Several years ago, I had reverse engineered myself a Raiders block in my size. At that time, I was like many here and owned a huge Indy hat collection, several Federations, several Deluxe Federations, a few Kepplers, several Optimos and numerous vintage Stetsons, Borsalinos, Knoxes, and Cavanaghs. I must have blocked and reblocked all of those hats many times as I was learning what to do, and what not to do. I was never much of a tailor, and had to fall back on the limited sewing skills I learned while being in the Boy Scouts. But, with my vast collection, I finally got proficient enough to offer my services, for free, to the brave guys here who had the intestinal fortitude to trust me with their hats. So, thanks Rick5150!!!

But, soon I was reblocking scores of hats and I honed my skills as time went on. And it cost the guys here, nothing but the shipping charge back. Heck, a few times, I even paid that myself.
So, my advice is this. If we have any budding hatters here, I suggest you did as I did. It would serve two purposes. It would give you something that you cannot buy, and that is hands on experience. Secondly, it would be a great service to the COW members. As soon as you felt you were good enough, you could charge for the service, and that is a service that is needed here with most of our hatters being snowed under. It is only a small step from reblocking to making hats. Fedora