Erin Jones It's not really that hard. My first time bashing was also a Federation, but I did a c-crown. I was nervous, but I found out that the Fed can take quite a bit of re-bashing. Just don't let it sit for days in a shape you don't like. Overnight at most, and it's easy to play with. It's best to dry-bash the crown. The stiffness will work it's way out as you play with it. For the brim, I spray distilled water on the underside of the brim and handshape.
BendingOak I guess because of how it fits my head shape or something, the visual effect of the turn did not result in the Raiders swoop. Instead, it just looked like a bad hat in need of a re-flange. I hear some others have had this issue. Oh well. No biggie.
Dr.Seuss I guess with the issues involved as per the other thread, my mind pushed my to this latest project. Plus, I have a Magnoli HJ coming and the wait is driving me MAD!
That's what happens when you let a Fed sit for too long. It turns brown! Seriously, though, it still has a greenish hue that doesn't show in pictures. But age has helped.
Samuel The slight reverse taper in the side view is mainy because I went for a deep top dent in the rear, and the front crease is only halfway down. The front view, I think it's an illusion created by the angle of the shot. Still, it's pretty straight. The size 59's start with a nice block shape.
fatwoul At least with Steve, you know you're in for a long wait. It's still agony, though. I got "lucky". When I was waiting for my AB I endured the (bad word here) of moving, getting stuck in a slummy rental house oblivion for several months, etc. So I was very distracted. You should try it.