Rabbit vs Beaver

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Rabbit vs Beaver

Post by JeffB »

What are the big differences between rabbit and beaver? I see that the rabbit is about half the price, but how is the durability?

I am looking for a hat that will hold up to near daily use along with being caught out in the rain and weather.

I am leaning towards an AB, but the Jimmy Pierce rabbit is appealing also.

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Post by Indiana G »

jeffb, try the search....its a fantastic device and has helped me propigate my propeganda on this forum :lol:

beaver felt is superior to rabbit felt when the rains come.

i have however heard of many stories in regards to akubras rabbit felt kicking arse on the elements....but not my steam kettle. but then again, i have also heard that akubra uses wild hares for felting. their fur is much more resilient than the standard rabbit fur which i am assuming comes from a farm???
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Post by GCR »

If you're really gonna wear it, I mean really wear it, day in and day out, I'd go for one of the higher-end beaver felt options. They aren't taper-proof, but they're made well, and should last you a long, long time. Like G said, just do a search and see what sort of options are out there.

As for the Pierce rabbit fedora, I wouldn't go that route if you intend to wear it on a daily basis. I own one and it shrank on me after a few months. Maybe I was too rough with it, or maybe it just couldn't handle the rain...who knows? Other folks have had better luck with their JPDs, or so I've heard, so I hope my experience is merely the exception, not the rule.

I did have far better luck with the Akubra Federation Deluxe in terms of durability. That hat has held up real well for over 4 years now. The Akubras aren't perfect, either, but if you're set on a rabbit hat, I'd check them out.

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Post by Indiana Max »

Hey, what I did with my Fed Del. is unbelievable :lol:
I swam with it through rivers or sat on it many times, I walked through rain
and this hat is still as beatiful as it could be :whip:

The Akubra Federation Deluxe is a very resilient hat :tup:
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

For the most durability in the elements, beaver is the way to go. I had a Federation that was fine... until it got covered in wet, heavy snow. Tapered like an ice-cream cone. It takes a reblock just fine, so there's no permanent damage. But beaver felt is just less likely to taper. It also seems to "breathe" better, and feels warmer on those really cold days. You won't be sorry about getting an AB.

This is, by the way, being said by one who has owned many hats made from different felts of different qualities, including Akubras, Stetsons, a JPD, an AB, and Vintage Silhouttes. For a daily use Indy hat, I simply wouldn't turn to anyone else but AB.
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Post by JeffB »

Thanks everyone. Now I am really leaning towards the beaver AB as this will be a well worn hat. Now I just have to convince the wife that I really need a $250 hat.
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Post by fedoralover »

If you tell her that it's a $550. hat that you are getting for $250. it may go off better. And it wouldn't be a fib to say it either, because it really is. Women usually understand bargains, especially when it comes to clothes.

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Post by JeffB »

She already knows it is $250 and the price is going up next year to double that.
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Post by JulianK »

She already knows it is $250 and the price is going up next year to double that.
So now's your chance to get two for the price of one! ;)
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