q about AB fedora's

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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q about AB fedora's

Post by slider17 »


my first post here on club obi wan. I would like to say what an awesome site this is and a great forum.

My question is about the AB fedora.
I have come across two sites that sell the hat.
One is http://www.adventurebilthats.com/
the other is

which is the one talked about on this site??

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Post by Strider »

Welcome to COW! Glad you decided to join up. The answer to your question is both. Steve Delk and Marc Kitter are the makers of the Adventurebilt and Adventurebilt Deluxe, respectively. They both had their hands in the jar for the making of the Indy IV hats, and a wealth of information can be obtained about the process over in this thread:


Again, welcome! :D
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Post by Indiana G »

both :D

ab feds are made by steve delk in the usa and ab deluxe's are made by marc kitter in germany. marc's hat is made with the finest materials on the planet, hence the deluxe (for discriminating tastes)....the block is slightly different. steve's hat, though built of different materials is still one fine top end hat and a steal of a price. the adventurebilt name is credited for the next movie hat and both gentlemen had a hand in that.


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Post by Strider »

LOL g, we both posted pretty much the exact same info at the same time. But I got in before ya! Gotta work on that itchy trigger finger! :lol:
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Post by Indiana G »

.....i knew i shouldn't have paused to take my meds!!!!....
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Wow! A hat question that can be answered in a single post (or two identical ones), and nobody can have a "different perspective!" :lol:
(Now don't try to get cute, Bink!)

Welcome to the Dark (brown) Side, Slider!
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Post by slider17 »

wow! thanks for the fast replies!
i've heard these hats take a while to be made and then delivered. Is that true?
Also for the first hat (steve's one), the shipping cost is listed on the site as $10. Is that a universal price (worldwide). If not, how much for delivery to Australia??

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Post by McFly »

No - they don't take a while to be made and delivered... they take forever to be made and delivered! BUT these hats are *well* worth the wait, and the service once you have them is unbeatable. Doesn't fit? Send it back and you'll have a better size in a few days. Brim too wide? Same thing! The quality of the hats is fantastic!! I'm waiting for my second AB right now!

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Post by BendingOak »

Both the Ab and the delux doesn't tale forever to be made. It is a long wait because there are alot of people buying these hats ( so there is a long list ) Steve and Marc make thses hats by hand and they work alone. This is not a mass produced product. Both these men pay close attention to the details of these product. If you are thinking of buying either one you will not be soory in the least.
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Re: hat

Post by Strider »

BendingOak wrote:Both the Ab and the delux doesn't tale forever to be made. It is a long wait because there are alot of people buying these hats ( so there is a long list ) Steve and Marc make thses hats by hand and they work alone. This is not a mass produced product. Both these men pay close attention to the details of these product. If you are thinking of buying either one you will not be soory in the least.
Even though that's pretty much the de-facto response when wait time on ABs is concerned, and it's right, Oak, when you order a hat and don't/won't see it for close to a year or a year, most might consider that wait to be "forever," or "too long," at the very least. That's not to say that the wait isn't worth it in the end, or that the hat is anything less than a phenominal product made by men who care about the fan, details, and Indy. That's also not to say that this is necessarily how I feel about it personally, I am simply playing devil's advocate. :twisted:
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Post by BendingOak »

I think you missed the point my friend. It doesn't take them fovever to make a hat only a day or so. It's just that they both have so many people wanting them that the list is longer than you could imagine.
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Re: hay

Post by Strider »

BendingOak wrote:I think you missed the point my friend. It doesn't take them fovever to make a hat only a day or so. It's just that they both have so many people wanting them that the list is longer than you could imagine.
You're right. I guess the amended statement would be, they don't take forever to get made. They just take a very long time, which could be considered by some to be "forever," to receive. :)
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Is that kennydrew link legit? It LOOKS like the right page, but I'd go to it the RIGHT way to make sure, unless someone here can vouch for it.

If you go to the AB MAIN page ( http://www.adventurebilt.com/ ) that refers you to BOTH the AB and the AB Deluxe sites,

it will take you to here for the AB:
http://www.adventurebilthats.com/ (a link you had)
and HERE for the AB Deluxe:
http://www.adventurebiltdeluxe.com/ (a link you DIDN'T have)

Neither is the kennydrew link. Maybe it's just a duplicate when they were making the page?
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Post by slider17 »

edit: never mind.
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Post by Marc »

Ken is my web admin :wink: Both our main page (www.adventurebilt.com) and the AB-Dlx. page (www.adventurebiltdeluxe.com) are linked from Ken's homepage via frames. So that's why. It's 100% legit 8)


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Post by VP »

Marc wrote:linked from Ken's homepage via frames.
Not a very good way to do it IMO. The main page http://adventurebilt.com/ could use a redesign too. But they do the job ATM and the products are jaw-dropping, which is the only thing that matters. :)
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Post by airforceindy »

I'm certainly not trying to complain here, so please don't get me wrong! Is there any way you can get the photos in your gallery bigger? Or is that something that would increase the cost of the domain?

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Post by Marc »

The template that was bought for the website unfortunately doesn't allow that :cry:

However, I think there are plenty of nice pics in here :D


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Post by VP »

Marc wrote:The template that was bought for the website unfortunately doesn't allow that
Huh? A website that size doesn't need a template, and why pay for something that can be achieved by open source projects?
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Post by airforceindy »

Marc wrote:The template that was bought for the website unfortunately doesn't allow that :cry:

However, I think there are plenty of nice pics in here :D


No doubt, there are plenty of pics to be found here, even though a great many don't come up on my computer. I simply had the feeling that you would want to show your best work on the website, and it just seems a shame that they are so small. No worries, hopefully one of these days I can go ahead and order a Deluxe myself and I'll just drool over it in person! :D

Thanks, Marc
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Post by indy89 »

Welcome to the club, slider! Steve makes a swell fedora. I just received mine this past Saturday and I'm absolutly happy with it! Choose, choose wisley :wink:

Here' the link to my AB tread.
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Post by slider17 »

steve if u do read this, what are your delivery charges for hats sent to Australia?? Is it $10 as listed on the main site or is it more??

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Post by Fedoraman »

VP wrote:
Marc wrote:The template that was bought for the website unfortunately doesn't allow that
Huh? A website that size doesn't need a template, and why pay for something that can be achieved by open source projects?
Sounds like you are volunteering, VP. 8)

BTW, I miss the sausage avatar...
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