Akubra fed vs. fed deluxe

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Akubra fed vs. fed deluxe

Post by Indycop »

I have noticed that everyone pretty much agrees that for the money the fed deluxe is a great hat. But what about the regular federation its less than a hundred bucks.
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

Great lid.

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Post by Michaelson »

It's as good. It's just not the softer top end fur felt that the Deluxe is made from. GREAT 'bang for the buck', so don't let the hundred dollar difference throw you.

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Post by fatwoul »

Michaelson wrote:It's as good. It's just not the softer top end fur felt that the Deluxe is made from. GREAT 'bang for the buck', so don't let the hundred dollar difference throw you...
The price difference between the two is barely US$50. Did I misunderstand what you are saying?

Personally, my decision was based less on the felt and more on the colour - I liked the dark brown Fed Dlx more than the mid brown Fed Reg, so I didn't mind the extra £27.
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Post by Michaelson »

No, I was just repeating what HE said regarding price difference.

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Post by Indycop »

First let me go ahead and get under the plymouth for protection! Ok I said the regular fed was less than a hundred. Bucks not a difference of a hundred. :wink: :roll:
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Post by Michaelson »

Ok, if not bucks, a hundred what? :-s :lol: :wink:

Looks like we're involved in the old 'straining gnats and swallowing camels' routine here.

MY point was the difference is moot. The standard Fed is made from the coarser jackrabbit fur, while the Deluxe is a finer and softer felt. Otherwise, not much difference in terms of quality or durability....no matter WHAT the price difference....a hundred bucks, cents, centavos...what ever.....

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Post by Indycop »

Bucks , greenbacks, dollars, U.S. Currency, federal notes! :roll: I see you've had your coffee today already :lol:
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Post by fatwoul »

Michaelson wrote:...MY point was the difference is moot. The standard Fed is made from the coarser jackrabbit fur, while the Deluxe is a finer and softer felt. Otherwise, not much difference in terms of quality or durability....no matter WHAT the price difference....a hundred bucks, cents, centavos...what ever...
Indeed, which is why I was explaining that the two are so close in price, that other issues such as colour probably come into play too, as well as the durability, etc.
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Post by Indycop »

Jackrabbit! So if I wear while running will I be faster? :shock: :lol:
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Post by Indycop »

I guess I should explain why I'm even asking. I want a black indy fed, but I'm also worried that if I don't order an AB soon they will go up in price. So I was thinking I could either get a NOIR camptown when they come out or get a black standard fed and because its so inexpensive go ahead and order the AB next month.
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Post by Michaelson »

I once owned a black standard Federation, and was VERY satisfied with it.

Before you ask 'what happened to it', I gave it to another member here at the forum a few years back as they didn't have a fedora at the time.

You'll be very pleased, and it comes open crown, so you can make it what ever shape and style you want.

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Post by Indycop »

Ok I may just go ahead and pull the trigger on one! I know fatwoul did a great job on bashing his but can anyone who's never done it get through it? And should I order my size or a size smaller since I hear they come a little large?
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Post by Michaelson »

My practice is to give them your exact head measurement and ask them to send you a hat that corresponds to THAT measurement, rather than asking for a specific size or using the chart.

It's always worked for me, and eliminates the 'guessing' when trying to come up with a correct size from Akubra.

Bashing the crown is simple as can be, and if you run into any problems, there are a BUNCH of folks ready and willing to give you help, and tutorials to show you the way.

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Post by Indycop »

Michaelson since you have had akubra, camptown and AB would you. Get a black camptown and hope the ABs don't go up in the next few months or would you get a black standard fed and an AB. Since I could always get the NOIR later.
P.S. I'm wanting a black indy by Oct,
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Post by Michaelson »

Based on timeline, and if it were me, I'd go with a standard black Federation and place an order for the AB.

JMO, though.

You KNOW I'm a HUGE advocate of the Camptown, but considering JJ's new job and work schedule, and the fact the new 'noir' hat is in planning stage, you may have the same wait period as an AB.

The Fed, on the othe hand, is more than likely on the shelf at HatsDirect and ready to ship, if they have your size on hand.

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Post by Indycop »

Ok as my hat adviser I will follow your advice and order the akubra! 8)
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Post by Michaelson »

Uh, well, ok.....usual commission, right? :-s :lol: :wink:

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Post by Indycop »

Uh what was that? You're breaking up. Are you still there?
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Post by Michaelson »

](*,) :lol:

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Post by fatwoul »

Michaelson wrote:My practice is to give them your exact head measurement and ask them to send you a hat that corresponds to THAT measurement, rather than asking for a specific size or using the chart.

It's always worked for me, and eliminates the 'guessing' when trying to come up with a correct size from Akubra...
That's precisely what I did, following suggestions from you and others I read on here. It's important for people to understand that the hat they receive will almost always initially appear a little too large, because the sizes correspond to the size the hat is likely to arrive at after shrinkage. I suspect that the guys at hatsdirect intentionally add 1 cm onto the size you give them for precisely this reason of shrinkage. My fed is a 58, and my head is 58.4, but the hat is still far from tight.

That's how it seems, at least. When you receive a new Federation, and try it on, if it feels too big, try it on again with the foam shims. If it's still too big, then get in touch with them, but if the hat fits with the foam, you'll be fine after a week or two of regular wearing, especially this time of year.
Michaelson wrote:Bashing the crown is simple as can be, and if you run into any problems, there are a BUNCH of folks ready and willing to give you help, and tutorials to show you the way...
Even I managed to get a decent bash from mine, after one small false start, and I've not really shaped a hat before.
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Post by Michaelson »

Excellent points, fatwoul, and dead on target.

Just wear the hat, and the perspiration in the leather will eventually make the band shrink down to your exact head shape and size.

Thanks for that, my friend.

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Post by Indycop »

Michaelson, do you have any pics of the black fed you used to have? Did you bash it raiders?
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Post by Indycop »

Ok, I just ordered a size 61 (yes I have a big head) regular fed in long oval. They have already emailed me and said it is in stock and they have even just long ovaled it. It will go out on the next plane and be here in 5 to 10 days!
That's darn quick!!! :D
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Post by WinstonWolf359 »

Yeah, Hats Direct is amazingly quick when it comes to getting a hat out the door. I've never had to wait more than four or five days for any of my hats I've ordered from them.

Please post pics and impressions when you get the black federation. I've never seen one before and I'm curious how the felt on the black one compares to the standard brown ones. My gray fed is butter soft compared to the brown one and I'm wondering if the stiffness is a brown-only trait or if it is hit or miss.

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Post by Indycop »

From what I understand since it is a regular federation I ordered its not going to be as soft as the deluxe no matter what.
I also have not seen a black indy. Hopefully I won't look like a pimp or something! So I am a little nervous about that and definitely wondering how I will do at bashing. Especially since I really can't tell you what makes a raider a raider! I just want to get the tight pinch in the front.
Oh and yes they were quick to respond! I have no Idea what time it was over there.
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Post by fatwoul »

Indycop wrote:Ok, I just ordered a size 61 (yes I have a big head) regular fed in long oval. They have already emailed me and said it is in stock and they have even just long ovaled it...
My 58 Fed Dlx was also long ovaled by them, at my request. They did a splendid job of it, too.

When you receive your hat, you may find that a little of the felt down each side of the crown is very slightly softer than the rest, from the stretching process done on the hat to make it long oval. Don't worry though, as this is a good thing! When you start to wear it, you may discover (as I did) that when your long oval head keeps the headband stretched into that shape, the felt on the sides of the crown, being softer, seems to get pulled in very slightly, which at certain angles can actually give the hat a little reverse taper, and at the very least seems to lessen any taper the hat may have, and make the sides look straighter.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your new hat. I'm very pleased with mine. :D
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Post by Doctor_Jones »

Michaelson wrote: I gave it to another member here at the forum a few years back as they didn't have a fedora at the time.
yeah, i do remember that one I think. a few years back, weren't there other guys aswell who gave some of their fedora's away? Don't remember it too clearly actually.
that was great!
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Post by Indycop »

It does seem that everyone who has an akubra ihas been pleased with them!
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Post by Rob »

That's because my countrymen know how to make great hats ;)
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Post by fatwoul »

Indycop wrote:It does seem that everyone who has an akubra ihas been pleased with them!
Well, not everybody, but certainly 99.9% of us. :D
Rob wrote:That's because my countrymen know how to make great hats ;)
Indeed they do. Mine is truly great, although hopefully I've got my Fieldmaster coming next month, which doubtless will take the edge off how great I think my Federation is.

(I hope JerseyJones is reading this bit of sucking-up 8) )
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Post by Indycop »

Jersey can't hear your sucking because of all my begging and pleading! Trying to mooch decals now too!
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Post by Michaelson »

Doctor_Jones wrote:
Michaelson wrote: I gave it to another member here at the forum a few years back as they didn't have a fedora at the time.
yeah, i do remember that one I think. a few years back, weren't there other guys aswell who gave some of their fedora's away? Don't remember it too clearly actually.
that was great!
It goes on regularly. 8)

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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

I wish I'd known about the long oval-ing!!! I love my Fed Dlx.

Maybe I should remove some of the foam insert from front and rear and leave it on the sides where it is loosest?

+12345 on sending them your head size. They sent me a "small ish 64" and I put the foam in, and they also had me do the wet the headband trick and it is nicely snug now, I could almost remove the foam insert, or will probably soon.

And it just looks great. Because I'm Australian it is nice to be able to say to people it is an Akubra too. (my daughters wear Jackaroo brand hats)
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Post by Doctor_Jones »

Michaelson wrote:
It goes on regularly. 8)

Regards! Michaelson
true, i gave my Brazilian Cury branded Fedora to a friend of mine who wanted to buy a hat. I made his life a bit easier by giving it to him because i did not wore that hat anymore.
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Post by Michaelson »

Always 'pay it forward' if an opportunity offers itself to a DESERVING individual is my motto. 8)

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Post by fatwoul »

ANZAC_1915 wrote:I wish I'd known about the long oval-ing!!! I love my Fed Dlx...
Hatsdirect do seem to do a nice job of it. They take care, and don't seem to rush it. Mine was done gradually over a weekend, and I didn't mind the wait at all.
ANZAC_1915 wrote:Maybe I should remove some of the foam insert from front and rear and leave it on the sides where it is loosest?...
I've done the opposite - there is a little foam front and back, and nothing on the sides. I realised that if I left the foam on the sides, it would continue to push them out slightly, when what I wanted was for them to be brought against the sides of my head. So, when the hat was still a little larger, I took the foam from the sides, and doubled it up at the front and back. It may have looked a little odd for a day or two until the foam settled down, but it meant that the hat was constantly being given a slightly exaggerated oval shape compared to my head. I also leave my hat on a narrow home-made stretcher over night, to keep this oval shape until the hat decides to obey me. It's getting there.

I'm not using the thinner foam they supply anymore, either. I have cut up that piece of foam they put around the hat to protect it during shipping. It's wider, so it fits behind the headband really nicely, and because it's thinner, you can use multiple layers to get just the thickness you need.
ANZAC_1915 wrote:+12345 on sending them your head size. They sent me a "small ish 64" and I put the foam in, and they also had me do the wet the headband trick and it is nicely snug now, I could almost remove the foam insert, or will probably soon...
The foam does come out pretty quick. I've still got tiny bits front and back to maintain the shape for a while, but they have nothing to do with size.

I keep a little foam in my jacket pocket now. If I am out, and the wind picks up, I put a little extra foam in the band to make it fit just that little bit closer.
ANZAC_1915 wrote:...And it just looks great. Because I'm Australian it is nice to be able to say to people it is an Akubra too. (my daughters wear Jackaroo brand hats)
You're Australian? I'd never have guessed from the name. :wink:

My step-great-uncle was a WWII Kiwi ANZAC. Those dudes were hardcore. :shock:
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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

fatwoul wrote:I've done the opposite - there is a little foam front and back, and nothing on the sides. I realised that if I left the foam on the sides, it would continue to push them out slightly, when what I wanted was for them to be brought against the sides of my head. So, when the hat was still a little larger, I took the foam from the sides, and doubled it up at the front and back. It may have looked a little odd for a day or two until the foam settled down, but it meant that the hat was constantly being given a slightly exaggerated oval shape compared to my head. I also leave my hat on a narrow home-made stretcher over night, to keep this oval shape until the hat decides to obey me. It's getting there.

I'm not using the thinner foam they supply anymore, either. I have cut up that piece of foam they put around the hat to protect it during shipping. It's wider, so it fits behind the headband really nicely, and because it's thinner, you can use multiple layers to get just the thickness you need.
Nice idea. I kept thinking about using the wider foam. The narrow foam has vertically distorted the headband a bit.
You're Australian? I'd never have guessed from the name. :wink:

My step-great-uncle was a WWII Kiwi ANZAC. Those dudes were hardcore. :shock:
My grandfather was a Kiwi ANZAC in WWI, and my father was in the Kiwi Army in 1946. I have a picture of him on my desk in ihs uniform which looks like Indy gear to me now, I keep meaning to post it.

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Post by fatwoul »

ANZAC_1915 wrote:Nice idea. I kept thinking about using the wider foam. The narrow foam has vertically distorted the headband a bit...
Precisely what I found - the bottom of the headband was left a little bigger than the top, tapering the hat a little more than it previously was. Putting wider sponge in helped that a lot.
ANZAC_1915 wrote:My grandfather was a Kiwi ANZAC in WWI, and my father was in the Kiwi Army in 1946. I have a picture of him on my desk in ihs uniform which looks like Indy gear to me now, I keep meaning to post it...
You really should. They'd love that over in The Fedora Lounge, too - there's a thread about campaign gear at the moment, and they like to see vintage photos of gear.
ANZAC_1915 wrote:...(I'm Australian but live near Seattle)
Can't be far from Cowboy, then. :D
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Post by Dostacos »

Indycop wrote:Jackrabbit! So if I wear while running will I be faster? :shock: :lol:
yes but ONLY if you staple in on first \:D/
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Post by WinstonWolf359 »

Indycop wrote:From what I understand since it is a regular federation I ordered its not going to be as soft as the deluxe no matter what.
That's why I'm curious, because my gray regular fed IS softer than my fed deluxe. Finding out that the black one is floppy soft as well contributes to my theory there is just something different with the brown regular fed.

As for the long-oval thing, I've tried buying mine one size big, and using the lampshade trick, but only wetting the sides of the sweatband. That works really well for me, and I get a hat that not only fits me well, but also has straighter sides for the Raiders look.
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Post by fatwoul »

WinstonWolf359 wrote:...As for the long-oval thing, I've tried buying mine one size big, and using the lampshade trick, but only wetting the sides of the sweatband. That works really well for me, and I get a hat that not only fits me well, but also has straighter sides for the Raiders look.
Interesting, because I tried that yesterday, but just didn't think to mention it. What I mean is that I wetted the sides of the band like you, but instead of putting it somewhere warm I just wore it for the rest of the day. I figured that the only part of the sweatband that really gets exposed to a lot of moisture is the front quarter, because the rest gets soaked up by your hair.

Anyway, before I did it I couldn't decide where on the band was the best place to wet in order to pull the sides in, and I still can't decide now.

I figured that if you put water on the sides of the band, the side portions of the band will shrink, which will surely shorten the hat front-to-back, but if you put water on the sweatband front and back, that would shrink its width, and make the hat narrower. BUT since the band is fixed to the hat, it may not matter what part of the band shrinks, to give the overall reduction in size to better suit a head of any shape.

I don't know. I confused myself thinking about it. :D
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Post by Indycop »

:lol: that's what that wire in the sweat that some people were talking about is for! :shock:
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Post by Indycop »

It should be here early next week maybe. I will post it and try to post pics. Never done pics before. I'm sure I will also be asking for bashing help as well. I will let you know about softness. But all I have to compare it to is a PB which has the STIFF repuitation.
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Post by Tennessee Smith »

Indycop, I think you're really going to enjoy the Fed Reg. I got mine about a month ago and love it. It's unbelievably soft and looks great. It took 7 days from the order date to arrive at my door step, so the wait will not be long. It's just the anticipation that kills. :shock:

Make sure you take a pic of it before you bash it so we can see it in all its glory. Enjoy the bash!
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Post by fatwoul »

Indycop wrote::lol: that's what that wire in the sweat that some people were talking about is for! :shock:
Be that as it may, it doesn't work. The wire is very thin, and just isn't up to convincing a lot of leather and felt to do something it doesn't want to.

If someone has a suggestion as to how to work what seems to be a very springy memory wire to get it into a better shape, I'd be happy to hear it. :wink:
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Post by Indycop »

Fatwoul did you leave that wire in or have you taken it out? I'm wondering if its in mine should I just take it out before I even bash it.
Erin I believe you said when you got yours you smashed it up a bit before bashing it. Was it you that posted pics of rolling it up and then returning right back to its shape?
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Post by Tennessee Smith »

Indycop wrote:Fatwoul did you leave that wire in or have you taken it out? I'm wondering if its in mine should I just take it out before I even bash it.
Erin I believe you said when you got yours you smashed it up a bit before bashing it. Was it you that posted pics of rolling it up and then returning right back to its shape?
No, it was someone else but I've done the same thing numerous times. I have not found a wire in mine and I've looked mine over through and through, that could just be on the Deluxe models.

As far as the bash is concerned when I got my hat I put the foam inserts in to make it fit snug; and make sure it fit right. I then smashed it in my hands into a little ball. Part of me was thinking what in the world am I doing, I just spent $130 on this? The other part was saying "Do it or you'll treat this like it's fine china." It's a hat, albeit a beautiful hat it's still just a hat and I wanted it to look worn, not pristine.

Hope that helps.

Oh yeah, let us know if yours has a wire. Cause if mine doesn't.....
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Post by Indycop »

Will do! 8)
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