yes, you can have the jacket......if i can manage to swing a nowak jacket before 2008
ac, btw, that's wested's zipper. i've never sent any zipper's to anyone except flightjacket but they had a better silver zipper to use (so they sent mine back to me).
i sent wested a package with all my specs. most of the specs were drawn from agent 5's compilation (can be found on page 2 of the thread where we first discussed todd's jacket). i also gave them a diagram of how i wanted the stitching to be done on my side straps along with my buckles that i found in australia. added to this, i also gave them a diagram of the pockets which KT made up quite a while back when platon was discussing his SA jacket (the one that was too small for him and eventually went to rick5150 i believe). it was a long process but was extremely fun to spec out. i mailed it in instead of the website order form so as they can get the buckles as well as having all the instructions in one place. after that, wested got EVERYTHING i asked......pleasantly surprised for sure.
if you guys are as anal as i am as where stitch no. 434 is going to appear on the back panel, i recommend either talking to wested directly or send them instructions along with your credit card info. it seemed to work for much that i sent them another one to have a novapelle or dark brown veg tanned jacket made (both hides still not available yet though
). that i can wait for. i also made some more small tweeks like increasing the pocket size as i think these look too small for my frame and also a full satin lining. it's been 3 weeks and mr. mailman is still probably in his canoe on the atlantic somewhere