Don't know if this is a good find or not. Don't think of myself as a pro or anything but it looks pretty close to me. It's 58.00 bucks, plus another 4.99 if you want the replica bullets, and for me 11.48 for shipping bringing it to a grand total of 74.46. Pretty good if you ask me. What do you all think? Did I do a good job?
It's a colt peacemaker more akin to the Wild West genre though. They are a great price too - Western Stage Props sells them, and you can find them on ebay. The only thing for me is that they are too common for those who do western re-enactments...but still a great replica.
Though not an 'Indy' gun, per se, that type Colt WAS used on top of the train by one of 'Fedora's' henchmen at the beginning of Last Crusade, so it IS Indy connected.