I know that more than a few of you have tried various methods of getting that distinct channel at the ribbon, including making the ribbon tighter, over-sizing hats, etc. Here's something I did with an unturned, unmodified standard Federation with just my fingers and good old fashioned American stubborness. I'm sure I could make it even more SA, but I like how it is.
What do you think?
Nope, that's not the reblock. That's a Fed I've had in my closet since I moved (last August) and just recently got around to bashing. I haven't played with the reblocked one yet. You can see it in the background.
Looking good, but the channel should continue its way under the ribbon. 3k$ came up with a most excellent explanation for this phenomenon some months ago though.
Marc wrote:Looking good, but the channel should continue its way under the ribbon. 3k$ came up with a most excellent explanation for this phenomenon some months ago though.
Something like this? Just used some old fashioned "elbow grease,"
nothing more.
Good eyes. The photo, however, does not show the channel actually running down both sides. Not SA; yes. But, I like the symmetry; fits my goofy face shape.
That was my approach. There are other ways........ .
Marc wrote:Looking good, but the channel should continue its way under the ribbon. 3k$ came up with a most excellent explanation for this phenomenon some months ago though.
I think I could make it go all the way down, but I didn't want to. I set out to stop it where it is on purpose. I know... shame on me!
Pitfall Harry wrote:I think it's just a matter of pinching the felt all the way down to even under the ribbon isn't it?
If you mean the main front pinch, I found it easier to make the "CCDT" when the front pinch faded before reaching the ribbon. If you mean the actual channel as the pinching, yes, you have to work all the way down.