Our hat collections

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Our hat collections

Post by prairiejones »

I wanted to start a thread where members could post pictures of their hat collection. When I first joined the forum, i loved seeing pictures of hats. Lots of pictures. So feel free to post a picture of you collection.

Here's mine. I have other ball caps but this is the one that I wear. When I have a hat on my head, it is one of these four. I have posted from oldest to newest. I've had the Brooklyn Dodgers cap for about ten years now and love it. I've had the Akubra and Adventurebilt for about two years, and got the Panama Jack in February.

Brooklyn-Akubra-AB-Panama Jack
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Re: Our hat collections

Post by Dr.Seuss »

prairiejones wrote:I wanted to start a thread where members could post pictures of their hat collection.

Is there a limit on the number/style of hats? Otherwise, who has a very long railing?

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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Those fedoras look like they're gonna gang up and beat the crud out of that baseball cap. :P

Poor guy looks so out of place in the corner, almost as if you can hear him saying "If I stand all the waaaay back here, maybe they won't notice me!"
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Post by McFly »

Talk about a hat color debate!! Image :wink:

Those collections are awesome! I sometimes wish I had that many... but then where would I put them? Where do you guys put all your hats?

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Post by prairiejones »

Holy COW, AC!! That's a lot of Indy lids. Thanks for jumpin' in.
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Post by Indiana G »

okey dokey...hold on to your potatoes!!!!

left to right:


right to left:


the usual suspects:

stetson temple, oversized todd's hj raiders bash, todd's hj with liner and sweat taken out and ribbon cinched, hj from sab, todd's hj bashed with relaxed pinch and no turn, tapered akubra fed reg....


akubra fed reg (again), beaver ab speced with shorter crown, 5 3/4" rabbit ab, and finally.....my ab rabbit...... numero uno...la primiera.....gold medal winner...top gun.....my pride and joy. she's a rabbit ab drummed to a larger block size and pinched back with the ribbon to form the channel....uber sa imo :D


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Post by GCR »

Praire and Aeris, those are some great collections :tup:

G...I'm not quite sure what is more impressive, the collection of 9 or so hats that've you've accumulated in such a short span of time, or the fact that you actually have a railing in your home long enough to display them all! You've got some real beauties in that lineup! (You know I want to see a few more pictures of that oversized rabbit AB :wink: )

Here's my entry, although this doesn't include about dozen or so non-Indy hats of different types (a panama, a few ball caps, military hats and helmets, a couple other fedoras and a fez).

TOP: AB regular, beaver felt (L), AB Deluxe (R)

MIDDLE: AB regular, rabbit felt (L), JPD (R)

BOTTOM: Akubra Federation Deluxe


I'm still awaiting the arrival of my final regular AB from Steve (a gray rabbit felt) and a custom Herbert Johnson by Marc. Beyond that, my quest is over, though I do intend to buy another AB Deluxe from Marc once finances allow (make that 2 if he ever gets a gray felt option :wink: ).

BTW, Cool thread idea, PJ!

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Post by prairiejones »

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Post by GCR »

Aeris_Canon wrote: GCR, that is a great, eclectic collection you've got there, man! It portrays the differences between the hats extremely accurately, (except for the one you messed up). :P Kidding. :tup:
That would actually be two that I messed up...my Fed Deluxe ain't lookin' so good these days, either. Another victim of frequent reshaping / restyling. #-o

The JPD doesn't look that bad in reality, most of the taper you see in the pic is just due to the direction the hat is facing. Looks-wise, the JPD doesn't look half bad when it's sitting on a shelf, it's just shrunken to the point where it's too small for me now. The Fed Deluxe, on the other hand, still fits me great, but looks like @#$% when I put it on (and it doesn't look much better when it's not on, either). It's begun to taper quite a bit, and the brim doesn't warp and swoop like it used to. The AB rabbit rounds out the "unwearables" list for me. While there's nothing wrong with it, I just find the AB Beaver and AB Deluxe more comfortable to wear, so I've relegated the AB rabbit mainly to display duty. Even so, it still finds its way off the bench and into the starting lineup from time to time. :wink:

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Post by Indiana G »

thanks for the comments gents! GCR, i've always envied your collection of ab's.....i'd love to have those but it would probably be in the neighbourhood of over a years wait to have those beauties.....i guess i better get on placing orders :lol:

tone, thats a great collection there but with showcasing all your hats in one photo, you take away from the details of your expert bash jobs....guess we can just enjoy the cake for now and eat it later eh?

PJ, didn't you experiment with a hat where you sewn the channel pleat in? i recall seeing that thread many moons ago....is that the ab in your picture?

my go to hat (when its not raining out) is my beloved rabbit ab with the larger crown. i'll post some good pics of her soon....just waiting to receive some special items first so i can post the lot of 'em in a screen accurate - wannabe thread.

it's funny how you say they all look new....maybe i baby my hats too much. that ab rabbit looks the most sa on me (temple scene when he first sees the idol). it has the shape of the hat but there are no creases from being sat on or rolled up, there is no dust on it, and there are no jagged edges from richard swales' scissor job :lol: it's my "clean shaven" adventurer's look :lol:
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I guess I'll have to gather my collection for a photo shoot soon. Shall I limit it to Indy's, or should I include everything! :twisted:
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Post by Indiana G »

clear out your garage and show us everything chewie!!!!
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Post by RobbyT43 »

Wow :shock: Those are some great collections!!!

I wish I had money [-o<

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Post by fatwoul »

Indiana G wrote:clear out your garage and show us everything chewie!!!!
Agreed. Show us everything. Well, not everything. I like you, Chewie, but not in that way. The hats will do fine.
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Post by GCR »

Aeris_Canon wrote:GCR, you know I was totally giving you grief, right?
I know, I know... :P :wink:
Aeris_Canon wrote: As for the Fed Deluxe, anything's going to look "okay" while you're staring at a whole bunch of new ABs. ;) Still, I have to admit that Fed Deluxe is one of the best "redo's" I've ever seen on one. :tup:
Thanks for the kind words, but it was seriously my "redo" that did the hat in. Same goes for the JPD. Too much restyling and reshaping I guess, but it's nothing a good ol' reblock won't cure. 8)

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Post by Indiana G »

thanks aries! very nice!...... as usual

and folks....thats how you bash a hat :D
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

Yes, let's all toss our hats into the ring. With a smidgen of trepidation, here are a few of mine. Can we guess which is which?

Stetson, Royal Deluxe; Stetson, Open Road; Akruba Fed; PB Custom; one Obvious Dr. Seuss; and the Mystery Hat.


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Post by Dr.Seuss »

Aeris_Canon wrote:"I'll be wearing the Seuss hat." *.*.*Any backstory on that one, Seuss?
The story includes, "Marley was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner." Just the thing for meeting up with the Ghost of Christmas Future. Costume hat.

Great idea! Really like the Jack.

The oversized rabbit is intriguing. BTW: What is the deal with the white bunny sitting guard on the ledge?

For my blind eyes, the AB rabbit is a real looker. It would find a home with me.

What can one say?

I should have added: My hat listing was in no particular order. That being said, perhaps the lids are so obvious (at least the Fed is), that no guessing is necessary. (The fedora, on the level with the Seuss Hat, is actually the Stetson Royal Deluxe. Crown about 5 inches; my first Indy hat.)

"Convention, yes. Let's see, 6 foot, 4 inches tall, and the Suess Hat. Might stick out a bit."

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Okay, just for giggles I thought I'd throw in a picture of my basic hat collection as it stands today. Funny thing is, my true Indy AB is currently out for a reblock, so it's not in the pic, although two other ABs are. These are the hats I could scurry up on a moment's notice and there are more floating about here and there (like my fez:wink:). It's a small representation of all the hats I've had over the years, new, vintage, and beaters alike, but it should give you a good idea of my varied collection. :wink: Some are hats that belonged to my grandfathers.

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Post by Ripper »

Im liking that Zulu Pith Bink ! :wink:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Now you know why it's difficult to figure out what hat I want to wear on any given day. I've got too many! (Or is it not enough? :-k :lol: ) I think I'll wear the pith helmet to my next job interview. :wink:
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

Two "toppers" in one thread. Whatever is this Forum coming to?

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Post by Ripper »

I think I'll wear the pith helmet to my next job interview.
Ha, that would be classic, just show up like this.....

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Post by G-MANN »

Last edited by G-MANN on Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ydam »

wow...you all have some very nice hat collections. Mine are not nearly as elaborate. I will see if i can get a few of mine posted later but it is really kool to see some of these collections.
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Post by Jaredraptor »

Like ydam said: Quite nice collections you guys have. Perhaps I'll take a couple photos of mine later.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Image
Also love the Pith and the Bowler too!
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

I have to get an up to date photo of all my lids. But until then, here's my Brown LC style PBBM on the rim of the Grand Canyon...

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Post by Ripper »

......Is that right before that big gust of wind came up.....? :wink:
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It actually was a little windy that day and you can imagine how quickly I grabbed that fedora the second I took the photo... :lol:
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

I get nervous just thinking about settin' a hat up there. 8-[
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Ripper wrote:
I think I'll wear the pith helmet to my next job interview.
Ha, that would be classic, just show up like this.....

Actually, that's not too far off the mark. I have an interview Monday, so you know what that means... :wink:
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Post by Ripper »

.....that would be kinda fun. Id probably dress like that all the time if I could get away with it......and didnt want a date.
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Post by Dr.Seuss »


I was considering an AB Deluxe. Being curious, how old are the three in the photos?

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Ripper wrote:.....that would be kinda fun. Id probably dress like that all the time if I could get away with it......and didnt want a date.
That's okay, the dates are poisoned, anyhow. :wink:
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Post by Ripper »

...............especially the Blonde ones............

OK, sorry, Im done....back on the rails...................
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Post by G-MANN »

Dr.Seuss wrote:G-Mann:

I was considering an AB Deluxe. Being curious, how old are the three in the photos?

The oldest is 1-1/2 years the newest is about 5 months.

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Post by ydam »

Ripper wrote:...............especially the Blonde ones............

OK, sorry, Im done....back on the rails...................
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Post by GCR »

Seuss and Bink, those are some truly awesome collections, guys! :tup:

G-MANN, you know how envious I am of all those AB Deluxes, right? :lol: Those really are some beautiful fedoras, Marc's handiwork is definitely top-notch! My own AB Deluxe has quickly become my favorite hat! Here's hoping that your gray AB Deluxe won't be the only one for long! [-o<

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Thanks, CGR. I've always liked a variety of hats and hat styles, but I always lean toward the vintage and vintage-styled. Actually, I'm surprised those were all the ones I could find! My collection has expanded and contracted so often over the years that I can never remember how many I truly have. :lol: I know I've got more round here somewhere... :wink:
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

GCR wrote:Seuss and Bink, those are some truly awesome collections, guys!

My hat is off to your collection. I am feeling slightly "rag-tag" amidst the galleries being posted.

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Post by Indiana G »

dr. suess wrote:
BTW: What is the deal with the white bunny sitting guard on the ledge?
...i was giving my 10 year old step daughter a demonstration on where rabbit hats come from so i was using her bunny doll in the presentation. whats not pictured is the axe and chopping block :shock: :lol:
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Post by indy89 »

whats not pictured is the axe and chopping block
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Indiana G wrote:dr. suess wrote:
BTW: What is the deal with the white bunny sitting guard on the ledge?
...i was giving my 10 year old step daughter a demonstration on where rabbit hats come from so i was using her bunny doll in the presentation. whats not pictured is the axe and chopping block :shock: :lol:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Dr.Seuss wrote:
GCR wrote:Seuss and Bink, those are some truly awesome collections, guys!

My hat is off to your collection. I am feeling slightly "rag-tag" amidst the galleries being posted.

Seuss, I like your collection. The hat you show top right catches my eye, too. Honestly, who cares if you have 1 or 100 hats as long as you wear and enjoy them? :wink: I've just been into hats since... well, long before Indy! I've built this collection over many years! :wink:
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Honestly, who cares if you have 1 or 100 hats as long as you wear and enjoy them? :wink: I've just been into hats since... well, long before Indy! I've built this collection over many years! :wink:

Appreciate the "atta-boy." BTW: Nice Greek Fisherman and Newsboy/Big Apple/8 Panel.

Top Right: PB Custom. I tried to keep one "pristine." I wear the others (well, some).

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I like the looks of that PB! Is it a taller crown with a shorter brim? There's just something sharp about that hat from the angle it's viewed at. As for the caps, I have more newsboy caps (including one from the '20s/'30s) tucked away somewhere.

The worst part of being a hat collector and hat wearer is that you can't feasably wear them all (as much as some have tried :wink: ). I find some go in and out of rotation, while others (like my '30s Royal Stetson Deluxe) are worn on special occasion.
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Post by prairiejones »

Yes, let's all toss our hats into the ring.
YES!!!!! Thanks, Gents!!! This is what this thread is all about.

About the channel in my ab. I've done a couple of things before. I cinched the ribbon on my AB, but that eventually relaxed. I took the sweat band out of the Akubra, and then cinched it to get Cairo look. Eventually replaced ribbon and had it re blocked by Mr. Delk. That is the condition they are in now. I still think that cinching the AB has given it a smidgen of reverse taper that I love.

You guys rock!!! Thanks for getting into the spirit of this. I LOVE HAT PICTURES!!!!!!
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Post by Ripper »

I like that PB as well Dr.Seuss.....kinda reminds me of this hat......

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Maybe that's why I like that hat so much. :wink:
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