From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I'm about to order an 8 foot cowhide indy whip from Gus at his price right now is $165, and I've heard good things about them, not to mention they look awesome. do ANY other whipmakers offer a comparable whip for the same price or less? the only other thing I've seen is the Indy on a budget whips for $100.. but personally, I don't like the look of a 4 plait whip in the least. any advice either way on this? it's "probably" the last piece of gear I really need for halloween (not to mention he finishes them in three days).
I checked his prices too.. and his stuff looks great, but they're a bit more than purewhips. I placed the order last night, hopefully I'll see it within 2 weeks. I haven't read a single bad thing about them, so I'm pretty excited.
I saw that one too, but the "little raider" is almost the same price as a purewhip but only 6 plaits as opposed to 12. I mean.. his whips are VERY well priced. is there any reason for this I should know about?