The hat arrived here yesterday, and I just finally got the time this morning to check it out. So, I opened the box and styrofoam peanuts spilled out everywhere.

I know those things help, but boy do I hate them!! Anyways, I pull the hat out and it looks decent. Size is 7 1/8, brim 2 7/8 all the way around, ribbon is 1 3/4, and of course it has the old pentagon HJ Crest, which is the only reason that I bought it to begin with. The felt is very soft on the crown, and very simliar to what the new HJ felt is if you get it with no stiffener like Indy and Todd. This may have started out as a Poet, but there has been shrinkage on the crown over the years and it is hard to tell what the original blockshape really was. Here's the kicker, and one reason that I bought it. The color. It was listed as brown on ebay, but it is a gray hat with a brownish tinge, or a brown hat with a grayish tinge. Take your pic, but I am convinced this is the exact color of the hat in Raiders that we have argued about the color for years.

It has more of a brownish undertone than my own gray felt that I thought was close. But is is still a gray hat, and I can see how some have been confused on it being brown. Especially if you saw it only on film. I now have an example of the last remaining crest that I did not own from the HJ line, and I have the color I was always really curious about. I will pack it up in moth balls and take it to my rental storage building and it will be in good company with my other vintage hats and HJs.Fedora