Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
viewtopic.php?t=22409Erin Jones wrote:Seriously? So what is the price going to be, I know Todd's Jackets are going up also?Hey Robby, you might want to keep in mind the price for an AB will double starting this May
Just a personal observation, but everyone speculates that demand for Indy gear (in general) will be through the roof once the new movie comes out. But don't you think that's kinda generalizing Indygear-Mania to the general population, when that may not be necessarily true? I mean... When Die Hard 4 (for example) came out, it wasn't like everybody rushed out to buy McClane gear... And the same thing can be said about Ocean's 13, Casino Royale, etc...Indiana wrote:...by next summer, when the movie is out, Steve's wait time will be WELL over a year, I would say...
It might not happen, but with wait times currently at 6-8 months + I am sure the movie will do nothing but increase the wait. But no matter how long you wait, you are getting a great hat.Castor Dioscuri wrote:Just a personal observation, but everyone speculates that demand for Indy gear (in general) will be through the roof once the new movie comes out. But don't you think that's kinda generalizing Indygear-Mania to the general population, when that may not be necessarily true? I mean... When Die Hard 4 (for example) came out, it wasn't like everybody rushed out to buy McClane gear... And the same thing can be said about Ocean's 13, Casino Royale, etc...Indiana wrote:...by next summer, when the movie is out, Steve's wait time will be WELL over a year, I would say...
I mean, but again, I'm not directing that comment to Adventurebilt, I'm just talking in general. It just seems to me that it may not be as big a deal (to the public) as we sometimes make it out to be.
Now where's that Plymouth...
Since I am the one that is going up....I mean, but again, I'm not directing that comment to Adventurebilt, I'm just talking in general. It just seems to me that it may not be as big a deal (to the public) as we sometimes make it out to be.
I've heard the reasoning before (how the old trilogy drove up the demand), but I suppose that could be attributed in no small part to how inventive and original the old trilogy was. It had a huge impact at the time, and I guess what I'm trying to say is that we are trying to make a connection between the old trilogy and the new Indy, while certain factors may not necessarily exist.Fedora wrote:Since I am the one that is going up....I mean, but again, I'm not directing that comment to Adventurebilt, I'm just talking in general. It just seems to me that it may not be as big a deal (to the public) as we sometimes make it out to be.There is a method to my madness. Back in the day, when the Indy films started to appear, the hat business in general was dead. Many of the old names had vanished, and even the leader in hat sales, Stetson, closed it doors in the early 70's and leased out the name Stetson to whoever wanted to make hats and use that grand old name. Then Indy arrived on the scene, and collectively, the hat industry here and overseas were swamped by the new demand from the public. Sure, most of those hats were bought, and then ended up on the top shelf in the closet, much like exercise equipement is apt to do.
But, it is a known fact, that Indy saved Stetson at the time due to the sudden demand.
I know this will happen again. And, since my site pops up close to the top on search engines, I figure I will be swamped when the film comes out. Not just me, but also other hatters. The new demand in the past has lasted for 4 to 5 years, gradually tapering off with time. In order to not have a 3 year wait on a hat(who would buy it??) the only solution is to increase prices to what pure beaver hats generally sell for, from other hatters. So, I will no longer undercut their prices, but this is not of my own choosing, as I am forced into it. Personally, I don't like it, and may very well have a hidden price for all of my old customers, that will not be advertised. I am leaning towards that heavily.
When the news is broke on who the hatter is for the new film, this will be on the net, and it will be other places as well. I think it will be well known, if one takes the time to look online. Yeah, whoever made those hats is gonna be a busy guy. And he better have his pricing set so that it cuts down on the demand. I am sure he will if he has given it any thought. The same with the jacket. I fully expect that jacket to sell for really big bucks this go around if you buy one from the guy who made them. The internet makes the world a much smaller place. This time around, everyone will know who made the hat, and the jacket, unlike years ago when Lee had to send spies to the right place to see what crest was on the Indy fedora, and whose name was on the jacket. It is a whole new world, with us all being connected to the grid. (a line from one of my fav films) Fedora