MK wrote:What did that set you back?
$185. Are you still interested? <grin> It was either this or another PB hat.
Rixter wrote:I would ask why you thought to do this?
I loved the character and style of the shirt. It hurt really badly when the NH shirt didn't fit me too well. I went to see if I could get the shirt in a similar fabric but was custom fit for me. And, if he were able to pull off this challenge, I would want to come back to him for other dress shirts to wear everyday.
Rixter wrote:So I’m assuming maybe you were motivated to have it done because of price (!?!?), a better fit, more durable stitching than the NH, or the convenience of a more local source for the shirt
I had asked around and found the price was going to be about the same. $180-200. I definitely wanted a better fit and more durable stitching. I wish he were local. I live 2 1/2 hours away from him. There is a place in Austin, TX I would like to approach too.
Rixter wrote:The shirt looks to be well made, but appears slightly coarser and perhaps not as smooth (luxurious) a weave as the NH...
ITG wrote:Did you find the Swiss type cotton like what NH uses, cotton, or a cotton blend?
You are correct. The fabric is of a different weave. The weave of the shirt is at an angle similar to an Oxford cloth. It appears the weave of the NH is straight up and down. He only had swatches in his office. Not bolts of fabric. The way it appeared to me was that he ordered shirt from somewhere else (we had to add several inches around the chest for the pleats) and then he tailors it and trims it up. This was my first custom shirt so it was a learning experience for me. I don't know if this is common practice or out of the ordinary.
Rixter wrote:I am a bit surprised that they couldn’t come up with a lighter, perhaps truer color if that’s what you would have wanted since you mentioned the rest of the detail on the shirt was amazing. I should have thought that would have been the easiest request for them to fill, and the one that most folks would desire, considering all the other attention they obviously put into it.
Well, it's probably due to the way I commissioned it. I asked him for a safari shirt with quality fabric that I could wear on the weekends. So, he was looking for those qualities in a fabric that could come close to the color. I told him that I wanted to match the color as much as possible. Maybe go a little lighter. In hindsight, I should have just said match the fabric and not told him what I was going to use the shirt for. I probably would have had a closer shirt.
Indiana Joe wrote:Were do I send my money?
Indiana Janice wrote:Are you going to offer these?
Indiana Josh wrote:HOW DO I GET ONE??
I don't want to release the information just yet. 1.)He runs a one-man operation making custom clothes for people. And, I would hate to swamp him with requests. 2.) I want to see if he can make the shirt from memory. I took the "master" shirt back home with me. Next month I plan on ordering the same shirt but in a dark blue or forest green. 3.) The feedback you all provided is valuable and your interest is encouraging. I would like to see if he can find a fabric similar to NH shirts are made out of.
I thought I would do this just see if it could be done. I plan on more attempts and naturally; I will post my information as it comes up.
There are custom shirt makers in every town. This was my first stab at it and it turned out quite well. I trust others will follow with their creations in the quest to more/better gear.