The hat itself is made with exceptional quality and meticulous attention to detail. The fit and finish seems to be on a similar level that of my Standard AB, but I think, aside from the ribbon (which is the same on both) all the materials used in the ABD are nicer (as they should be). The felt is a tad thicker than the regular AB, but it actually seems softer and more pliable in many ways. The color is also different, perhaps a bit more on the reddish side in the ABD. The blockshape is really where the Deluxe blows everything else I've worn out of the water. The block is definitely wider than the standard AB block, and it shows (at least to me it does). I have a face that is wider than average, and I have had a hard time dealing with the idea that my hats are too narrow for my face (they were), but's Marc's block fixes all that, and it gives me the perfect, straight-sided Raiders look but with enough width that it still looks good on me.
Anyway, Marc has a new customer for life in me, as his craftsmanship and service are exceptional and his block is perfect! And now, the pics!

I ordered the hat open crown, with my usual brim specs of 2 7/8 f&b x 2 5/8 sides. I bashed the hat myself, mostly dry, with just a little water to help hold some of the tricky spots (like the top of the pinch). I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the felt was to work with on this hat. Very, VERY, high grade felt, no doubt.

The famous liner with the red logo. I really love both of the AB liner designs, but I like the red coloring just a bit more than the plain gold and white.

Now, a couple of comparison shots with the another great hat, the standard Beaver AB:

AB beaver (Left) with AB DELUXE (Right)

AB beaver (L) with AB Deluxe (R)...the famous "puffy-V" in the front section of the bow is very well defined in the ABD.
A great big "Thank you" goes out to Marc for making this magnificent hat and making a dream come true.