll come off. Sometimes if you have it on for a while, you can slap the hat and it'll puff off that way.
I thought that was what I said...? :?

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Post by Strider »

Yep! :) I was just adding my two cents, that's all. Two heads are always better than one! I also edited the post to include a couple extra lines about blending and looking natural and removing with a hatbrush and whatnot that you didn't cover. No offense meant, Shane. :)
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Fedora said
If my experience with the Indy 4 costumer means anything, HE would have never used simple dirt.
I don't think they babied the Raiders hat. Speilberg poured his drink on it. It seems to get in the dirt when Indy says "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go", and when he rolls in the dirt when the German gets hit with the propeller. The only way to match the color of the dust on the hat perfectly with the surrounding desert would be to use the same dirt. Why wouldn't they? But for fans, regular dirt could make your hat rot, I guess.
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Post by McFly »

Strider wrote:No offense meant, Shane. :)
None taken - I was just wondering if maybe I wasn't clear in my post and needed to rephrase something.

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Post by KingNothing »

Being part of the film industry and working with many costumers and prop masters over the years, I can 100% confirm that Fullers Earth (Or what we in Canada call Pyrolite), is used to distress and give aged look for lots of clothing and props. It does wash out, so it ***** to get wet, and comes in tons of colours. :) Just throught I'd throw that in there. But it is very common for distressing. So is a cheese grader.
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

3thoubucks wrote:I don't think they babied the Raiders hat. Speilberg poured his drink on it. It seems to get in the dirt when Indy says "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go", and when he rolls in the dirt when the German gets hit with the propeller. The only way to match the color of the dust on the hat perfectly with the surrounding desert would be to use the same dirt. Why wouldn't they? But for fans, regular dirt could make your hat rot, I guess.
Yeah, we coddle our hats because we don't buy them buy the truckload (well, most of us, anyway :wink:) but I don't see any reason why the production crew wouldn't use native earth and really beat the heck out of it. Costume survivability really wasn't as big a deal then as it is today.
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Post by IndyFrench »


Just curious as to why you "earthed" an HJ and not one of your excellent Cairo ABs?
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Post by Canada Jones »

dwardeden wrote:
Really Fuller's Earth, unless used in kitty litter,....,is really a super fine substance.
By putting the kitty litter in the blender and sieving it, I got a substance about as fine as talcum powder. Worked well, and VERY cheap. I used it years ago for sand in 1/32 dioramas. about the right scale.
Did this wreck your blender? I can imagine you blending up a milkshake later on and gettiing a mouthful of grit.
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Post by Fedora »

Just curious as to why you "earthed" an HJ and not one of your excellent Cairo ABs?
:lol: Because I am not beaucoup dinky dow! (beaucoup dien cai dau )
:lol: Fedora

don't think they babied the Raiders hat. Speilberg poured his drink on it. It seems to get in the dirt when Indy says "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go", and when he rolls in the dirt when the German gets hit with the propeller. The only way to match the color of the dust on the hat perfectly with the surrounding desert would be to use the same dirt. Why wouldn't they? But for fans, regular dirt could make your hat rot, I guess.

Yeah, no doubt the hat also gets real dirt while doing the filming. But, I would imagine that they kept count of the hats, just in order to make sure they had enough to FINISH the film. This is part of logistics, costume logistics I would imagine. Towards the very end of filming the new film, they thought I might have to make a few more hats, but when they checked the inventory, it was found to be a sufficient number left. So, they do pay attention to details of this sort. Can you imagine getting to the end of the film with no suitable hats left to use? You might end up with one like we see in the cockpit scene of TOD! I don't know about you, but I am glad they did not use that hat again in the film. One shot of it was ENOUGH! :lol:

I think many of us find some sort of pleasure in thinking that the Raiders fedora was naturally aged and dirtied up by Ford, while that probably WAS NOT the case at all. Don't underestimate the costume department, and the nature of their jobs. It is romantic perhaps to think otherwise, but in the end, I think every shot you see of the Raiders fedora had much thought put into it, by not only the director, but the costumer as well.

Also, I would imagine that the natural fullers earth IS the color of desert sands. Also, sand doesn't adhere very well to costumes. It sorta rolls off, ya know? It is granular generally speaking. And there is lots of sand in Egypt. Fedora
Last edited by Fedora on Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Max »

Harry, both of us know, that distressing with Fuller´s Earth is a cracking good thing
:lol: I hear a opposite opinion...
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Indiana Max wrote: Image
So Mutt does get the hat in the end...Shia LaBeouf is Indiana Jones Jr. in INDIANA JONES JR. AND THE HAZARD OF FALLING DOWN!

Sorry Max. I couldn't resist. :)


p.s. Seriously though, we could have some fun on the internet with these "spoiler" pics. :wink:
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

Did this wreck your blender? I can imagine you blending up a milkshake later on and gettiing a mouthful of grit.
Nope - It wasn't very gritty. More like talc- very soft. The blender washed up perfectly well. but I did have to put it under the spray to wash the residue out - it absorbed water pretty radically.

Ouch - Max. Be careful with those stones. :shock:
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Post by IndyFrench »

Fedora, I don't get it.... Man, I feel stupid...
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Wow Fedora, did you guys make Shia's hat? I guess you did, it looks awesome! I don't know why I'm argueing with you about dirt- I think election politics have me wound up. Will you be selling hats with Fullers Earh on 'em, or a little bag full on the side? I love your Egyptian theme workshop too. :lol:
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Post by Fedora »

Wow Fedora, did you guys make Shia's hat? I guess you did, it looks awesome! I don't know why I'm argueing with you about dirt- I think election politics have me wound up. Will you be selling hats with Fullers Earh on 'em, or a little bag full on the side? I love your Egyptian theme workshop too.
Shia's hat? No, not us. I think I know who did though.

I did not see us as arguing at all 3M$. You and I always "discuss avidly" but I would not call that arguing at all. You and I are just opinionated. Opinionated folks make the world interesting. Without our types, things might get boring. But not with the likes of us around!!! :lol:

I don't know about the Fullers Earth, and providing it. I will probably just offer it as an option, that is, something that I would do to the hat if one wanted a distressed looking hat. Fedora
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Fedora wrote:
Wow Fedora, did you guys make Shia's hat? I guess you did, it looks awesome! I don't know why I'm argueing with you about dirt- I think election politics have me wound up. Will you be selling hats with Fullers Earh on 'em, or a little bag full on the side? I love your Egyptian theme workshop too.
Shia's hat? No, not us. I think I know who did though.
:shock: Shia's Hat? Fedora, is that a spoiler? :shock: That picture was from Indiana Max's film... :wink:

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