Another Federation, long neglected

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Chewbacca Jones
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Another Federation, long neglected

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

OK, for those who saw my Federation-AB-JPD-Keppler showdown thread, you might remember that I included pictures of an unbashed regular Federation. Well, I finally got around to bashing it. I've had it for like 9 months! I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it Raiders style or not. I have plenty of Indy hats, but all my other Feds were non-Indy's. So I caved.

What makes this one special is that I've never tried for a specifically Raiders bash on my own before, and I've never bashed a Fed Indy-style. I didn't do the turn (it wouldn't come out right on my head), and the pinch hasn't totally settled, but here it is.



and links to other views; ... wFed04.jpg ... wFed03.jpg ... wFed01.jpg

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Post by prairiejones »

Very well done. :clap: I like the relaxed pinch. It looks great from the side, as well.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Chewie, it looks simply awful. I think you should send that hat to me. :wink:
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Post by Tennessee Smith »

I think it looks great. I just ordered my Fed two days ago and be honest with me, how hard is it to bash? I've never done this so I'm anxious and at the same time worried I'll totally screw it up. Any tips?

And yes, I've read the links or at least the how to's. But hearing it in person... well you know, :wink: might make the big step a little easier to take. :shock:
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Post by BendingOak »

thats a good looking fedora. I don't understand what you ment by the turn wouldn't work?
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Looks great Chewie! Very Last Crusade. :wink:

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Post by Indiana G »

look'n good chewie!!! :D
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Post by fatwoul »

Erin Jones wrote:I think it looks great. I just ordered my Fed two days ago and be honest with me, how hard is it to bash? I've never done this so I'm anxious and at the same time worried I'll totally screw it up. Any tips?...
I ordered my fed deluxe not long ago (waiting for it to arrive - 74 hours since dispatch and counting!), and from what I've read it's not too scary. I bashed my old hat just to see how tricky it is )(like you, I'd never done this before), and it really isn't that bad. I first tried with steam, but that was more difficult, because you can't control where the steam goes very accurately, so you end up steaming the hole hat, and bits you were happy with go floppy along with the bits that need work!

The method I have decided on is water in a tiny misting bottle. It allows me to carefully spray only those parts of the hat that I want to alter, whilst leaving the rest untouched. It's a more controllable way to do it, and doesn't require 5 pairs of hands to hold everything you want to change in place at the same time. I should probably use a brand new mister, and distilled water, but right now on my old hat it makes no difference.

Anyway, that's my bit of newbie experience for you. :-)

Chewie - that hat looks exactly how I want mine to look. You've reassured me that it is possible with a federation. Thanks!
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Post by Dr.Seuss »


It appears it is "raining hats," in your neck of the woods. You must be proud with that bashing effort.

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Post by Tennessee Smith »

I ordered my fed deluxe not long ago (waiting for it to arrive - 74 hours since dispatch and counting!), and from what I've read it's not too scary.
Thanks for the reply, I'm waiting just like you. It's amazing how slow time feels between checking my mail.

Hopefully my bash will look as good as Chewie's.
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Post by fatwoul »

Erin Jones wrote:...Thanks for the reply, I'm waiting just like you. It's amazing how slow time feels between checking my mail...
Oh tell me about it. I'm intolerable waiting for parcels. The fact that I can tell you that so far I have waited 99 hours for my fed dlx should tell you all you need to know about how impatient I am, when some of these guys wait 99 DAYS (and then some) for their ABs and so on.

If I'm going to place an order with Steve, I really need to work on my patience. :D
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Erin Jones It's not really that hard. My first time bashing was also a Federation, but I did a c-crown. I was nervous, but I found out that the Fed can take quite a bit of re-bashing. Just don't let it sit for days in a shape you don't like. Overnight at most, and it's easy to play with. It's best to dry-bash the crown. The stiffness will work it's way out as you play with it. For the brim, I spray distilled water on the underside of the brim and handshape.

BendingOak I guess because of how it fits my head shape or something, the visual effect of the turn did not result in the Raiders swoop. Instead, it just looked like a bad hat in need of a re-flange. I hear some others have had this issue. Oh well. No biggie.

Dr.Seuss I guess with the issues involved as per the other thread, my mind pushed my to this latest project. Plus, I have a Magnoli HJ coming and the wait is driving me MAD!

Vitoscarlatti :lol: That's what happens when you let a Fed sit for too long. It turns brown! Seriously, though, it still has a greenish hue that doesn't show in pictures. But age has helped.

Samuel The slight reverse taper in the side view is mainy because I went for a deep top dent in the rear, and the front crease is only halfway down. The front view, I think it's an illusion created by the angle of the shot. Still, it's pretty straight. The size 59's start with a nice block shape.

fatwoul At least with Steve, you know you're in for a long wait. It's still agony, though. I got "lucky". When I was waiting for my AB I endured the (bad word here) of moving, getting stuck in a slummy rental house oblivion for several months, etc. So I was very distracted. You should try it. :roll:
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